Year in Review 2012

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We work in an accelerated and on-demand business climate where compeƟƟon is not limited to local or even naƟonal businesses, but is found everywhere in the world. Technology, travel and communicaƟon soluƟons have globalized markets, making the 24/7 business environment a mandate. Real Ɵme demands are transforming economies and cultures and as a consequence, businesses. The companies that can provide quality responses to the new market demands will be successful. Adaptability and speed-to-market are the keys to that success. This is not a point in Ɵme remark. Legacy systems, anƟquated manual processes and the inability to make immediate market adjustments will be the demise of organizaƟons, or at a minimum will force them to watch their compeƟtors gain market share. Lexicon is traveling forward in the fast lane. Remaining flexible and thought provoking while adding value to our mobility soluƟons is imperaƟve for our clients and those clients looking to improve their programs. Peak performance maƩers on all levels.

Big Four Tax Engine OpƟon

Expanded capabiliƟes and automaƟon of our Global CompensaƟon AccumulaƟon support

Expanded Lexicon Thought Leadership. A strategic combina on of our on-the-ground resources and networks around the globe improving real me solu ons. Increased webinars on mely, per nent topics of interest to allow more interac on and current informa on dissemina on. Global surveys and regional studies will also be highlighted.


EExpansion xpansion and ffurther urther integraƟon of LexTrek, Lexicon’s internaƟonal moving services model

Lexicon remains in motion, helping shape the future of global mobility with consultative, innovative, and comprehensive solutions for your evolving needs

Improved “quick esƟmate” tool for all move types

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.