Big eyes 1

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have a seventh period class, so school officially lets out at 4:30

Then, once I was accepted, I had to obtain a Korean visa - that

pm. That’s when the day ends for me, as well.

part happened just a week or so before my flight was scheduled! I’ve heard the application process now is even more demanding

How did you go about applying to work in Korea and was

than in the past.

I applied to the EPIK program through an external teaching

Do you earn a good income?

it a difficult process?

I feel rather comfortable with my income. In case you’re curious,

agency, Reach to Teach. The EPIK program is part of the Korean government, which recruits people to work in public schools in

I make 2.2 million Korean Won a month. It’s far more than I need

Korea. There are exceptions - a friend of mine was placed at a

in Korea, but not particularly great once transferred over to the

private school. The application process is very time-consuming

States. My host school provides me with an apartment, so my

and demanding, part of the reason I eventually chose to accept

main expenses are utilities and food. Nevertheless, I haven’t

the job I was offered.

saved nearly as much here so far as I expected to - I guess

One is required (for American applicants) to write a 700 or so word essay, participate in a phone interview, obtain

an international winter vacation didn’t help much with that. I’m

fingerprints, state and federal background checks, fill out medical

primarily here in this job to pay off my student loans, and to that

disclaimers, and much more I can’t remember at the moment.

end, I’m making slow but steady progress. It’s possible to make more money while you’re here if you

All documentation must be apostilled to be internationally valid.



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