Annual report card final issuu2

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University Strategic Plan

Annual Report Card Fiscal Year 2012

University Strategic Plan (USP)

Annual Report Card FY 20121

The USP Annual Report Card highlights the University’s progress on the five Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan for FY 2012. It provides trend data that includes an overview of campus performance on key components of the University’s strategic planning documents such as: Complete College Tennessee Act, Tennessee Board of Regents Strategic Plan, and Tennessee Higher Education Performance Funding goals. The Report presents areas of strength and areas that need improvement. As the Report Card would show, there are areas worth celebrating based on the previous year’s progress: 2.63% growth in overall University enrollment; 2.07% increase in the number of students graduating from Tennessee State; 1.5% increase in Alumni Giving (representing over a quarter of a million dollars); and 6.86% jump in external grants and contracts (i.e. $3.1 million dollars more than the previous year). During the year, the University’s economic impact on the Nashville region and the State of Tennessee grew to more than a record six hundred million dollars. In addition, the University’s commitment to its public service mission expanded through the number of service learning courses offered at the institution, as well as the high number of community partnerships and students engaged in community service. I commend faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of the University for the accomplishments highlighted in this Strategic Plan Report Card. Central administration will continue to work with campus units and stakeholders to not only sustain our accomplishments, but also to continue to work on areas that need improvement. The administration will also continue to work with campus units to implement action plans towards meeting the shared goals and core expectations outlined in our Strategic Plan, and will provide, each year, a campus Report Card that highlights our progress. I thank the University Strategic Planning Council (USPC) for its work in coordinating the implementation of our Strategic Plan, and preparing this annual Report Card. Portia H. Shields, Ph.D. President

Aggregate data was collected and reported in terms of Fiscal Year; includes fall and spring semesters. Fiscal years are from July 1 – June 30 (i.e. FY 2012 is from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). The decision to use fiscal year reflects the use of performance funding and budgeting in relation to this report. 1

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Access and Diversity Access and Diversity relates to the following: growth in enrollment, distance education, transfer students, and underserved population groups as outlined in the strategic plan.


Overall Campus Enrollment



TSU Undergraduate Graduate

FY 2010 8824 6827 1997

FY 2011 8930 6857 2073

FY 2012 9165 7105 2060

I. Adults

FY 2010 3608

FY 2011 3860

FY 2012 3580

II. Low-Income (Pell grant eligible) III. African American IV. White V. Other2 VI. Health VII. STEM VIII. Education







1848 273 2252 1411 1268

1936 265 2370 1508 1272

1808 267 2581 1539 1239

FY 2010 1304 187

FY 2011 1505 197

FY 2012 1517 207

FY 2010 Not available

FY 2011 560

FY 2012 640

(25 & above)


Distance Education


Transfer Students

Number of Students Enrolled Number of Online Courses3 Number of Students 2 3

Other includes population groups such as Hispanic, Native American, and Asian. Only TSU Online Courses, and does not include RODP Courses.

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Academic Quality and Student Success Academic Quality and Student Success relates to the following: college completion, progression benchmarks, and improvements in student learning (i.e. performance on national examinations)


Actual Degree Completion by Credential

Degree Associate Bachelor Master Education Specialist Doctoral Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Total


FY 2010 112 981 379 23 79 30

FY 2011 115 975 371 12 68 54

FY 2012 138 952 403 31 70 34




Degree Completion by Subpopulation Groups


FY 2010 495

FY 2011 521

FY 2012 555

Low-Income (Pell grant eligible) African American Health STEM




814 233 153

789 270 143

805 297 150

(25 & above)


Student Progression Benchmarks by Credit Hours


National Exam Pass Rates

24 hr 48 hr 72 hr

Engineering Nursing Teaching Senior Exit Exam4

FY 2010 996 929 2502

FY 2012 1181 1059 3606

FY 2010

FY 2011

FY 2012

16.8% A.A.S= 77.7%; BSN = 95% 100% (Praxis) Not available

18% A.A.S = 70%; BSN = 87.5% 98%(praxis)

44% Data not yet available

Institutional Average:

Institutional Average:



(General Education) 4

FY 2011 1053 910 2469

The ETS national average is 448.5 for FY 2011 and is 449.1 for FY 2012.

Data not yet available

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Business-Friendly Practices Business-Friendly Practices relate to the following: improvements in user satisfaction regarding the University’s core business and educational functions where “user” is defined as students, alumni, employees, and external constituents.


Student Satisfaction (NSSE)5

FY 2010 I. Level of Academic Challenge 1st Year students TSU: 52.5 / Peers: 52.8 Senior Year students TSU: 57.1 / Peers: 56.5

TSU: 51.2 / Peers: 51.8 TSU: 55.5 / Peers: 56.3

II. Active & Collaborative Learning 1st Year students TSU: 48.2 / Peers: 42.8 Senior Year students TSU: 55.4 / Peers: 50.8

TSU: 47.7 / Peers: 43.6 TSU: 55.8 / Peers: 53.7

III. Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) 1st Year students TSU: 39.1 / Peers: 35.3 Senior Year students TSU: 46.1 / Peers: 42.3

TSU: 39.5 / Peers: 35.3 TSU: 45.2 / Peers: 43.7

IV. Enriching Educational Experiences 1st Year students TSU: 27.0 / Peers: 27.5 Senior Year students TSU: 39.2 / Peers: 39.3

TSU: 27.0 / Peers: 26.6 TSU: 38.8 / Peers: 38.8

V. Supportive Campus Environment 1st Year students TSU: 56.3 / Peers: 62.2 Senior Year students TSU: 55.9 / Peers: 59.1

TSU: 53.9 / Peers: 59.2 TSU: 53.1 / Peers: 56.8


FY 2011

FY 2012 Not yet available Not yet available

Not yet available Not yet available

Not yet available Not yet available

Not yet available Not yet available

Not yet available Not yet available

Alumni Satisfaction6

FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 I. Employment Not Available 82.7% Not yet available II. Alumni Giving7 3.82% 3.90% 5.4% III. Overall Satisfaction Not Available 71.6% Not yet available

TSU Peers are Public, comprehensive regional institutions that include the following: East Tennessee State University, Florida A&M University, Middle Tennessee State University, North Carolina A&T State University, Texas Southern University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 6 Alumni Satisfaction Survey was first conducted in 2011. 7 Alumni giving percentage calculation=(number of alumni that gave/total number of alumni with complete contacts on record) 5

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Revenue Generation/Research/Resourcefulness This KPI relates to the following: increase in external grants and contracts, alumni giving and private donations; and an efficiency plan8 that generates cost-savings in existing operations.

Revenue other than tuition/ state funds

FY 2010

FY 2011

FY 2012

A. External grants and Contracts B. Alumni Giving

42.2 million

45.2 million

48.3 million

Not Available



Not Available



C. Private and Corporate Donations

Engagement Engagement relates to the university’s engagement in community service, extension contacts throughout the state as a land-grant institution, and international education reflected in the number of TSU students participating in study abroad opportunities and the number of international students enrolled at the institution.


Community Service Engagement

I. Number of Service Learning Courses II. Number of Community Partnerships III. Number of Students Engaged in Community Service IV. Total Number of Student Hours Spent in Community Service

FY 2010 59

FY 2011 56

FY 2012 117









21,392 5 • Page

Engagement [cont.]


International Engagement

I. TSU students participating in Study Abroad

FY 2010 Not available

II. International Enrollment9 90


FY 2011 43

FY 2012 52



Land-grant Engagement and Regional Economic Impact

I. Number of Face-to-Face Extension contacts10

FY 2010 Not available

FY 2011 Not available

FY 2012 271,676

II. Economic Impact11 (in dollars)

Not available

$610 million

$615 million

The University implemented plans that result in cost-savings in such areas as: online evaluation of faculty instruction, Financial Aid Loan Default Management, and a new paper-electronic hybrid travel system. 8


Based on U.S. Department of Education definition of International student status.


Data tracking for face-to-face extension contacts began in FY 2012

The Economic Impact of Tennessee State University on the State of Tennessee 2010-2011. Impact study conducted by the Office of Business and Economic Research, College of Business, Tennessee State University. The economic impact of the University is computed by grouping expenditures items into three broad categories as follows: university, students, and visitors. The expenditures under each category generate direct, indirect, and induced effects, as well as tax revenues to the state economy. 11

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Office of Insititutional Planning and Assessment (IPA) Division of Academic Affairs 615.963.2551


Office of the President Tennessee State University 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209-1561

Publication TSU-13-0011 (A)-15c-12620 Tennessee State University is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its program and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Ms. Tiffany Cox, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Compliance, 3500 John A. Merritt Bvd, Nashville, TN 37209, (615) 963-7435 Publucation #: TSU-13-0011 (A)-15c-12620

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