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lPS!JChlcaLand JjJ/u'/asajLizlcaL Fllesem:ch. II

A Chrollid~ of Strange, ant/. St:(rcl, and jorgolfm Tllillgs. "-SHELLEY.




No. I.)


Introductory..... I mportant Announcement, .. Explanatory,.

The Book of the King of .-\mmon, _..



6d ..

SI'ECIAL-h'OTICE.-To anyone sending us FIVE Subscribers' N;1mcs for O!le Year, we will pest TIle Quult Af(l,!Ja::im ". as a prcmhlm for that period. Fliends throughout the world will oblige the Editor by forwarding tu him Paper,; or Magazines, issued in their respcctive localitie.<;, thaI may happen to contain <lily lllatter iil,eJy to pnj\'c interesting, or in which sla\(:ments lOay appenr of an incorrect Ch3.13Cler. The p::tragraphs s/Iould be 1JlQl·~,td in orJer to Save trouble. . ·CoRRES!'o:,\,))E:\cE.-All Commlmica.lions, whether of a Literary or Ullsincss Character, nool~s [or Rcview, etc., should be ad(ireS5ed :-. To ,lie Editor of" TilE OCCllLT MAGAZINE," Cart of H. l'\I:O;BET 8:. Co., 38 STOCKWELL STREET, GJ.ASGOW.

Postal Orders \0 he left blank.




I' .... GE

] , .-\ndent ~...f)'ll1S and llleir Mc:ming, .... 4 i Occult Psychological Phenomena, or Who was Hypatia, and 'vha are the i Strange Facts in Nature,.. ... 6 Heretics?... 5 ' Gcneml Items,. _.... ... ........... 7 2 8 2 ! To, C0ITespondcnts,

SUJ)SCRlnlO:-;' R/\TEs.-Single Copies, p05t free, l:\-d.; for

Twelve ;\fonths,



t!)mnia bindt l1rrita5.




FEBRUARY, 1885. +---- -

It is our Dainrul dut\, to herein annOtll1Ce to our -rcariers that thc Prh·;te Sccretar of our Noble Order is in the meantime seflOllS y ill, the overwhelming strain having been too much for his ornanisation. Those students who are, therdore, sp~cially 11l1der his counsel are hereby rcquested to note this. . 't. ..,

.the nature of the suLject-matter and the space requisite for the te:lchings of our Order, we lw.\"e been compelled to take this independent course. In future Tile 0(01/1 .1l/agtlziNC will be issued on the I st of every I\lollth.

'Vc regret .to state that owing to tl~e severe illness of "ZauoJ/£" a. contilluaticn of his admirable article, 2Ju Ved of Isis,"-the IiISt portion of which app~;ued in Jalluary If Ocm/list "-Illust be postponed until our Afardl issue. In order to complete that "aluminous portion of II Tlte Buuk oj the I(ing of A mil/oil,''' which forms the :::st Chapter, we have been pre\'etlted from inserting the COI1tinuation of "Rusicrllcia" (by" Afcjllo!Ir 'J) in our present number. This arlicle will also be continued in our issue for JIarch. ,j

The Ancient WIsDml-PHILOSOPljY, FOLK-LORE, MAGIC, CR\'STALLO~IANCY, ASTROLOGY, MESlIERISM, OCCULT SPIRlTUALlSl\I, and other branches of a kindred nature, will always find an appropriate place in our columns, and our policy amounts to a pledge that no bcts shall be suppressed, nor tampering permitted with any communications in order to partially sen;e, or farour, the ends or purposes of any sectarian or biased creed whatsoever.



As the valll:1ble works or the ancient Hermetic writers l1ave heretofore UCCl1 confined to \'olumes, s~arce _and difficult to obtain, or to U Rrpl~illts 11_. the prices of which ?-re, in Illost instances; entirely Our rca.ders· will obsen'e "that this, our new beyond the; rea'2h ,of the masses j to remedy this evil, and to bring those ancient authors into monthly, apri~ars under a change of name-The Occlllt AIogaziJll~an entirely ~eparate paper from . familiar intercourse with the thinking cbsses, \\'e beg to r}ot~fy that it our intention to issue duap The OcclIlhst, the lalter having been Registered as translations :1nd-reprints of su<;.h, should sufficient th"e prop~ty of another. Our Title is sufficiently subscribers come forward to' lllcet the expense of suggestive fa anyone slightly acquainted with the publication. ' mullifarious branches included in the arcana of e , thererore, beg to calI" the attention of our -. Occultisl~~.·.. _Ha\'ing a. mission to fulfil.::nd a duty ·to perform towards our fellow-students, and from readers 10 the adv~rJisemel1t in our last column.·





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