The Russell Bloodline

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Secretary of Health & Human Services—Donna Shalala- CFR,, TC, close friend of Hillary Clinton.

Secretary of Defense—Les Aspin--CFR, Socialist Les Aspin chose for his top assistant the procommunist Jew Morton Halperin. Halperln was also a dir. of the ACLU, and worked loyally for Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council.

Secretary of State—Warren Christopher--CFR

Secretary of the Interior - Bruce Babbitt — CFR, he has been involved in various activities for the elite.

Secretary of Labor—Robert Reich -- a Zionist Jew (over 50% of Clinton’s major appointees were Zionist Jews, strange considering Jews only make up 2% of the population)

Attorney General — Janet Reno -- murderer of innocent people at Waco, TX. The people at Waco believed that they were the true Jews and flew the Jewish flag at Waco, notice that Reno who is Jewish and was on the board of directors of the Jewish Illuminati Terrorist organization of the AntiDefamation League could not stand the idea of Christians believing that they are the true Jews.

Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - Henry Cisveros - CFR

Secretary of Education - Richard W. Riley - participant at Renaissance Weekend (I think the readers get the picture. I had a list of which ones were known to be gay, but I can’t find it.) A number of Clinton’s high appointees are homosexuals. There is a high correlation between homosexuality and the occult and also a big correlation between the type of ‘Jews’ Clinton has chosen and Satanism. Historically, some of the most rabid anti-Christians are Satanists from Jewish backgrounds. - During the inauguration week witches, homosexuals and homosexual witches gathered at the White House for various celebrations, to perform, to hold rituals, and other events. These people were invited by the President for various things. Clearly, those who are known publicly as a witch or a homosexual are considered honorable by the President. WHAT IS THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CLINTONS? The answer to this can be found in my very first newsletter back in 1992. Whenever YHVH God has raised up prophets (like Elijah) to turn the people back to God and morality, Satan has sent out the Jezebel spirit. Along with the Jezebel spirit goes the Ahab spirit. Hillary and Bill fit the Jezebel and Ahab spirit exactly. I remember personally when I heard several prophets of God warn about the Jezebel spirit. I thought this sounds rather strange. I had never heard about it before. Soon I began telling people in the church I was attending about the NWO and to function in a small way prophetically, and the Jezebel spirit came into that church. The church had been happy with their

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