Kendrick news term 1 2014 15

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Kendrick News Welcome from the Headteacher Welcome to our first Newsletter of 2014-15 and a special welcome to parents/carers of new students to Kendrick. We have had an excellent start to this academic year and all our new students in Years 7, 12, and the three new students in Year 9 and 10 appear to have settled in well and are enjoying life at Kendrick. I have had conversations with all Year 7 students and some Year 12 students and overall they tell me they are very happy about being at Kendrick. From the younger girls, they have told me how they feel inspired by everything around them: their teachers, lessons and most of all the older students. Students in Year 12 have spoken of how welcoming and pleasant everyone has been and how they have very much appreciated their teachers and staff, as well as, their Buddies who have helped them settle in. We have been joined by new staff this year: Mr Michael Wilson in the Economics and Business Studies Department, Mrs Yusra Malik in the Mathematics Department, Mrs Cathy Johnson in the Biology Department, Miss Katherine McDiarmid who is our Examinations Officer and Data Manager. We also welcome back Dr David Wright in the Chemistry Department. Once again we were very pleased and proud of all our students’ achievements in the summer examinations and congratulate them for their outstanding results. We are looking forward to Speech Day in December when we can welcome back our former Year 13 students, most of whom have started their university courses, as well as the students who left in Year 11 and formally acknowledge and congratulate them for their success. It has been a busy term as you can see from the number and variety of activities contained in this newsletter. The usual Term 1 events have taken place including our now annual School Birthday celebrations in September; charity events, notably Year 9 Charity Week which raised an astonishing £1270.50! There was also the SMILE Day event earlier in October. This week the House Music Competition took place, which for the first time was performed in the evening to a packed audience of parents and friends; we congratulate Sidmouth House for winning the competition. Outside of school, there have been a number of trips including the very successful residential trips to France and Germany that most of the Year 10 students were part of. Another regular feature of this term has been the Year 11 Work Experience Week early in October, when students went on placements, experiencing the world of work in a wide range of work places and professions. The reports we have received have shown us that not only did the girls

enjoy their placements but also the employers were extremely happy to have them.

October 2014

Also this term we have been continuing our commemorations of the centenary of the start of First World War which started with our Battlefield Trip in March and the Reflections Concert in July. This term, Mrs Carden, Head of the Art Department, has been working with Year 9 to produce our own poppies which we will place in our grounds on 11/11 as part of our Remembrance activities. Other Departments, including Textiles, Food Technology, English, History, Music, and Mathematics are also making their preparations for that week.

Term 1 2014/15

I would like to once again ask parents to complete an online survey called Parent View. This survey is run by the government and is the first port of call for an Ofsted inspection team when they begin a school inspection. We feel that in the event of an inspection we would want parental views to be a factor in that process. There is no restriction on who can view the results and the whole process is anonymous. The survey takes the form of a set of 12 statements to which there are responses ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. This is a potential source of parental feedback that we would like to use as we value your views on the school. The survey is limited as there is no space to make comments, but it is very quick to fill in; you have to register with Parent View prior to completing the survey. We would appreciate if you could complete this survey in the next few weeks. Please click here for a link. I would like to thank parents/carers for their support and encouragement so far this term. It has been a pleasure meeting new parents at the Year 7 and 12 Information Evenings as well as parents of Years 8 and 10. I would also like to thank parents who have made a voluntary donation to our School Fund; your support is vital to us and very much appreciated.

 Classics News

Finally, my particular thanks to staff and students for their tireless efforts and focused attitude this term; I wish everyone a very happy and restful break. Best wishes Ms Christine Kattirtzi, Headteacher

 Y9 Charity Week  Work Experience  School Birthday  National Poetry Day  Y10 MFL Residentials

 Science News

 Geography News  KPS Update  Valerie Hume Bursary

 PE News  Calendar

Contact Kendrick School London Road Reading RG1 5BN www.kendrick.reading.

0118 9015859 admin@kendrick.

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