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Helium Scientists mistakenly thought it was a metal whose names usually end in “ium” They named it for the sun Helios but I knew it was a gas not a metal and it dwelt in the night it was heavier than stars with it there was no horizon faced with it there was nothing but my profile imprinting unto itself I claim the bay for the clams ‘cause clams always know what magnetism we’re on In one stroke the universe became vastly larger all because a gas cannot be a metal and I cannot view a horizon we all know the further away a galaxy is the faster moves the redshift I’ve always admired star stretch constant candle yogis reminding us of dynamic pasts perhaps in another past I’ve excised this line but no matter, it’s all in this room with me vibrating and spinning in miniscule differences that charge everything Multiverse appeals because it accepts defects perhaps in the nearest verse a metal is a gas and the fog is heavy with silver so all I see is horizon instead of these stacked layers that confound A mirror beautifully shattered gives texture to the world

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