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Vadim Erent Amtrak [139]

Abigail Child Blueprint #3 [6]

Habib Tengour Hodgebodge / On Raï [146]

Pierre Joris On the Stations of Mansur Al-Hallaj [144]

Holly Tavel Expedition [8]

Aaron Lowinger 3 poems [149]

Marjorie Perloff From “Suprematism” to Language Game [16]

Darren Tofts Your Reality Transformation [150]

Alexander Jorgensen Panopticon [23]

Ian Haig Chronicles of the New Human Organism [153]

Joshua Cohen Magazine [24]

Louis Armand & John Kinsella Classé-X [154]

Eileen Myles Smile [25]

Steve McCaffery Milton Enters the Left Foot [162]

Stephanie Barber what i am worth [26]

Jane Lewty 3 poems [168]

John Wilkinson Mamberamo Delta [28]

Stacy Szymaszek Hart Island [172]

Matt Hall Past the Curve of Recall [30]

Keith Jones National Wake [174]

Stephanie Strickland 3 poems [45]

Michael Farrell 5 poems [184]

Allen Fisher 3 poems [48]

Andrea Brady 7 poems [188]

Marjorie Welish Signal to Noise [49]

Veronika Drahotová Secret Hero [192]

Catherine Hales City State [52]


Mez Works [56]

Edwin Torres 3 poems [202]

Karen Mac Cormack 2 poems [60]

Alli Warren 2 poems [205]

Robert Sheppard Critical Tuning [62]

Jess Mynes 4 poems [207]

Ali Alizadeh & Bill Mousoulis The Infinity of a Story [66]

Tim Gaze shapes which are difficult to name [210]

Ron Padget 2 poems [74]

Stephanie Barber & Jen Hofer Hello [214]

Brandon Downing On Mask Avenue [76]

Aleš Šteger Urinal [225]

Pam Brown 3 poems [78]

Lina Ramona Vitkauskas 2 poems [226]

Thor Garcia Bowl of Rocks [82]

CHRISTINE WERTHEIM Madonnas & Child [228]

John Coletti 3 Poems [87]

Betsy Fagin 4 poems [231]

Jessica Fiorini 4 poems [90]

Amande In A Forest for the Trees [234]

Bruce Andrews Reader Repo [94]

Jena Osman Public Figures [238]

Richard Tipping 2 poems [98]

JAN MĚŘIČKA & Jaromír Typlt Braincreasers [240]

Vincent Farnsworth Poetic Events Hotline [100]

Octavio Armand Portrait / Self Portrait [248]

Mark Terrill 4 poems [102]

Henry Hills Interview [250]

Stephan Delbos Hidden City, Dirty Postcards [104]

Leopold Haas Another Day [256]

Rachel Blau DuPlessis Draft 103: Punctum [110]

John Godfrey 4 poems [269]

Brian Kim Stephans 3 poems [116]

Allyssa Wolf French Coldwave 1983 [271]

SANDRA DOLLER Eggphrasis [119]

Bruce Andrews Where was I been comin’ from? [272]

Arlo Quint 4 poems [120]

Elizabeth Gross 2 poems [292]

Vincent Katz 4 poems [122]

Douglas Piccinnini Painting [294]

LOUIS ARMAND Between a Cactus & Lévi-Strauss [126]

Holli Schorno & Kristin Prevallet Users Guide [295]

Véronique Vassiliou N.O. le détournement [132] Dave Brinks 2 poems [138]

Notes on contributors [302]


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