Institutional Self Study

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Planning Agenda None. III.A.4.c The institution subscribes to, advocates, and demonstrates integrity in the treatment of its administration, faculty, staff and students. Description Laney College is committed to and demonstrates integrity in its treatment of all personnel and students. It upholds the national labor laws, statewide codes and statutes, and local policies that support this result, and it does so through the development and use of administrative and educational practices. Among the regulations it follows are its equal opportunity policy, reasonable accommodation practice, fair employment and non discrimination policies, the Americans with Disabilities Act and FEHA, and equitable personnel policies and procedures. (see Peralta Administrative Handbook, 2007.) As evidence of its commitment, the district hired a director of employee relations to provide oversight in non-discrimination and equal opportunity, and to further ensure integrity in its treatment of all constituencies (IIIA4c-1). Through its representative bodies, the college has established avenues for advocacy for administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The advocacy groups are the Peralta Federation of Teachers Local 1603 and the Faculty Senate for faculty; SEIU Local 1021, I.U.O.E Local 39, and the Classified Senate for classified staff; and the Associated Students for students. Each stakeholder group is informed about how it shall be treated as reflected in the relevant labor union contracts, which detail working conditions, including hours, evaluations, working conditions, and options for professional development. For students, a comprehensive description of rights and responsibilities, academic integrity, and support systems available is included in the college catalog, student handbook, and on the Laney web site. Further details about supports for students are found in the student equity plan (IIIA4c-2). District-wide policies assure integrity and fairness in the treatment of administrators and non-


Laney College

represented employees (BP 3.04). The PFT Contract has a specific section: Article 5, entitled “nondiscrimination.� Also, the PFT represents faculty that face discrimination charges or feel that they have been discriminated against during their employment with the district. Comparable representation exists for staff represented by SEIU 1021 and Local 39. Moreover, a clear set of district and college policies and procedures ensure integrity in the treatment of students (see BP and Administrative Procedures (AP) chapter 5 of the college catalog). If necessary, cases may go as far as the director of employee relations. Evaluation The college meets this standard. Planning Agenda None. III.A.5 The institution provides all personnel with appropriate opportunities for continued professional development, consistent with the institutional mission and based on identified teaching and learning needs. III.A.5.a The institution plans professional development activities to meet the needs of its personnel. Description In 2005-2006, the Peralta Board of Trustees with its colleges developed several directions and priorities for district strategic planning. One of these priorities is human resource development: to provide training and professional development for all employees (D6 of the strategic planning document). Currently, training is provided for all employee groups. At Laney, professional development is driven by the needs of individuals and groups of employees and aligned with the strategic educational and operational priorities of the district and its colleges. In addition, the offerings meet the intent and requirement of AB 1725 (IIIA5a-1). The district office of educational services is the primary office responsible for staff development. At the college, classified staff, faculty, and administrators assume leadership on a cyclical basis as members of the college staff development

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