28881156 the nomads of the balkans

Page 360







Shi eara una mai ku un pap, avea un kukot ku na galina. Imna, imna mai ku paplu shi kukotlu s alna sti alunu. Kukotlu kanta shi galina shdea m pade shi 1' tsia, " Kukoate, kukoate aruka n' na aluna." Shi arka na aluna shi skoase old'u a " Kukoate, kukoate aruka ninka una."


Metagri galina,

L' arka ninka




" Kukoate, kukoate aruka ninka una." Al' skoase sh aland okru. skoase un tshor metagri galina pali, " Kukoate, kukoate aruka ninka una." Shi arka ninka una slii 1' skoase aland tshoru. Plamplum Galina ku maia al' dzasira a katilui, " Afendi m, galina la katilu. " afendi m, brea n' okl'l'l, brea n' tshoarle, tsi n' adara kukotlu " Adusira kukotlu aklotse Katilu kl'ima kukotlu, "Atsets kukotlu aoa ;



" Tsi ai di galina




N' arupse smeana alunlu." Katilu aduse alunlu, "Tsi aveai di smeana a kukotlui ?" "Tsi manka frandzile kapra ?" " Tsi nu " Atsets kapra aoatse," dzase napoi katilu. dzase alunlu. " " Tsi nu n' Pikurarlu al' dzase, didea gine pikurarlu ? m pashtia " pane doamna mea ? " Doamna dzase, " Tsi manka poarka alotlu ? " " Atsets poarka aoa " N' eara foame," dzase, Poarka nu gri tsiva Amintshu (Metsovo) shi skapa. ?




The Cock and the Hen

And there was an old woman with an old man, she had a cock with a hen. The old woman with the old man walked and walked, and the cock climbed on a nut tree. The cock was crowing and the hen was sitting down, and was saying to him, " Cock, cock throw me a nut." And he threw a nut and knocked out the hen's eye. The hen called He tlirew her one more and again, "Cock, cock throw one more." knocked out her other eye too. " Cock, cock throw one more." He knocked off her leg the hen called again, " Cock, cock throw one more." And he threw one more and knocked off her other leg. Plam plum the hen is off to the judge. The hen with the old woman said to the judge, "Master, master, look at my eyes, look at my legs, see what the cock did to me " The judge called the cock, " Bring the cock " What have you with the here." They brought the cock there " " drawers." The judge brought the tore my The nut tree hen ? nut tree, " What had you with the cock's drawers ? " " Why did the Bring the goat here," said goat eat my leaves ? " said the nut tree. " Wliy did not the shepherd feed me well ? " The the judge again. shepherd said, " Why did not my mistress give me bread ? " The " Bring the sow mistress said, " Wliy did the sow eat the yeast ? " here " The sow did not call out at all ; " I was hungry," she said, ;









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