Subjective Atlas of Hungary | Magyarország szubjektív atlasza

Page 157


Congratulations, you've landed on the joker. You may choose one of the following weapons: baseball bat; Molotov cocktail; can of petrol; or a rubber truncheon taken from a policeman.

You are a policeman, your leg is broken. Miss 3 goes.

You damaged a historical monument. Go to a waste collection plant and hand in the metal. Miss 1 go.

You've got into MTV Headquarters, you are standing in the Buffet field. Eat and drink to your heart’s content, but take care, you'll be left out of the arson attack.

The police are after you! Move forward 8 squares.

Wearing a hooded Lonsdale sweatshirt, recite “Wake up, Magyar!” Move forward the number of lines you know by heart.

You've landed in the media. You can make a statement on television. Beforehand, hit yourself over the head twice so that your nose bleeds.

You are a policeman and you're cornered in the truck with the water cannon. You must stay there until somebody catches up with you!


You may vote at the 2010 elections!

You set a museum-piece tank going. But you run out of fuel, so go back to START!

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