Kairali Souvenir 2012

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fse er Printed & Published by : Mr Mr.. Sath Sathyyadas Thopil Thopil, at : Sruth Sruthyy Of Offse fsett Print Printer erss, Chalakudy, Thrissur Dt - 680 724 Layout & Graphics : Creative Team Sruthy All rights reserved @ Karirali of Baltimore, USA

ae-bm-fn°v s]mt∂mWw hs∂-Øp-I-bmbv,

]qhnfn ]qhnfn s]mt∂m-W-am-bo... \o hcq \o hcq s]mt∂mW Xpºo... ]mSn \ap°o s]mt∂m-WsØ hc-th¬°mw. temI-sØ-ºm-Sp-ap≈ at‰-sXmcp BtLm-jt- Ø-°mfpw hyXy-kvXamb Hcp hy‡n-Xz-ap≠v HmWm-tLm-j-Øn-\v. ImcWw as‰m-∂p-a-√. C{Xbpw aX-ku-lm¿±-tØm-Sp-IqSn BtLm-j-]q¿∆w sIm≠m-Sp∂ at‰sX-¶nepw BtLmjw Fhn-sS-sb-¶n-ep-apt≠m? Cs√∂v Xs∂ \nkw»bw ]d-bmw. ì It is like something special in our heart, when we think about onam, Says S.George from white marsh. HmWw HsØm-cp-a-bpsS BtLm-j-am-sW-∂m-Wt√m \ΩpsS hnizmkw. {]kvXpX BtLm-j-th-f-tbm-S-\p-_-‘n®v alm-c-Y-\mb amthen Xºp-cms‚ Fgp-s∂-≈Øpw At±-l-Øns‚ ktµ-ihpw \ΩpsS-bn-S-bn¬ ]q¿∆m-[nIw i‡n-tbmsS ho≠pw IS-∂p-h-cp-∂p. B. Varghese from Belair comments:- ìIt gives us inner strength that we are not alone in this busy world, It gives us a sense of our roots.î GsXmcp kaq-l-Øn-s‚bpw \s´-√mb \ΩpsS bph-X-e-ap-dbv°v HmWm-tLm-j-Øns‚ {]kvIXn \jvS-s∏´p F∂p-Xs∂ ]d-bmw. HmWmtLm-j-Øn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-∂-Xn¬ \n∂v D]cn Snhn tjmbn¬ \o¥n-ØpSn-°m-\mWv Ah¿°v Xmev]-cy-sa∂v tXm∂p-∂p. ìOnam means celebrations of unity, But we not interested. We love flowers and we do Athappkkalam during onam days. Nothing else. Say a 9 year old student Appu Thathu from Perry hall. \ap°v sNøm-hp-∂Xv Ht∂-bp-≈p. \ΩpsS kwkvIm-cØ - ns‚ kXyk-‘X - bpw hnizm-ky-Xbpw Ah¿°v ]I¿∂p sImSp-°p-I, Bb-Xn-eqsS HmW-Øns‚ ]In´v \ap°v hos≠-Sp-°W - s - a∂v hniz-kn-°p-∂p. ssIcfn Hm^v _mƒ´n-tam-dns‚ Cu 28˛m-aXp kvac-WnIbn¬ ssIcfn IpSpw-_mw-K-ß-fptSbpw AXp-t]mse Xs∂ ssIc-fn-bpsS A`yp-Zb Imw£n-If - p-tSbpw krjvSn-Iƒ ]c-am-h[n Dƒs∏-Sp-Øm≥ {ian®n-´p-≠v. Xß-fpsS krjvSn-Iƒ sIm≠v Cu kvac-Wn-Isb kºp-jvSam-°nb F√m-htcmSpw FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ IΩn-‰n-bpsS AI-a-gn™ \µn. IqSmsX ]c-ky-ßfpw Biw-k-Ifpw \¬In kmº-Øn-I-ambn kl-Icn® F√m-h-tcmSpw ssIc-fn-bpsS IrX-⁄X tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. Cu kvac-WnI Xøm-dm-°p-∂-Xn¬ kl-I-cn® F√m IΩn‰n AwK-ß-tfmSpw Bflm¿∞-amb \µn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. Festivals everywhere bring the people together and highlights the traditions of the place.And onam is definitely one such festival which reminds us that we should proud to be Malayalis!!! I≈hpw NXn-bp-an-√mØ Hcp \√ \mfns‚ kvacW DW¿Øp∂ HmW-°m-e-Øns‚ lrZ-bw-K-a-amb Biw-k-Iƒ. kXy-Zmkv tXm∏n¬ No^v FUn-‰¿

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It gives me immense pleasure to know that Kairali of Baltimore, Malayalee Association, Maryland, USA celebrating Onam and bringing out a souvenir to commemorate this event. Onam is celebrated all over the world where Keralites are present. It is an ideal occasion to ponder over our rich tradition and sweet memories. Happy onam wishes to all the Association members and best wishes for your efforts.

Oommen Chandy

Shri. Sathyadas Thoppil Chief Editor Kairali Of Baltimore

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I am happy to learn that the ‘Kairali of Baltimore’ is bringing out a Souvenir 2012 during the Onam Celebration of this year. I compliment Maryland Malayalee community for their efforts and convey my best wishes for the endeavor.

V.S. Achuthanandan

Shri. Sathyadas Thoppil Chief Editor Kairali Of Baltimore

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\ΩpsS kwkvIm-csØ Ata-cn-°≥ sFIy-\m-Sp-I-fnepw ImØp-k-£n-°p∂ ssIcfn Hm^v _mƒ´n-tam¿ F∂ kwL-S-\bv°pw AXns‚ {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-amb ssIcfn ktµiw 2012\pw F√m-hn[ Biw-k-Ifpw t\cp-∂p.


\yqU¬ln 25.07.2012

hb-em¿ chn tI{µ {]hmknImcy- a{¥n

an\n kXy-Zmkv {]kn-U‚ v, ssIcfn Hm^v _mƒ´n-tam¿

ssIcfn 6 ktµiw2012

kplr-Øp-°-sf, ssIc-fn-bpsS t\Xr-ÿm-\Øv \n∂p {]h¿Øn-°m≥ In´nb Cu Ahkcw hfsc hne-tb-dnb A\p`-h-ambn Rm≥ Icp-Xp-∂p. a\ n¬ ]q°-f-ß-fpw, ]qhn-fn-I-fpw, hncp-s∂-Øp∂ _‘p-°fpw F√mw am™p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ Hm¿Ω-I-fmbn am{Xw Ahti-jn-°p∂ Cu Xnct°-dnb Pohn-X-Øn¬ \Ωƒ {]hm-kn-Iƒ, Cßns\ Hcp Iq´mb HmWsa-¶nepw Hcp°n-bn-s√-¶n¬∏ns∂ Ht∂m¿sØ-Sp-°p-hm≥ t]mepw ]‰mØ A\p`-h-ß-fn¬ H∂mbn amdpw HmWw. ssIcfn \n߃°mbn Hcp°p∂ Cu h¿jsØ HmWhpw ]q¿∆m-[nIw BkzmZy-I-c-am-bn-cn°s´. ssIcfn Cu h¿jw Iem-]-chpw, Imbn-I-]-chpw, tkh-\-]-chp-amb ]e ]cn-]m-Sn-Ifpw ae-bm-fn-Iƒ°mbn Hcp°n. sI.-kn.Fkv.Fw.U- ª yq.hns‚ Iq´m- b va- b n¬ Hcp°nb a¨kq¨ {Uowkv, sI.F.Pn.Uªyq.hpambn tN¿∂v kwL- S n- ∏ n® kv t ]m¿Sv k v tU, t]mfntbm hnap‡ C¥y BtLmjn-°m-\mbn Hcp°nb ^manen ^¨ ss\‰v, I-Ωyq-Wn‰n Km¿U≥ F∂nh DZml-c-W-ß-fm-Wv. Rß-fpsS {]h¿Ø-\-߃, sadn-em‚nse ae-bm-fn-Iƒ°v BkzmZy-I-c-hpw {]tbmP-\-{]-Z-hp-am-bn-cp∂p F∂v {]Xo-£n-°p-∂p. Ipd-hp-Iƒ D≠mbn-cn-°mw. \nß-fpsS Xpd∂ hne-bn-cp-Ø-ep-Iƒ, hna¿i-\-߃ R߃°v kzoImcy-am-Wv. IqSp-X¬ anI-thmsS C\nbpw ]e ]cn-]m-Sn-Ifpw sNøp-hm\p≈ {]tNm-Z-\-am-Ip-a-Xv. ssIc-fn-bpsS F√m hnP-b-߃°pw ]n∂n¬ \nß-fpsS kulr-Zhpw klm-b-ß-fp-am-Wv. XpS¿∂pw Cu _‘w IqSpX¬ i‡n-tbmsS \ne-\n¬°s´ F∂min-°p-∂p. hfsc Xnc-t°-dnb Pohn-X-Øn¬ \n∂pw am‰n-sh-bv°m-\m-hp∂ GXm\pw aWn-°q-dp-Iƒ ae-bm-fn-If - psS tkh-\Ø - n-\mbn Nne-hg - n-°m≥ a\- p≈ Hcp Iq´w \√-bm-fp-I-fpsS kulr-Zkw-L-S-\-bmWv ssIcfn Hm^v _mƒ´n-tam¿ F∂v Rm≥ Xncn-®-dn-bp∂p. C∂v \ΩpsS Ip´n-Iƒ tIc-f-Øns‚, ae-bm-f-a-Æns‚ Iebpw kwkvIm-chpw A\pI-cn-°pIbpw BkzZn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p-s≠-¶n¬ AXv CØcw Iq´m-bva-IfpsS IqSn ^e-am-Wv. Cu Iq´mbva F∂pw ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS CSbn¬ \ne-\n¬°-s´. AXneqsS \ap°o kulr-Z- kw-cw-`sØ hnP-bn-∏n-°m\mbn ssItIm¿Øv apt∂m´v \oßmw. \ΩpsS hcpw Xe-ap-d-Iƒ°mbn F√m ae-bm-fnIƒ°-ambn Cu kulrZw Fs∂∂pw \ne-\n¬°-s´. F√mh¿°pw ssIcfn Hm^v _mƒ´n-tam-dns‚ t]cn¬ lrZbw \nd™ HmWm-iw-k-Iƒ. an\n kXy-Zmkv {]kn-U‚ v. ssIcfn 7 ktµiw2012

ae- b mfn FhnsS- b pt≠m AhnsS HmWm- t Lm- j - a p≠v . amth-en-bpsS kz¥w \m´n-em-bmepw Ggmw IS-en-∂-°-sc-bm-bm-epw!! A\phmZw tNmZn-°msX kΩXw hmßmsX Hmtcm a\p-jy\pw Hcp \ntbmKw t]mse `qan-bn¬ ]nd∂p hogp-∂p. P∑wsIm≠ \mƒap-X¬ Ah\v AhIm- i n- I fpw _‘p- ° fpw IqsStNcp- ∂ p. AΩbp- s Sbpw A—t‚bpw XW-en¬ hf¿∂p hep-Xm-Ip-∂-tXmsS Ah\v IS-∏m-Sp-IfpsS `mWvUw Gt‰≠n-h-cp-∂p. kwXr-]vX-ambn, kt¥m-j-tØmsS Pohn°m-\p≈ hy{K-X-bn¬ Ah≥ ]e hgn-I-fn-eq-sSbpw bm{X sNøp-∂p. Aßns\ hgn sX‰n-tbm, icn-bmb hgn-bneq-sStbm ChnsS FØn tN¿∂v \ap°pth-≠nbpw \ΩpsS ho´p-°m¿°pw \mSn\pw \m´p-Im¿°v th≠nbpw tPmen sNøp-∂, a\- n¬ \∑ am{Xw kq£n-°p∂ Hcp Iq´w ae-bm-fnIƒ ˛ AhcpsS Iq´m-bva ˛ AXmWv ssIc-fn. ChnsS \ap°v ]cn-`-h-ßfn√ F√mhcpw H∂mWv. a\ v Xpd-°m-\pw, kt¥mjw ]¶p hbv°m\pw Hcpan®p IqSm\pw Ipsd aWn-°q-dp-Iƒ˛AXn¬ G‰hpw {][m-\-amWv HmWm-tLm-jw. {InkvXp-a v BtLmj-th-f-Iƒ, hnt\m-Z-bm{X ]cn-]mSn-Iƒ CsX√mw \ΩpsS a\- p-I-fpsS IqSn-t®-c-em-Wv. \mw AdnbmsX ]c-kv]cw ASp°m-\p≈ thZn-Iƒ. GIm¥-X-bn¬ Xs‚ Ip´n-°mew Hm¿°mØ ae-bmfn Bcp≠v. hgn-bn¬ ImWp∂ sNfn-sh≈w X´n-sX-dn-∏n®v Iq´p-Im-cpsS tXmfn¬ ssIbn´v kvIqfn-te-°p≈ {]bmWw, HmW°m-ew A-Sp-°p-∂-tXmsS kt¥m-j-Øns‚ \mfp-Iƒ, sImº≥ aoi-h® amjn-t‚bpw XSn® So®-dptSbpw Nqc¬ {]tbmKw t]Sn-°msX, Xpº-∏qhpw sNØnbpw sNº-cØnbpw Ip´-I-fn-em°n ap‰Øv ]q°fw Xo¿°p-∂, 10 Zn\-߃. amthen a∂s\ hc-th¬°m≥ Xr°m-°c A∏s\ Hcp°p∂ AΩbpw apØ»nbpw IpSpw-_mw-K-ß-fpw. F∂m¬ CsX√mw \ΩpsS a°ƒ°v Cs∂mcp apØ-»n-°Y am{X-am-Wv. \mw ChnsS ae-bm-fn-Iƒ H‰ a\- mbn as‰mcp tIc-fhpw amthen \mSn-t\-°mƒ at\m-l-c-ambn HmWm-tLm-jhpw kwLSn-∏n-°p-∂p. Cu \∑bpw Iq´m-bvabpw F∂pw \ne-\n¬°-s´, Gh¿°pw lrZbw \nd™ HmWm-iw-k-ItfmsS,

tPmbv IqSen sk{I-´dn

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Executive Committee - 2012












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]nW-dmbn hnP-b-t\mSv Hcp Xpd∂ A`y¿∞\ tXm∏pw-]-Sn-bn¬ \n∂p aPo-{µ≥ C∂se (31.05.2012) Fs∂ t^mWn¬ hnfn-®p. Abmƒ PvRm\]oTw tP{Xn _wKmƒ kmln-Xy-Imcn alm-tiz-Xm-tZhn ]nW-dmbn hnP-b\v Ab® IØns‚ ]q¿Æ-cq-]w.

Source : Malayalamanorama Online: Story Dated : Saturday, June 2, 2012

BsI Akz-ÿ-\m-bn-cp-∂p. kn.-]n.-sF.˛F-Ωns‚ tIc-f-Ønse Hcp t\Xm-hmb aWn Fs∂m-cmƒ Sn.-]n. N{µ-ti-J-cs‚ \njvTqc sIme-]m-XIw Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ cmjv{Sob sIme]mXIw Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ cmj-{Sob sIme-]m-X-I-ßsf \ymbo-I-cn-®-Xmbn Ft∂mSp ]d™p. aPo-{µ≥ Xmtg-Ø´- n-ep≈ a’y-sØm-gn-emfn t\Xm-hm-Wv. aPo-{µ\p IqSp-X¬ t£m`w Cu kn]n-sF-˛Fw t\Xmhv temIsØ G‰hpw tami-amb Nne A«oe {]tbm-K-߃ Fs‚ ta¬ sNmcn™Xnem-sW∂p Rm≥ a\- n-em-°p-∂p. AXv A¿ln-°pw-hn[w F¥p Ip‰-amWp Rm≥ sNbvXXv? Fs‚ ssI∏-S-bn-emWp Rm\n-sX-gp-Xp-∂-Xv. kmt¶-XnI hnZy-I-fn¬ {]mho-Wy-ap≈ Hcm-tf-b√ Rm≥. {]mIr-Xhpw hnIr-X-hp-amb Cu IYm-]m{Xw Fs‚ ta¬ hnjw No‰p∂Xp sIm¬°-Ø-bn-en-cp∂p Rm≥ ImWp-∂p. ]s£, F\n°p aWn-tbmSp tZjy-an-√. Abmsf \nco-£n-°m≥ \√ Xam-i-bm-bn-cp-∂p. aWn-s°-Xnsc Akm-[m-cWtam Be-¶mcn-Itam Bbn Hcp \S-]-Snbpw F\n°v FSp-°m-\m-hn-s√-∂Xp kXy-am-Wv. F¨]-Øn-tbgns‚ sNdp-∏-Øn¬ PohnXmk‡n-bpsS AkvIn-X-bn-emWv Rm\n-t∏mgpw. acn-°m≥ Rm\m{K-ln-°p-∂n-√. Ft∂°pw F\n°p Pohn-°-Ww. tPmjn tPmk-^n\v C°mcyw \∂m-b-dnbmw. (A-bm-fpsS kn\n-a-Iƒ \ntcm-[n® _p≤-tZhv `´m-Nm-cy-sb-t∏msebmImsX Xm¶ƒ B kn\n-a-Iƒ ImW-Ww. _p≤-tZ-hn\p \µn, Rm≥ tPmjnsb I≠p-ap´n). Sn.-]n. N{µ-ti-J-cs‚ `mcy casb ImWm≥ t]mIp-tºmƒ Rm≥ bph-k-Jm-°-tfmSp ]d-™Xv Fs‚ _jmbv SpUp F∂ ]pkvXIw aebmf Ønte°p ]cn-`mjs∏Sp-Ø-Wsa-∂m-Wv. Fs‚ \mb-I≥ _jmbv SpUp Hcp Irjo-h-e-\m-Wv, hna-X-\m-Wv. A∂sØ k¿°m¿ Abmsf sIm√m-\m-{Kln°pIbpw Abmƒ sIm√-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. AbmfpsS arX-tZlw Xncn-®-dn-™p. At∏m-tg°pw Hcp hna-X≥, Hcp t]mcmfn IS-∂p-h-cn-Ibpw Xm\mWp _jmbv SpUp F∂p {]Jym]n°pIbpw sNøp-∂p. bYm¿∞ P\-t\XmhmI-bm¬ Fs‚ _jmbv SpUp ac-W-an-√msX P\-lr-Z-b-ß-fn¬ XpS¿∂pw Pohn-°p-I-bmWv. Sn.-]n. N{µ-ti-J-c\pw Aa-c-\m-Wv. Fs‚ _jmbv SpUp-hn-s\t∏mse Abmƒ P\-lr-Z-b-ß-fn¬ Pohn-°p-Ibpw Ahsc \bn-°p-Ibpw sNøpw. F√m-Øcw Bfp-Ifpw h∂v Ft∂mSp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. tI´-I-Y-I-fn-sem∂v Fs∂ `b-s∏-Sp-Øn. tIc-f-Øn-em¿°pw kn]n-sF-˛-Fw kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn ]nW-dmbn hnP-bs‚ l¿ayØn\v Acn-In-seßpw t]mIm-\m-hn-√. hnP-b≥! F\n-°Xp hniz-kn-°m\mhp∂n-√. N{µ-ti-J-c\p Xs‚ Poh≥ \¬tI≠nh∂Xns‚ Imc-W-ß-fn-sem-∂v Cu sIm´mcw t\cn´p ImWm≥ Nne H©nbw kJm-°sf Iq´nsIm-≠p-t]m-Im≥ ss[cy-s∏-´-Xm-sW∂v Ah¿ ]d-bp-tºmƒ Dƒ°n-Snew Gdp-∂p. t\cn´p t_m[y-s∏-Sp-thmfw F\n-°Xp hniz-kn°m\mhn-√. 2012 tabv \men\p Sn.-]n. Iim∏p sNø-s∏-´-Xn\p kao-]sØ `nØn-bn¬ At∏mgpw Nph∏p amdn-bn-´n-√mØ c‡-°d Rm≥ I≠p. sX°p-Zn-i°v ba-cm-P-t‚-Xm-bn-´mWv Adnb-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. ]s£, AXp tIc-f-am-In-√. AhnSw hfsc lcn-X-am-Wv; ]®∏v Fs∂ tamln∏n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. tIc-f-Ønse Fgp-Øp-Imcpw Ne-®n-{X-Im-c-∑mcpw kmwkvIm-cnI {]h¿Ø-Icpw Fgpt∂‰p \n¬°p-Ibpw {]Xn-tj[n°p-Ibpw thW-sa∂v Rm≥ A`y¿∞n-°p-∂p. \Ωƒ, kmkw-Im-cnI cwK-Øp-≈-h¿°v Bbp[w Ht∂-bp-≈p. \ap°p {]Xn-tj-[n-°mw. _wKm-fn¬ Rß-fXp ]c-ky-ambn sNøp-∂p. {]Xn-tj-[n-°p-I. alm-tiz-Xm-tZhn 01.06.2012

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iz kpµ-cn, kq∏¿ tamU¬ Sn.-hn. tjm BXn-tYb kn\nam \Sn, ]mNI hn[n {KŸ I¿Øm-hv, “FΩn” (Emmy) Ahm¿Uv tPXm-hv, k¬am≥ dpjvZn-bpsS CS-°me ]Xv\n... Cßs\ t]mIp∂p tIc-fob ]nXm-hn\p ]nd∂ ]fl e£van. GI-tZiw 40 h¿j-߃°p apºv sNs∂- b n¬ ss^k¿ ^m¿a- k yq- ´ n°¬ FIvkn-Iyq-´o-hn\pw t\gvkmb hnP-bbv°pw ]p{Xn-bmbn ]fl P\n-®p. Ah-fpsS P\\Øn≥sc {]Ya h¿jw Xs∂ A—\pw AΩbpw ]nW-ßn-∏n-cn™p. ]n∂oSv Hcp L´-Øn¬ Ccp-hcpw ho≠pw hnhm-ln-X-cmbn. “Hcp ka-bØv \Snbpw \¿Ø-Inbmbpw h¿Øn-®n-cp∂ AΩ- b psS Iem- ] cn]mSn- I - f psS kmcYyw hln-°p-hm≥ A—≥ kz¥w tPmen F¥p-sIm≠v shSn-™p-sh∂Xv F\n°v a\- n-em-Ip-∂n-√.” ]fl ]d-bp∂p. 1984¬ 14˛mw hb- n¬ Hcp Im¿ A]I-S-Øn¬ e£van°p ]‰n-t°-‰p. heXp

Ic-Øn\p £Xw ]‰nb e£van°p 7 C©v \of-Øn¬ Hcp hSp C∂pw \ne\n¬°p-∂p. CXn\p ]pdsa GWns‚ he-Xp-`mKw XI-cp-Ibpw sNbvXp. amk®psk‰vkn¬ \n∂pw Xotb-‰¿ B¿Svkn¬ _n.- F . _ncpZw tlmtWgvkv ]Z-hn-tbmsS ]m m-hpIbpw sNbvXp. Cw•ojv, lnµn, C‰men-b≥, kv]m\njv `mj-I-fnepw amXr`m-j-bmb Xan-gnepw ]fl `wKn-bmbn kwkm-cn-°pw. 16˛mw hb- n¬ Hcp It^- b n¬ tamU-enwKv GP‚ v Chsc Is≠-Øn. “ ]mco- k nepw anem- \ n- e pw, \yqtbm¿°nepw tamU-enw-Kn¬ BZyambn cwK-{]-thiw sNbvX C¥ym-°mcn-bmWv” Ahƒ A`n-am-\-]q¿∆w A\pkva-cn-°p-∂p. {]kn≤ t^mt´m- { Km- ^ ¿, sl¬aqØv \yq´-Wns‚ CjvSX - m-ca - m-bncp∂p ]fl. tImkvtam s]mfo-‰≥, H^ojy¬ C¥ym, Gjy≥ hpa¨ C≥Ukv{Sokv amkn- I , tacn ¢b¿ , lm¿tUgv k v _km¿, Su¨ B‚ v I¨{Sn, \yqkv ho°v amkn-I-I-fpsS apJ-Nn-{X-ßf - n-eqsS {]Xy-£s - ∏-´n-´p-≠v. CXn\pw ]pdta Ata-cn-°≥ kn\n-abn¬ •n‰¿ F∂ tIma-Un-bn¬ KmbnI sacnb Imcn-bp-samØv A`n-\-bn-®p. Aan- X m- _ - ® - \ pw Pm°n tjm{^pw H∂n®v “ _qw ” F∂ Nn{X- Ø nepw sFiycym tdmbnbpw HØv ‘ankv{S v Hm^v kvss]kkv’, ‘Ãm¿ {S°v sSenhn-j≥’ kocn-b-en¬ ssItSma cmP-Ipam-cn-bpsS thjw sI´nbpw (37˛mw kocnb-en¬) Ah-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´p. Xan-gn¬ A`n-\-bn-°m≥ Hc-h-kcw In´n-bm¬ AXv kt¥m- j - ] q¿∆w kzoI- c n- ° psa∂pw Ia-e-lm-k\pambn k‘n-°p-

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hm≥ Xmev]-cy-s∏-Sp-∂p-sh∂pw Ahƒ ]d-™p. kp{]-kn≤ {_n´ojv C¥y≥ t\mhenÃv k¬am≥ Zpjv Z n- b p- a m- b p- ≈ hnhmlw 2004¬ \S-∂p-sh-¶nepw 2007¬ hnhml tamN-\-Øn¬ Ah-km-\n-°pIbpw sNbvXp. kz¥w ]nXm-hn-t\°mƒ ]Øp-h-b v Cf-∏-ap≈ hnhm-lØns‚ \ymbo-Ic - Ww CXm-Wv. “kz¥w A—s‚ A`m- h - Ø n¬ Hcp ]pcpj km∂n≤yw tXSn-b-XmWp ImcWw” F∂m-Wv. (k¬am≥ ZpjvZn, kmØm≥ hN-\߬ F∂ t\mh-en¬ IqSn ap…ow kap- Z m- b - Ø ns‚ ISpØ tcmjw B÷n®p Pohn-X-Imew apgp-h≥ Hfnhn¬ Ign-tb≠n h∂ IYbpw hmb-\°m¿°v kp]-cn-Nn-X-am-W-t√m. ‘Endometriosis’ F∂ K¿`- t Imi {]iv\w ImcWw amXr-]-Zhn e`y-am-ImXn-cp∂ ]flbv°v 2009¬ Hcp ]p{Xn, ‘ Irjv W P\n- ® p. B inip- h ns‚ ]nXrXzw A⁄m-X-am-sW-¶nepw ASpØ-bnsS ‘ssSwkv Hm^v C¥y’ Hcp teJ-\Ø - n¬°qSn ‘sU¬’ F∂ Iºyq´¿ DS-a-bpsS tImSo-iz-c-\mb ktlm-Zc≥ BUw sU¬ BsW∂v {]Jym-]n®n-cp-∂p. ‘ t‰m∏v sj^v ’ F∂ dnbm- e n‰n tjmbn¬°qSn ]fl ‘Emmy’ Ahm¿Uv t\Sn-sb-SpØ c≠v ]mNI hn[n {]kn≤o- I - c - W - ß - f n¬°qSn hnev ∏ \- b n¬ H∂mw ÿm\w Ic-ÿ-am-°n. Ten Commandments F∂ kn\n- a - b n¬ tami F∂ inip- h ns\ c£- s ∏- S p- Ø nb ‘t_mØnb’ cmPIpam-cn-bpsS `mKw A`n-\-bn-®Xpw ]fl e£van Xs∂. cNn® {KŸ-߃: ‘Tangy, Tart, Hot & Sweet Cookbook, Easy Exotic Cookbook.



Akm-[m-c-W-amb Hcp ag-bn-√mØ Zn\-Øn¬ DΩ-dØv sNdnb Im‰p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p tam\n. AØmgØn\p-≈-sX√mw Xøm¿. C\n {]tXy-In®v tPmen-sbm-∂p-an-√ C∂v. kmbm-”ßfn¬ Hm¿Ω-I-fpsS temIØn-tebv°v HmSn-sbm-fn-°p-∂Xv tam\nbpsS Hcp hnt\m-Z-am-bn-cp-∂p. B≠nsem-cn-°¬ hoWp In´p∂ Ah-[n-°meØv {]hmkn Pohn-X-Øns‚ hy{K-XIsf am‰n-h®v Hcp amkw \m´n¬ Ignbp- ∂ Xv Hcp henb kt¥m- j - a mbn Ahƒ°v tXm∂m- d p- ≠ v Cub- S p- Ø Imew hsc. ]t£ Hmtcm Ah-[n-°m-e-sØbpw A\p- ` - h - ß ƒ {ItaW amdn- s °m≠ncn°p∂p. h¿j-߃°p-apºv \mS≥ I™nbpw NΩ- ¥ nbpw B[p- \ n- I - X bpsS If- ¶ - t a¬°mØ \m´n≥ ]pdsØ {Kma-hm-kn-Ifpw Hcp henb BI¿j-am-bn-cp-∂p. C∂sX√mw amdn. {Kma-ß-fp-tSbpw ]´-W-ß-fp-tSbpw apJOmb Xs∂ amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂p, Xncn-®-dnbm-\m-hm≥ ]‰mØ hn[w. C∂v HmSn´ hoSp-Iƒ t]mepw hfsc hncfw. ]Icw tIm¨{Io-‰n¬ Xo¿Ø Iq‰≥ sI´n-S߃. sNdp- X m- b mepw hoSp- I ƒ tIm¨{Io-‰n¬X-s∂. Fb¿t]m¿´n¬ \n∂pw hcpw hgn ]e {]mhiyw AΩmh- t \mSv Xnc- t °- ≠ n- h ∂p hgntbmc°mgvN-Iƒ Xncn-®-dn-bm≥. \meph- c n- ∏ m- X bpw hnI- k \ {ia- ß fpw \mSns\ A{X-b-[nIw am‰n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Xs‚ Ip´n-°mew tam\n-bpsS a\ nte-t°m-Sn-h-∂p. c≠v Intem-ao-‰¿ Zqsc-bp≈ ]≈n-°q-SØntebv°v ag-bmbmepw shbn-em-bmepw Xm≥ \S∂p Xs∂ t]mIpw. ag-°m-e-ØmsW¶n¬ tdmUns‚ hiw tN¿∂v Hgp-Ip∂ Ie°-sh≈w sXdn-∏n®v Ip´n-Iƒ Iq´w-Iq´-ambn i_vZ-ap-≠m°n t]mIp-∂Xv Hcp km[m-cW ImgvN-bm-bn-cp-∂p. sshIo´v hcp-tºmƒ Hmtcm ho´nepw Xo IØn°p- ∂ - X pw Nq´v Fcn- b p∂ aWhpw Bkz-Zn-®p-sIm≠v D¬km-l-tØmsS Hcp \S-∏m-Wv. AΩ-bp-≠m-°p∂ I´≥ Im∏n- b p- t Sbpw ]e- l m- c - Ø n- s ‚bpw aWw CXp- X - s ∂. Ct∂m B aWßsfms° t]mbv ad-™p. ]≈n°q-S-Øn¬ \n∂pw hcp∂ a°ƒ°v

th≠n Im∏nbpw ]e-lm-chpw D≠m°n ImØn- c n- ° p∂ F{X AΩ- a m- c mWv C∂v? A[nIw AΩ-amcpw Ip´n-Iƒ°v tij-amWv tPmen-I-gn™v ho´n-se-Øp∂-Xv. F√mw amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Ip´nIƒ°v hsc ]gb Ifn-I-sfm-∂p-a-dn-bn√. Hme-]-¥pw, I√p-I-fn-bpw Hm¿Ω-Ifn¬ am{Xw. adn®v Ce- I v t {Sm- W nIv sKbnw-kn-\mWv ap≥K-W-\. shdp-sXbmtWm Ip´n- I ƒ hsc AanX hÆap≈-h-cmbn amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂Xv ? tam\n-bpsS Xe-t®mdv \nebv°mØ tNmZy-ß-fpsS Iq¿Ø Atº‰v ]nS™p. a\p- j y≥ høm- t h- e n- I ƒ hnebv°v hmßp-I-bmtWm? Irjn `qanbpw hn‰v \K- c - Ø nse tIm¨{Io‰v hoSpw Imdpw hmßn kpJ-ambn Ign-bp∂p. ]ns∂ {]ta-lw, c‡ kΩ¿±w XpSßn [\n-I-cpsS tcmKw ]nSn-s]-Sptºmƒ Ac {Sukdpw C´v HmSm\pw tPm§n-ßn\pw t]mIpw. ]ns∂ hymbmaw sNøm≥ ho´p-ap-dn-bn¬ b{¥w hne-sImSpØv hmßpw. Ft¥ Cu sX‰mb Xocpam-\-߃? CsX√mw Hcp ]m›mXy h¬°-c-W-Øns‚ {`m¥ns‚ ^e-at√? \mw ae-bm-fn-Iƒ°nXv thtWm ? ssZh-Øns‚ kz¥w \msS∂v \mw A`nam-\t- ØmsS ]d-™n-cp-∂Xv C∂v kXyamtWm? F¥n\v ae-bm-fn-Isf Ip‰-s∏Sp-ØWw ? Xm\pw Cu kz¿§w Dt]£n®v ]pXnb acp-∏® tXSn-bn-d-ßn-bXt√? F∂n-s´-¥mbn Xm\m-{K-ln-®Xv t\Sn-sb-SptØm? F¶n¬]ns∂ Cu

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\m´n-tebv°v aS-ßm≥ Ft¥ C{X hy{KX. kzbw D∂-bn® tNmZy-Øn-\p-Øcw In´msX Ipg-™n-cn-°p-tºm-gmWv A∏pdsØ ho´nse Pm\In tN®n Ipiew tNmZn- ° m- s \- Ø n- b - X v. Pm\In tN®nbv°v hb v sXmÆq- d m- b n. Imen¬ sNcn-∏n-√. Hcp aßnb ªu pw IÆn-Im-en\v tase IjvSn-sb-Øp∂ Iod-ep≈ I≈n-ap≠pw BWv [cn-®n-cn°p-∂-Xv. tXmfn-eqsS Hcp apjn™ tXm¿Øp- a p≠pw ]√n- √ mØ tamW Im´n Nncn-®p-sIm≠v Pm\In tN®n Ipiemt\zjWw XpS-ßn. tam\n a\ n¬ ]d™p, A⁄X A\p-{K-lsa∂ B]vX-hmIyw kXyw Xs∂. ]pdw-temIw Fs¥-∂d - n-bmØ Pm\In-tN®n Ct∏mgpw ssZh-Øns‚ kz¥w \m´n¬ Xs∂- b mWv Pohn- ° p- ∂ - X v . Pm\In tN®n ]Xps° \S- ∂ - I - ∂ t∏mƒ tam\n ]pd-In¬\n∂ hnfn®p ]d™p. “Pm\-In- tN®n `mKy-h-Xnbm.” ]Xw h∂ B ImXp-I-fn¬ tI´ GtXm i_v Z - Ø n\v {]Xn- I - c Ww Ft∂m-Ww Xncn-™p-\n-s∂m∂v tamWIm´n Nncn-®n´v Pm\In tN®n \S∂v adbp-∂Xv t\m°n a\ v \nd™ kwXr]vXn-tbmsS tam\nbpw ]p©n-cn-®p. {Kmao-W-X-bpsS a[pcw \pI-cm≥ ASpØ Ah- [ n- ° m- e Øv Fhn- s St∏mIpw F∂mbn tam\n-bpsS ASpØ tNmZyw.



he internet is one of the great est inventions of technology. Just think about it. Through the internet, we are able to send free mail to people across the world. Instead of searching the library shelves endlessly for books on different topics, we can just type one word onto search engines such as 'Google' and get thousands of results. At times, we can even take classes online, pay our bills online, and work from home. Yet, have we ever thought about the negative aspects of the internet? While we do not realize it, many children, teens, and adults get abused online everyday due to a problem known as cyberbullying. Unlike simple bullying which is "repeated aggression," cyberbullying is "an avert act of aggression toward another person online" (Li 15). Research has discovered that 10 to 33% of adolescents between the ages of 11 and 19 have been victims of cyberbullying. The issue is so serious that many abused people even go on to the point of committting sui-

cide because of it. It may seem that schools have nothing to do with the issue of teenage cyberbullying. Yet since cyberbullying is more prevalent among school-aged teens today, should not schools at least care about it? As a matter of fact, cyberbullying tends to occur between schoolmates. Furthermore, students who are victims of online abuse do much worse in their studies and face much more psychological pressure than their peers. The fear and tension that these students experience in online chat rooms practically take over their whole lives. It is well known around that cyberbullying victims have "higher substance abuse, lower school commitment, higher anger dispositions and more depression that youth who are uninvolved" (DepressionHigh). According to the idea of school as 'loco parentis', schools are students' second parents. The term came from the "English ideal of

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schools having not only educational but also moral responsibility for students. With this duty went the equivalent of parental authority" ("Principals' Responsibilities"). As of now, schools are not really doing enough to prevent their students from getting into risky behaviors online. According to psychologist Wang, teachers are not spending enough time understanding the sites that teens are visiting on a regular basis. They are not really talking to their students about how to use the internet properly (DepressionHigh). Currently, school administrators are not even teaching their teachers how technology can be both beneficial and bad for students. "Clearly, more education and awareness about the detrimental effects of online aggressions need to be disseminated" (Li 16) It is thus important that middle schools and high schools add required online safety classes to their curriculum and intervene on the behalf of cyberbullying victims in order to prevent teenagers from engaging in online aggression. Some may argue that schools should not spend tax money on an issue that parents can take care of themselves. Yet, is cyberbullying really an issue that parents can take care of themselves? One thing that parents can do is that they can communicate with their kids on a more regular basis about what is going on with their kids' internet lives. The permissive parents do not really do anything to prevent their children from misusing the internet. Some parents try to be overprotective of their kids' computer lives. Yet, their children hide from them everything they write online. There are other students who are too afraid to speak to their parents about the issue of cyberbullying. Sometimes, the simple monitoring of computer screens by parents is not enough to prevent cyberbullying from occur-

ring. The more people, including teachers and parents, who teach the importance of online safety to kids, the less likely that these kids will involve themselves in risky behaviors online. Schools have already made rules regarding cell phone use during school hours. Many times when students are caught using their phones in class, the phones are taken away from them. These students realize that cell phone use interferes with school work. If parents and teachers work together in educating their children about online safety, cyberbullying will indeed decrease. When cyberbullying occurs outside school grounds, it may seem to be a private matter that does not need to be dealt with by schools. Yet, if schools do not have to be held accountable for the problems that their students face online, then we can just assume that they will never care about what is going on outside their buildings. Many students who bully others online do so because they think that it is fun. Education is something that can change their beliefs. Schools indeed have the right to rule over student behaviors that impact the lives of classmates. In this world today, it is very hard to ignore the gruesome impacts of cyberbullying on abused victims. We may not have known it, but cyberbullying is prevalent in both India and the United States. It is serious business as many people are dying from it. As fellow citizens, we should try our best to push schools to protect students from online bullying. Parents should also pay more attention to what their kids are doing online these days. By doing just this, we will be able to transform the world for the better and make the internet safer for the use of all. After all, success comes to those who try.

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Here’re the buffaloes--roaming the streets of God’s own land; they, with sharp horns, kill the innocent day by day.

The beautiful rivers spend sleepless nights, the stars are helpless, for, the poisoned veins already act against heart’s wishes. The aching beauty weeps, the bloodbath continues, while the sun listens to the cloud’s message. The vulture of cruelty encircles the great land, where the long gained heritage falls on the ground and groans. What has happened to the beautiful moon, that, the ‘Gaana Gandharvan’, in his sweet songs praised, and the poets, for ages, in their zest worshipped?

After sleeping for a day or two, the tropical storm has woken up, and sees people, ‘wearing two faces under one hat’. Parasu Rama woke up, and in fury threw the axe backward, and there was no God’s land! Everything vanished; only the ocean, with his usual waves and rare roarings remained. Oh! the misty mighty sea, guide me to you, for, ‘A closed mouth catches no flies’.

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am not one for statistics or political discus sions. So please don’t expect as much from this discussion on the varied aspects of my life as a doctor. See, doctors spend their lives learning what to do under all circumstances of health. But the longer I practice medicine, the more I discover that it’s more important to know what NOT to do than what to do. And to ultimately understand the difference between the two is where the art of medicine begins…and the mundane vagaries of simple memorizing and application of facts and figures ends.

Dr. Dr. Allison Williams Allison

I still remember the years of training where if certain things weren’t done according to what was considered standard, eyebrows of senior residents and/or attending physicians would rise as if some unwritten law had been violated. And most the times, it was over minute things which were of very little consequence regarding life and death of the patients. It usually just meant that someone on the team (usually myself) would get fewer hours of sleep after a long day’s work. Only once in my training do I recall that it DID matter---and the very people whose guidance I needed the most during a cri-

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sis was nowhere to be found. Having lost a patient under this particular circumstance, I vowed that I would never abandon a physician whose training depended on my supervision. And so far, I have managed to maintain this particular standard. Shortly after that incident, towards the close of my years in training, I would learn medicine from an even more personal perspective---marking one of the most painful chapters in my life. And that would be the death of my own mother following a brief battle with cancer. The dynamics between mother and child are complex, indeed. After all, we find it difficult to relate to our children as anything more than the one we poured our lives into so they would become an upstanding adult. So, understandably when I tried to advise my mother on her health dur-

ing this dire period, she was not ready to accept my guidance---until it was too late. So I had to put aside my role as a doctor (however new it was at the time), and simply serve as a caring, loving daughter who just happened to be forced to make some heart-wrenching decisions regarding life and death of their very own mother who was quickly slipping away from me in that all-too-familiar physical form. While walking through those days shrouded in shock and disbelief at my mom’s diagnosis, I remember having a distinct distaste for all of her doctors---in particular, her family doctor. I couldn’t help wonder why my mother’s cancer wasn’t caught earlier and why the family doctor had abandoned the case towards the end—leaving my mother devastated. But the most burning question inside of me, which took years to sort out was, “COULD I HAVE DONE THINGS DIFFERENTLY SO SHE COULD HAVE LIVED?” The answer to that question would come one day like a soft breeze in the wind while driving down an Arizona desert road to a new hospital assignment: “My child, the outcome would have been the same. It was just my time.” I think the loss of my mother so early in life has actually been a priceless gift that I get to draw from each day as I care for—and even saved the lives of---patients AND their families. I’ve even had some frightening moments as a patient myself in recent years. And at those times, I recall thinking, “Look at what my patients have to go through!” while lying on the ER stretcher waiting for the nurse or doctor to come. Life has a very mysterious way of coming fullcircle. Indeed, it is rare when a human being has an opportunity to see how three worlds can merge in one lifetime. That is the privilege I have been given as a doctor. Thanks for listening.

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Dr Dr.. Allison is a board certified family physician working in the Greenbelt community of P rince Prince George’s County County,, Mar yland. Maryland.

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y now you all mighty be familiar with the 13 year old POET Kavya Kavanakudy living in Woodlawn area of the Baltimore County with her parents Santhosh & Sathy Kavanakudy and little brother Rithikk Gopi. She is in the 8th grade at the Arbutus Middle School. Kavya is a real inspiration and role model for young people. She is a rising star in the field of Poem writing. Recently she won an AWARD in the 15th Annual Baltimore County Middle School writing contest for her POEM “The Relief of the Majestic Forest”. 600+ students participated in this competition held in February 2012. In describing the contest this year, senior class contest coordinator Anna Cohee and Carver’s literary arts instructional leader J.P. Imbrenda wrote, “The level of talent and ambition on display was immense, and the process of reviewing and scoring these submissions has been difficult and exhausting.” They described the winning works as those that were the “most imaginative, polished, and memorable… the pieces that we found ourselves coming back to for a third and fourth reading.” The winners were presented with award at a function held in the Baltimore County Public Library in Towson on April 17, 2012. Kavya started writing poems at the age of 8 and has received awards from Malayalee As-

Thomas P. Antony

sociations like MAM. In the MAM 2012 Global Literary Competition she has an award for her poem that won an award for her from the Baltimore 2012 contest. A few of her other poems are: The mist, Earthina, The birds, i am from, my night flight, the seasons. Couple of her poems has been already published in the media. Kavya’s god given talent is not limited to the creation of poems. She shines at the academic level too. In the MATH contest being held jointly by M& T Bank and Baltimore County School System Kavya has been winning the Silver Medal in the last 3 years. Recently she won the Karata Black Belt-a very good defense weapon for a girl. She is also in School Honors Program and school coir.

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hmkn ae-bm-fn-If - psS kulrZ-Iq-´m-bvaI - f - n¬ hnc-fa - m-sb-¶nepw Kuch-Xc - a - mb Nne hnj-bß - ƒ hgn-sX-‰n-sbØm-dp-≠v. Cßs\ bmZr-›n-Ia - m-bmWv kwkm-ca - t[y ae-bm-f` - m-jbpw kmlnXy-hp-sams° Nne-t∏mƒ IS∂p hcp-∂Xv. Cu Ahk-cß - f - n¬ C\n ae-bmfw hmbn- ® n´pw ]Tn- ® n- ´ p- s ams° F¥v KpWw? F∂v XpSßn \n¿tZm-js - a∂v tXm∂m-hp∂ ]e A`n{]m-bß - f - p-ap-bcmdp- ≠ v . s]mXpthm `mj- s °- X n- c mb kam\ A`n{]m-b{- ]-IS- \ - ß - f - n¬ t\cnb ]p—-Øn-s‚bpw ]cn-lm-k-Øn-s‚bpw [z\n \ng- e n- ° p- ∂ - X mbn ImWmw. {]mtbm-KnI temI-Ønse al-Zz-N\ - a - mbmWv ]ecpw Cu A`n{]m-bß - sf IcpXp-∂-Xv. {]tbm-P-\-hm-Zm-[n-jvTn-X-ambn Imcy- ß sf hne- b n- c p- Ø p∂ Cu ImeØv A[nI-am-fp-Ifpw a\- n¬ IcpXp-∂X - v. aZy-el - c - n-bn¬ Nne¿ Dds° ]d-bp∂psh∂v am{Xw. Xß-fpsS thcp-If - n-te-°p≈ bm{X `mj-bn-eq-sS-bm-sW∂ kXyw \Ω-fn¬ ]ecpw hnkvac - n-°p-∂p. D]cn-Xe - Ø - n¬ {]I- S - a m- I p∂ sI´p- I m- g v N - I - f n¬ PohnXw hne-bn-cp-Øs - ∏-Sp∂ h¿Ø-am\- I m- e Øv ]e- t ∏mgpw amXr- ` mj A{]k‡-am-Ip∂p. amXr-`m-js - b-∂Xv Hcp kaq-l-Øns‚ Bib-kw-th-Z\ D]m[n am{X-a√ - . AXv At\Iw Xe-apd- I ƒ ssIamdn hcp∂ kmaqly kmwkv ° m- c nI cmjv { So- b - ] m- c - º - c yØns‚ Xncp-ti-jn∏p IqSn-bmWv. amXr-

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kvt\lw Xpfp-ºp∂ Xmcm-´p-]m-´ns‚ i_vZh - n-Nn-Iƒ ImXp-°f - n-se-Øn® B a[p-c-`m-j-bmWv \ΩpsS AkvXnXzØn\v XpS°w Ipdn-®-Xv F∂v \mw t_m[-]q¿∆w ad-°p-∂p. \ΩpsS Cfwa\- n¬ BZyambn {]Ir-Xn-tbbpw PohPm-e-ß-tfbpw Ipdn-®p≈ h¿Æ-\-Iƒ \nd-®Xpw C∂v \mw AhK-Wn-°p∂ AΩa-eb - mfw Xs∂. amXr-`mj Nn¥bp-tSbpw Bib-cq-]n-°c - W - Ø - n-s‚bpw `mj-bm-Wv. CXnse Hmtcm A£chpw AXns\ cq]-s∏-Sn-Ønb kwkvIr-XnbpsS I\-ep-Iƒ Hfn∏n-®p-h-bv°p-∂p. amXr- ` m- j - b - p sS Bhnjv ° m- c - t ijn \jvSa - m-Ip-∂t- XmsS B kaq-lØ - nse hy‡n-Iƒ ]c-kv]cw A]cn-Nn-Xa - m-\pI-bm-Wv. temI-sØ-ºmSpap≈ {]tZ-in-I`- m-jIƒ A[n\n-thi kzm[o\w krjvSn® ISpØ`mjm-hn-th-N\ - Ø - n¬ ho¿∏p-ap-´pI-bm-Wv. \ne-hn¬ ap∂p-t]¿ am{Xw kwkm- c n°p∂ “Zpkv \ ¿” F∂ C≥tUmt\- j y≥ `mj- b pƒs∏sS 6000˛Øn-e[ - nIw `mjIvƒ temI-Øn\v \ne-hn-ep-≠v. CXn¬ 90 iX-am-\Ø - n¬ `m-jI - fpw temI-P\ - k - w-Jy-bnse A©v iX-am-\Ø - n¬ Xmsg hcp∂ P\-߃ am{X-amWv kwkm-cn-°p-∂X - v. Cu `mjI-fn¬ ]Ip-Xn-bn-e-[n-Iw -\q-‰m-≠ns‚ Ahkm-\t- ØmsS ]q¿Æ-ambpw \in®v Ncn-{X-Øns‚ Xmfp-I-fn¬ HXpßpw. F√m `mjm-ktv \-_n-Iƒ°pw thZ-\b - pf-hm-°p∂ Hcp bmYm¿∞y-am-Wn-Xv.

Hmtcm `mjbpw Hmtcm PohnX-kw-kvIm-c-am-Wv. Hmtcm kaq-lhpw \q‰m-≠p-If - mWv hf¿Øns°m≠v h∂ kwkIr- X n- b mWv `mj- b psS A¥yØn-eqsS a¨a-db - p-∂Xv . kz¥w kwkv I m- c Øn¬\n∂pw A\yam-°s - ∏´ P\-Xsb GXv i‡n°pw Iogvs∏-Sp-Øm-\m-hqw. tIc-fo-b¿°v CXc-kwÿm- \ - ß - f nse P\- ß sf At]£n®v amXr-`m-jt- bmSv sshIm-cn-I-_‘w s]mXpsh Ipd-hmsW∂v tXm∂m-dp-≠v. amXr-`mj kwkmcn-®m¬ in£n-°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNehv Npcp-°-ens‚ `mK-ambn `mjm-[ym-]I XkvXn-Iƒ Ipd-bv°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ \m´n¬ Fßs\-bmWv \ap°v ]pXnb Xe-ap-dbnte°v `mj ]I¿∂p-sIm-Sp-°m\m-hp-∂-Xv. BtKmf D]t`m-I-Xr-kwkvIm-c-Øn¬ A[njvTn-X-amb Pohn-Xkm-l-N-cy-ß-fn¬ ae-bmfw A]cym]vXam-sW∂v s]mXpsh Icp-Xs - ∏-Sp-∂p. AtXkabw hn⁄mØn- s ‚bpw A[nIm-c-Øn-s‚-bp-sams° ASbm-fambn IS-∂p-h∂ BwK-teb `mjsb `‡n-bm-Zc - t- hm-sS-bmWv s]mXp-ka - qlw t\m°n-°-≠-Xv. hnim- e - amb temIØns‚ A\¥-km-[y-X-I-fn-te-°p≈ hmXm-b-\-ambn IcpXn `mc-Xo-b¿ Cu A[n\n-th-i`- m-jsb CcpssI-Ifpw \o´nh-ct- h‰pw . ]pXnb BtKmf Pohn-Xh - o£-WØ - n¬ C#w•o-jns‚ ÿm\sØ H´pw Ipd®v ImWm-\m-hn-√. \ap-°Xv hmNn- I - h y- h - l m- c - Ø ns‚ `mK- a m- b nØo¿∂n-cn-°p-∂p. ae-bm-fsØ kvt\ln°-Ws - a∂v ]d-™m¬ ae-bmfw am{Xw ]Tn- ® m¬ a- X n- s b- ∂ ¿∞- a n- √ . GXv ]pXnb `mjm-]T - \ - hpw Adnhns‚ temItØ-°p≈ bm{X-bpsS XpS-°a - m-sW-∂Xn¬ X¿°-an-√. GXv `mjbpw BZc-h¿ln-°p-∂p. ]s£ AXv kz¥w P∑-`mjsb X≈n-°-f™p sIm≠m-h-cpXv F∂v am{Xw. Hcp P\- X - b psS kzXz- ] m- c - º - c yØnse ASnÿm-\-in-e-bmb amXr-`mjsb kwc£n-°p-hm≥ P\m-[n-]-Xyk¿°m-cn\v _m[y-Xb - p-≠v. ae-bm-f`- mj C∂v A\p`- h n- ° p∂ hnth- N - \ hpw AhK-W\ - bpw hfsc ]cn-Xm-]I - c - a - m-Wv. `mjm k¿∆- I - e m- i me tIc- f - Ø n¬ ÿm]n-°p-∂X - n-s\-°p-dn-®p≈ N¿®-Iƒ Ct∏mgpw FhnsSbp saØmsX

\n¬°p∂p. \ΩpsS Ab¬kw-ÿm-\ß-fmb I¿Æm-SI - Ø - nepw Xan-g\ v m-´nepw B{‘{]-tZ-inepw amXr-`mjm k¿∆-Iem-im-eI - ƒ ÿm]n-Xa - m-bn´v Ccp]-Xn-e[nIw h¿j-ß-fm-bn. Xangv t]mep≈ {]tZ-inI `mj-Isf apJy-`m-j-bmbn Dd∏n- ° p- ∂ - X n\v AXXv kwÿm- \ k¿°m-cp-Iƒ ]n≥Xp-Sc - p∂ amXr-`m-jm\bw «mL-\o-ba - m-Wv. ChcpsS amXr`m- j - t b- S p≈ BXv a _- ‘ sØbpw `mjm-`n-am-\t- Øbpw \mw ]cn-lk - n-°pI-bmWv ]Xn-hv. hnZym-`ym-kw, Duc-Ww, \oXn-\ymbw XpS-ßnb taJ-eI - f - n¬ aebmfw \n¿_-‘n-Xa - mbn D]tbm-Kn-t°≠Xv Poh¬`m-j-bmbn AXns‚ \ne\n¬∏n\v AXy¥m-t]-jn-Xa - m-Wv. C¥ybnse AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏´ 22 HutZy-KnI `mj-If - n-sem-∂mWv aebm-f-sa-¶nepw amXr-`m-j-bn¬ kwkmcn®p F∂ Imc- W - Ø m¬ U¬ln At∏mtfm Bip]-{Xn-bn¬ tIc-fo-bcmb Poh-\° - msc ]ncn-®p-hn´ hm¿Ø `mjm- k v t \- l n- I sf sR´n- ® n- c p- ∂ p. {]mtZ-inI `mj-It- fmSv A[nIm-ch - ¿§Øn-s‚bpw DtZymK-ÿh - r-µØ - n-s‚bpw kao-]\w Cu kw`-h-Øn¬ \n∂pw hfsc hy‡-am-Wv. ae-bm-fn-°n∂v KX-Im-ek - vac - W - I - ƒ Abhn- d °m≥ am{X- a mbn ae- b mfØns‚ D]tbmKw Npcp-ßn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Krlm- X p- c - X z- Ø ns‚ _nw_- ß - f mb Imhpw, sXmSnbpw, ]pgbpw ]q°-f-hpsams° \nd™ at\m hym]m-cØ - n¬ am{Xw kº-∂-am-hp-I-bmWv C∂v aebmf `mj. ]g-ab - psS Ip‰n-bn¬ Xf-®nSm≥ Hcn°epw ]pXnb ta®n¬]p-dß - ƒ tXSn hf-cm≥ `mj-bv°m-hn-√. Imem-Ime-ßf - nse kmaq-ly-Po-hnX hyXn-bm-\ßfpw ]pXnb ssk≤m-¥n-I-X-Ifpw sshIm-cnI A\p`-hß - fpw kq£vaa - mbn {]Xn-^-en-∏n-°p-hm≥ `m-jbv°v Ign-b-

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Ww. imkv { X- k m- t ¶- X nI ]Zm-h-en-bpsS ]cn-an-Xnsb ]Z-kº - Øv hn]p-en-°c - n®pw a‰v `mj-I-fn¬\n∂v hm°pIƒ ISw-sIm≠pw B[p\n-Item- I - Ø n- t e°v `mjsb ]p\x{Ian- ° - c n- ° m\mhpw. imkv{X-km-t¶-XnI hyh-lmc-taJ-e-I-fnse hy‡-amb kwth-Z-\-Øn-eq-sStb `mjbv°v C\n \ne-\n¬°m\m- h p- I - b p- ≈ q. `mj- b psS G‰hpw DZmØhpw kº-∂hp-amb cq]-amWv kmln-Xyw. AXn\v `mj-bpsS \ho-I-c-W-Øn¬ {][m\ ]¶p-hl - n-°m≥ km[n-°pw. A®Sn am[y-a-߃s°m∏w Xs∂ i_vZZ- r-iy-am-[y-aß - fpw \√ `mj P\ß-fn-se-Øn-°m≥ {i≤n-®n-cp∂ Hcp Ime-ap-≠mbn-cp-∂p. \n¿`m-Ky-I-c-sa∂v ]d-bs´ ]e-t∏mgpw hfsc hnI-ea - mb Hcp `mjm-kw-kvIm-c-amWv C∂v Ch apt∂m-´p-h-bv°p-∂Xv. Cu UnPn-‰¬ Ime-L´- Ø - n¬ Iºyq-´d - n-t‚bpw C‚s\‰n-t‚bpw klm-bØ - m¬ Ime-tZ-i\ - n-b{¥-Wß - ƒ°-∏p-dØv `mjbv°v sNs∂Øm-\m-hp-∂p. ]pXnb hnh-ck - m-t¶-Xn-IhnZy ae- b m- f nsb `mjm- b p- t Sbpw kwkvIm-c-Øn-t‚bpw aWvU-e-Øn¬ Xncn-s®-Øn-°p-sa-∂p-≈Xv Xo¿®-bmbpw Hcp ip`-kq-N\ - b - m-Wv. amXr-`m-jb - psS kmwkvIm-cnI {]XoI-ßf - mb \mS≥ssi-en-Ifpw, ]g-s©m√p-If - pw, Imhy-iI - e - ß - f - p-sams° ]pXpX-ea - p-dbv°v ]I¿∂p \¬Im-\m-hmsX Hcp Xe- a pd IS- ∂ p- t ]m- h p- I - b m- W v . kz¥w `mj-tb-°p-dn®pw kwkvIm-ct- Ø°p-dn®pw A`nam-\a - n-√mØ Hcp ]uc-kaqlw ChnsS hf¿∂p hcp-∂p. ae-bm-fa-dn-bm-Øh - t- cbpw ae-bm-fn-sb∂v hnfn°m-\m-hp-tºmƒ `mjm-]m-c-º-cy-Øn¬ A[njvTn-X-a-√mØ Hcp kaq-l-ambn tIc-f-k-aqlw ]cn-W-an-°p-I-bm-Wv. t{ijvT-`m-j-bmbn AwKo-I-cn-®-Xp-sImt≠m, `mjm-k¿∆-I-em-im-e-Iƒ \nehn¬ h∂-Xp-sImt≠m ae-bmfw t]mse Hcp `mj Iev]m-¥I - mew \ne-\n¬°psa-∂p-∏n-°m-\m-hn-√. AXn\v ae-bm-fØn¬ kwkm-cn-°p-hm\pw FgpXm-\pap≈ Hcp Bflm¿∞-{iaw ae-bm-fn-Ifn¬ \n∂p-≠m-tI-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. \sΩ \mam- ° nb AΩa- e - b m- f - Ø n- \ mbn A{Xsb-¶nepw sNøm≥ \ap°v Ignbnt√?........


“tI c- f - Ø n¬

F\n°v Pohn°phm≥ `b-am-Ip-∂p” \ΩpsS {]nb\S\m-b- taml≥em¬ Xs‚ tªmKn-tegp-Xnb hm°p-I-fm-Wv. “ssZh-Øns‚ kz¥w \m´n¬ ” Pohn-°p-hm≥ `b-s∏Sp-∂-sX-¥n\v Fs¥mcp tNmZyw kzm`mhn-I-ambn \ΩpsS a\- n¬ DZn°p-∂p. “tIc- f - s a∂v tI´m¬ Xnf- b v ° Ww tNmc \ap°v Rc-ºp-I-fn¬” F∂mWv Ihn hmIyw. Znhy kvt\l-Øns‚ Ia\ob cq]-amb F{Xtbm alXv hy‡nIƒ P\n®p hf¿∂ \mSmWv tIc-fw. kzman hnth-Im-\-µ≥ {`m¥m-e-b-sa∂v hnti- j n- ∏ n- s ®- ¶ nepw Aka- X z- Ø ns‚bpw A\oXn- b p- t Sbpw Ccpfn¬ \n∂pw Ncn-{X-Øns‚ kXy-{]-kvXm-h\-Iƒ t]mse ]pXp-]p-Ø≥ {]Xy-b-imkv{X-ß-fpsS cY-tadn ]ptcm-K-an-√-hcmWv ae-bm-fn-Iƒ. {io\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp, {io. Aø¶mfn, N´-ºn-kzm-an-Iƒ XpSßn H´t\Iw kmaqly-]c - n-jv°¿Øm-°ƒ FgpXn adn-®n´ aÆn-emWv IΩyp-Wn-k-Øns‚ hnØp ]mIn-bX - v. tIc-fØ - nse kmaq-ly k - ml- N - c y- ß ƒ AXns‚ hf¿®bv ° v A\pIq-eam-bn. P\m-[n-]-Xy-co-Xn-bn¬, thms´-Sp-∏n-eqsS, ]m¿´n A[nIm-c-Ønse-Øn-bt- ∏mƒ temIw Xs∂ AXv`pXs∏- ´ p. A∂sØ t\Xm- ° - ∑ m¿°v kvt\lhpw `bhpw klm-\p-`q-Xnbpw D≠mbn-cp-∂p. hk-¥Ø - ns‚ CSnap-g° - sa∂pw D≠mbn-s√-¶nepw H´t\Iw am‰ßƒ \ΩpsS \m´n-ep-≠m-bn. e£yw

]n.-hn.-B¿. {]kmZv tkmjy- e nkw \Ωƒ ssIh- c n- ® p. AXmWv P\m-[n-]-Xy-`-cWw sIm≠v ssIh∂ t\´w. Ac£n-Xm-t_m-[hpw kzbw \ntj[-hm-k-\bpw ae-bm-fn-bpsS k¥-X-kl-Nm-cn-sb∂v ]d-bm-dp-≠v. Ac£n-Xmt_m-[-Øns‚ A\pt]-£-Wn-b-amb A¥yam- b n- c n°pw tIc- f - Ø n¬ ImWp∂ BfllXym {]-h-W-X. Ip‰Ir- X y- ß ƒ G‰hpw IqSp- X ¬ (C≥Uybn¬) sIm®n \K-c-Øn-em-sW∂ dnt∏m¿´p hmbn-°p-tºmƒ \Ωƒ AdnbmsX Hcp sR´n-t∏m-Ip-∂p. \ap- ° v, \ΩpsS \m´p- ° m¿°v F¥p∏‰n Cu ImWp∂ Zpc- ¥ m- h ÿbv°v F∂mWv ImcWw? At\zjWw \Ωsf sIm≠p-sbØn-°pI cmjv{Sob ]m¿´n-If - n-te-bv°mWv . H´t\Iw ]m¿´n- I ƒ H´t\Iw t\Xm- ° - ∑ m¿ {_n´ojv°mtcmSv ImWn® ASnaØ at\m-`mhw h®p-]pe¿Øp∂ \m´p- ° m¿. sImSn- I - f psS \ndw ]ph-∏m-bmepw ]®-bm-bmepw Imcy߃ F√mw Hcp t]mse BtcmKy-]-c-

ssIcfn 39 ktµiw2012

amb cmjv{So-b-t_m[w \ap-°p-≠m-bncp-∂p. hnizmkw GXv {]Xy-b-im-bv{XØn- e m- b mepw, \ap°v kv t \lhpw kulr-Zhpw ]c-kv]c _lp-am-\hpw DavSmbn-cp-∂p. cmjv{Sob ]I-t]m-°en\mbn Hcmsf sIm√pI hfsc A]q¿∆-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]s£ Ct∂m? Sn.]n. N{µ-ti-J-c-s\∂ cmjv{So-b-t\Xmhns\ \Ω-fn¬ `qcn-`m-Khpw I≠n-cn-°n√. At±l-Øns‚ cmjv{So-b-tØmSv \ap°v A\pIq-ehpw D≠mbn-cn-°n-√. F∂ncn-°nepw At±l-Øns‚ sIme]m- X Iw \Ω- f n¬ Fev ] n®- t h- Z \ Hcn°epw amdn- √ . At±l- Ø n\v Gƒt°≠n h∂ AºØn-aq∂v apdn-hpI-fn¬ \n∂pw sXdn® tNmc ae-bm-fnbpsS Xocm-I-f-¶-ambn amdn. ae-bm-fnbpsS PohnX aqey-Øn\v h∂ A[]X-\-am-Wo-Xv. GXv aX-am-bmepw {]Xy-b-im-kv{Xam- b mepw a\p- j y- k v t \- l - Ø n- e pw, kmtlm-Z-cy-Ønepw ASnbp-d-®-Sm-bn-cn°-Ww. FXncm-fn-bpsS Xe-sh-´p∂ sIme-]m-X-I-cm-jv{Sobw XpS-°-Ønse ASn®-a¿Ø-s∏-tS-≠-Xm-Wv. “kvt\ln-°-bn√ Rm≥ t\mhpam_mhns\ kvt\ln-®n-Sm-sØmcp XXz-im-k{v X-tØbpw ” F∂p≈ hbem- d ns‚ hcn- I ƒ Ct∏mƒ Hm¿Øp t]mIp-∂p. tIc-f-Øns‚ aqey-߃ amdn. Hcp t__¬ tKm]p-cambn \Ωƒ amdnt∏mIp∂ ImgvNb - mWv.

True Courage Naveed A Rahman


revor! Move! Come on, class, keep up!’ Mrs. Brown had lost all of her normal composure and had started yelling at her students. Trevor had never seen her like this. What was the problem? Weren’t these fire drills routine? As the students began to obediently file down the stairs and exit the building, Trevor hung back to have a word with his favorite teacher. ‘Mrs. Brown, what is going on?’ ‘There is a big problem in the school, Trevor,’ she replied, ‘and I need you to move quickly. There is a fire in the building, and it is starting to grow. Unless the firefighters can get it under control, the en-

tire school will go up in smoke.’ Trevor froze, a sudden thought leaping into the forefront and sending chills down his spine. ‘Mrs. Jones, where is Lisa?’ Mrs. Jones turned around, saying, ‘Why, she was just here…’ Trevor whispered, ‘No. She isn’t here. She is still inside the building.’ TEN YEARS AGO Six years old. No friends. New school. Utterly alone. Trevor has never felt so isolated in his entire life. He does not want to talk to these strange people, or try and make new friends, or confront the annoying kid that won’t stop stabbing him in the back

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with a pencil. ‘Alright, time for recess!’ the teacher announced. Trevor scrambles outside before the rest and immediately heads for the swings. That feeling of freedom is the only hope of escape from this torture. ‘Hey, where do you think you’re going? That is my swing,’ someone declared. Trevor turns and faces his nameless torturer, the same person who had poked him throughout class. Trevor has never insulted this kid, never even spoken to him, but apparently he already had a serious enemy. And a large one too. No kindergartner should be that tall and wide. Intimidated, Trevor tried to retreat, but the kid grabbed him and shook him, sneering with malice and a glimmer of sadistic pleasure. ‘Let him go, Bobby Frazier!’ screamed a young girl with pigtails. ‘Who do you think you are? Back off, and go away!’ Amazingly, the bully backed down and, cowed before the masses, disappears into a corner, hoping that no one had witnessed his disgrace. The young girl helped Trevor to his feet, and with a bright smile, said, ‘Hi, my name is Lisa. Wow, you aren’t very brave, are you? Trust me, when a bad situation rises up, you just gotta stand tall and get ‘em to back down. The last thing you want to do is let ‘em have their way. But it’s okay. You got me now. I’ll take care of everything.’ THAT DAY AT LUNCHTIME ‘Come on, Trevor! What is wrong with you? You are so fast and agile, why not try out for the football team? Your forty yard dash time is four point three seconds! You would do great!’ nagged Lisa as she set her lunch tray down on the table. ‘Lisa. Just listen for a sec.

I. Am not. Going to try out. For the football team. You understand?’ Trevor answered. ‘Why, are you scared or something?’ Trevor looked away. Lisa backtracked in shock, saying ‘Oh my god. I am so sorry. I understand what you are feeling. I may not know much about football, but I know that running backs get tackled the most out of every position. It is okay to be scared of being hit like that.’ ‘No, just…just stop, alright! I don’t want to play, and that is all there is to it. Stop reading so much into it,’ Trevor stated, turning red in shame. ‘You always think that I am a coward, but I am just smart. Why would I want to do something that would only end up with me getting hurt? Football may be fun to play, but it isn’t worth the pain.’ Lisa did not reply for a few moments. Then, she whispered, ‘Well, what is?’ PRESENT A few minutes before the fire alarm had gone off, Lisa had decided to head down to the library to read, like the studious little brat that she was. But she had never come out, and in a matter of minutes, she never would. Trevor sprang into a run like only he could, taking off with a burst of speed that any sprinter would envy. ‘Trevor, wait! You are going in the wrong direction!’ Mrs. Brown called, but she was rapidly falling out of earshot. Against all common sense, he was dashing back into a burning building. The flames were getting clearer now. Sections of the roof were rapidly beginning to cave in. Trevor could see that the entire structure would be engulfed with tongues of flame in just a few minutes. But that was not important. All that mattered was that his best friend was trapped

somewhere in there, and he had to get her out. She was the only one who had ever believed in him, and though he had always let her down, he refused to let her die in here, like this, without doing his utmost to save her. A tremendous crash resounded through the hallways, and Trevor looked up and saw a large section of the ceiling descending on him. Instinctively, he darted out of the way, narrowly avoiding a sticky end. Gazing down the route he needed to take to get to the library, he saw that the ceiling was fragile and would bury the unwary in seconds if they did not move quickly enough. ‘Alright, Trevor, time for some football practice,’ he muttered to himself, and took off at full steam. As he moved, he heard the distinctive grumble that marked an imminent collapse, and he moved towards the wall, sliding along to dodge the incumbent missile aiming to crush him. As he turned the corner, he was met with an inferno, and he sprang to the side to avoid running directly into the waiting fire. Starting to feel lightheaded from the contami-

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nated air, Trevor dropped low to the floor, remembering that smoke rises and the best chance he had to stay awake was to breathe as little as possible. Finally, he saw the entrance to the library. It was blocked by yet more flames. ‘Never easy, is it?’ thought Trevor with a grimace. Then, he spotted an adjacent window, and through it, Lisa. She was clearly unconscious and lay unmoving on the floor as the surrounding library burned. Trevor kicked the window in and scrambled through. He felt a surge of adrenaline take hold, and he found himself picking her up, a feat of strength that he would never have attempted in the past. Pushing himself to the limit, he began to sprint back in the same direction that he came in. Focused on escape, he almost missed the telltale creak, and barely managed to dive as another part of the ceiling fell back to earth. ‘That was close,’ Trevor thought. ‘Come on, pay attention. You can do this.’ The next few minutes passed in a dreamlike haze as Trevor performed one death-defying stunt after another. Eventually, Trevor snapped back to attention to find himself in a throng of fellow students. Clamor and chaos ensued as the ambulances arrived, and Lisa was loaded onto a gurney. With relief, Trevor noticed that her eyes were open. He went over to speak to her, but she cut him off before he could say anything. ‘I know that I called you a coward for not joining the football team, but I see now. Forget about that, and think about what you just did. When the going got rough, you stepped up and confronted the situation. That, Trevor Jones, is true courage.’

jjvSn-]q¿Øn ]n∂n´ kzmX{¥yw ]´p-SpØv s]m∂m-S-b-Wn-™p. Nph∏p hc-h-Xm\n°paotX \S-∂p. BtLm-j-߃ sImSn-tb-dn, tIm´-I-fn¬ Xn°pw Xpc-°p-ambn... Xo≥ tai-Iƒ \nd™p Xpfp-ºn, \rØ-im-e-Iƒ tcmam-©-a-Wn-™p. hnfw-_-c-߃, Pb-t`-cn-Iƒ.... H´nb hb-dns‚ tXß-ep-ambn Indp-°≥ Im‰v Ahn-tSbv°v sN∂n√ ]Wn-bn-√m-Ø-hs‚ ]cn-tZ-h-\-߃ ]cp-°≥ Xnc-I-fn¬ apßn-ØmWp tIdn°nS-°m-\n-S-an-√m-Ø-hcpw hgn \S-°m-\m-hm-Ø-hcpw ]≈n-°q-S-ß-fn¬ t]mIm-Ø-hcpw iq\y-X-bn¬ IdpØ Nn{X-ß-sf-gpXn ]≤-Xn-I-fn¬ ]nd-°mØ Bip-]-{Xn-I-fpsS ]n∂m-ºp-d-ß-fn¬ acWw ImØpInS-°p-∂-h¿ thZ\Iƒ Adn-bm-sX-bm-bn. tImcn-s®m-cn-bp∂ agbpw Im‰pw Cf-Inb ISepw CSn-an-∂-ep-Ifpw CS-bv°nsS Akw-Xr]vXnbpsS Ccp≠ apJ-߃°v t]Sn-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ cq]-`m-h-߬ \evIn.... tIm´-I-fn¬, Agn-a-Xn-bn¬ ASn-apSn ]pX-®p-d-ßp-∂-h¿ Icbpw ISepw Im‰pw \t∂ ho¿∏p-ap-´p∂Xdn-™n√. Ibv∏p-sh≈w IpSn-®p-h-‰n®v kp\m-an-Iƒ Icp-Øm¿÷n°p-∂Xpw Ccp-fns‚ ad-hn¬ Xcw ]m¿Øn-cn-°p-∂Xpw kpJ kpjp-]vXn-bn-embhc-dn-™n-√....

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“Can you hold my hand when

I take my last breath?” asked John with great difficulty, while I was giving him his morphine injection. John was my patient who had beenextubated the other day. “Why did you ask that?” I wondered. “I have no one to say good bye to me,” he replied in a soft voice. John was a 72 year old retired teacher, diagnosed with class IV heart failure. There was nothing else we could do. He had no children and all his siblings were deceased. I sat with him holding his handsthe next day when he took his last breath, making sure that he was not in pain and that he spent his last minutes with dignity and respect. I reminiscedabout the days when my mom and dad passed away surrounded by children, grandchildren, priests, friends and family. No one left their bedside; we were there singing their favorite prayer songs until their last breath. On the other hand, John was all alone in his ICU bed, surrounded by the machines, monitors, and medication pumps, with no friends or family to comfort him. But I was there. I was there to say good bye to him, and to

Faces of Caring

Alphonsa Rahman MSN, CNS, RN, CCRN

remindhim that we all will be together one day. When my father asked me about my career choiceduring my teenage years, I said I wanted to be a nun because I wanted to help people. My father said, “Go for nursing.That is the best public service.”Of course, he was absolutely right. Nursing has evolved as a profession throughout history, with multiple faces and multiple roles. We have come a long way from Florence Nightingale’s day, but still believe in one goal: serving humanity. You are a nurse when you are at the

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Capitol Hill trying to lobby the senators to change a health care policy and when you are at a crime scene trying to get evidenceand when you are at a university teaching and mentoring tomorrow’s leaders. You are a nurse when you are in Africa,establishing a primary health center and when you are working with information technology engineers to build a better computerized medical system and when you are anadministrative officer at a pharmaceutical company or medical equipment company trying to figure out the best equipment for patient care.All of these are different faces of caring. Some serveby taking care of the sick, some through being anagent of change, and some through leadership. It’s no wonder why nurses have been ranked in the United States as the most trusted profession throughout the last 13 years. My saluteto all nurses who care not onlywhen people are sick but also when they are healthy and need someone!

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Staring into the river, I saw myself looking back at me And behind that reflection, A hundred tiny fish swimming by The dew-covered grass I sat upon, Had the same green of the wide river And I sat there enjoying the quiet That would last for only a while The water shimmered as if the moon Had left it’s light behind Then I realized that I could not see, How it stretched for miles and miles So it seemed to me like my Share of the river would End at its next turn, but I could Still sit there and look upon it Even if it was for only a while

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Joshua Joseph St Joseph’s School, Fullerton.

“I came, I saw and it conquered”. Obviously this is not exactly what Alexander the Great said. Nonetheless, in every sense “it” here refers to Tae Kwon Do, a sport that influenced me. “I came”. I remember the days when my parents used to take me out for shopping and I would look through the glass windows, a sport that captured my attention. I would ask myself if I could ever do the stunts that the kids were doing. My parents used to wait a while to access my interest in the sport. I still remember my parents asking me if I would like to learn this sport. I wanted to say yes, however, I took a long pause asking myself a question, Can I do this? I did eventually say yes. I was indeed nervous about learning Tae Kwon Do. “I saw”. Finally the day came when I took my first class. I was anxious until, one of my masters came down and called my name and made me feel comfortable. Even before any of the forms or steps was taught, we were told to focus. For a young

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mind like mine this word did not make sense. Nevertheless, over time I learned to focus and listen. This made me understand Tae Kwon Do was more than a sport, it was a disciple. When I started getting at ease I realized that I was not only learning martial arts but also gaining confidence in all things new. “It conquered”. Today, I can say I overcame my fears and I’m able to answer the question that still stands, can I do this? And with pride I can say, “Yes I can”. Finally, the day came when I was awarded a first degree black belt and with all cheers I would like to pursue this sport further. Referring back, I realize for a young mind like mine the Taekwondo belts for me have been about change. I may have started this journey intending to get belts and strips, but it so happened that I found my inner strength. Moreover, my spiritual journey with Tae Kwon Do will never end and with a smile I take the essence of what I learned forward to face the various challenges that life brings forth.

This past month, Milana Paul, daughter of Paul and Dolly Mangalath, had the wonderful privilege of having her Arungetram on June 9, 2012. She started dancing at the tender age of three in Kerala, India. After coming to USA, she began dancing under the guid-

ance of Guru Revathi Kumar at the age of six. For the past 11 years Milana has participated in numerous competitions winning several awards including India Forum, UMBC, Columbia Association’s Battle of the Dances and many more. Aside from performing for competitions, Milana has danced for major fundraising events such as the Tsunami Relief Fund, Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund, Columbia Association’s Fund for Celiac Research, Rockville Rotary’s Polio Vaccine Fund, SSMILE Village, and countless others. Aside from performing, Milana has also established herself as a dance teacher and choreographer. For the past four years she has assisted Guru Revathi Kumar with the younger children of Abinaya Natya Sala, teaching numerous dances. She has also received recognition from organizations such as Kairali of Baltimore, Kerala Cultural Society, and Kerala Association of Greater Washington for her exceptional work as a choreographer. Milana also takes pride in being involved in the Jesus Youth of Baltimore where she is able to con-

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tribute to her church and most importantly to serve God. Milana graduated from Mt. Hebron High School in May 2012, where she participated in various activities including Rotary Club, South Asian Club (Choreographer), String Orchestra, National Honors Society, Marching Unit Rifle Team, and Student Leadership Conference Committee. Due to her academic achievements, Milana is currently attending University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Milana hopes to combine her love of children and her commitment to helping others to pursue a career in Pediatric Dentistry. She would like to thank her family, friends, and God for all their support in making her arungetram a very special occasion. Kairali of Baltimore congratulates Milana on her outstanding achievements, and wishes her continued success in her academic and artistic endeavors.

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ktcmPm h¿§okv \yqtbm¿°v

hn hml \n›bw Ign-™p. I√mW-°p-dnbpw ASn-∏n-®p. _‘p-an-{Xm-ZnIsf Adn-bn-°m\pw XpS-ßn. I√m-WØn\v C\n Znh-k-߃ am{Xw. Um\n˛kp\nX hnhm-ln-X-cm-Ip-∂p. a[p-hn[p \mfp-Iƒ \o´n-°n-´m≥ I√ymW-X-te-∂mƒ hsc tPmen sNøp-hm\mWv Um\n-bpsS Xocp-am\w. tPmen-Ign™v sslth-bn-eqsS Imtdm-Sn-®p-h-cptºmƒ I√mW apd-∏n® F√m bphm°- t fbpw t]mse Abmfpw a[pc kz]v\-߃ s\øm≥ XpS-ßn. ]Sn-™mtd-am-\Øv kmb-¥\ kqcy≥ hmcn-∏qinb kz¿Æ-®mbw ]c∂p InS-°p-∂p. sslth-bpsS Ccp ]m¿iz-ß-fnepw ]® Nn√Iƒ hnS¿Øn \n¬°p∂ ama-c߃ {]Ir-Xnsb IqSp-X¬ at\m-l-cnbm-°p∂p. Imdns‚ kv]SnI P\m-ebn¬IqSn IS∂p hcp∂ kqcy Inc-Wß-fpsS Cfw-Nq-Sn¬ Hcp {]tXy-I-Xcw kpJw A\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂p. ss{Uhv sNøp-tºmƒ sk¬t^m¨ D]-tbm-Kn-°m≥ ]mSn-√m-Ø-Xp-sIm≠v AXv Hm^m-°n-bn-cn-°p-Ib - mWv. kp\nX hnfn-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cn°pw C∂se cm{Xn B hnhcw tI´-Xp-ap-X¬ Ahƒ Akzÿ-bm-Wv. F¥p adp-]Sn sImSp-°-Wsa∂v Um\n-°-dn-bn-√. ss{^tU BbXp-sIm≠v `b-¶c {Sm^n-°v. sk¬ H∂v Hm¨ sNbv X p t\m°mw, Cßns\ ImØp-In-S-°p-tºmƒ. ]ns∂-tØm∂n, th≠, Ahƒ tNmZn-®m¬ F¥p-ad - p-]Sn \¬Ipw. Um\n°v Btem-Nn-®n´v H∂pw a\ n-em-Ip-∂n-√. i‡n-a-Ømb Hcp {]hml- Ø ns‚ ASn- s bm- g p- ° n¬s]´v Ftßm-s´-∂n-√msX t]mIp-∂p. “F¥psIm-≠mWv aΩn Aßns\ ]d-™-Xv.” \yqtbm¿°n¬ h∂ Imew apX¬,

hnhmlw kz¿§-Øntem `qan-bntem ? AXm-bXv Um\nbpw kp\n-Xbpw P\n°p-∂X - n\p apºp-Xs - ∂, Ah-cpsS amXm]n-Xm-°ƒ kplr-Øp-°-fm-Wv. Um\nbpsS aΩnbpw kp\n-X-bpsS aΩnbpw tIc-f-Øn¬ Htc {Kma-Øn¬ P\n®p hf¿∂- h - c m- W v . Hcp- a n®p ]Tn- ® - h ¿, Ata-cn-°-bn-se-Øn-bXpw Hcp-an®v ]ckv ] c kulrZw aqew Chn- s Sbpw Ab¬°m-cmbn Ign-bp-∂p. {Sm^n°v Cg-bp-∂-Xp-t]mse Um\nbpsS Nn¥bpw Cg-bp-∂p. t\gvkdn kvIqƒ apX¬ Hcp-an®p t]mbn h∂-h¿. \njv I - f - ¶ - a mb B kv t \l- Ø n¬ kwXr- ] vX- c mb amXm- ] n- X m- ° ƒ sslkv°qƒ ss^\¬ Cb¿ kvt\lnX-cp-samØv t{]man\p t]mb-Zn-hkw. Cfw \oe- \ n- d - Ø n- e p≈ jnt^m¨ Ku¨ [cn®v Hcp-ßn-bn-d-ßnb kp\nX Hcp amem-J-sb-t∏mse kpµ-cn-bm-bncp∂p. Rß-fpsS kulr-Z-Øn¬ Iq´pIm-cn¬ ]e¿°pw Akqb tXm∂n-bncp- ∂ p. kp\n- X - b psS AwK- c - £ - I ≥ F∂ ]Z-hnbpw Ah¿ F\n°p \¬In. AXn¬ Rm≥ A`n-am-\n-®n-cp-∂p. tImf-Pp-]-T\w ]q¿Øn-bm-b-tXm-sSbmWv R߃ hnhm-ln-X-c-mI-W-sa∂p≈ B{Klw {]I-Sn-∏n-®-Xv. Ccp IpSpw-_-߃°pw ]q¿Æ-k-Ω-Xw. hnhn[ Nn¥-I-fn¬ apgpIn Um\n ho´n-se-Øp-∂p. Imdp ]m¿°v sNbvX

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ho´n¬ Ib- d p- t ºmƒ hoSn- \ - I Øp ivaim\ aqIX ]∏bpw aΩnbpw ]ckv ] cw an≠p- ∂ n- √ . C∂se hsc kt¥mjw Ifn-bm-Snb hoSv C∂se cm{Xn {]m¿∞- \ bpw `£- W hpw Ign™v aΩn°pw ]∏bv°pw ‘good night’ ]d™v apdn-bn-tebv°v t]mIp-tºmƒ aΩn ]d-™p. “\nev°v Hcp Imcyw ]dbm-\p≠v.” \msf Ωnbv°v tPmen-bm-bn-cn-°mw. Xm\p-W-cp-tºm-tgbv°pw aΩn t]mIpw. t{_°v ^mÃns\Ipdn®v hoSp ]q´p-∂Xns\°pdns®ms°- b p≈ ]Xnhv eIvN¿ Bbn-cn-°p-sa∂p IcpXn Um\n ]d-™p.” Bh¿Øn-t°≠ F\n-bv°dn-bmw.” “\n\-s°-¥-dnbmw H∂padn-™p-IqSm.” aΩn-bpsS Kuchw \nd™ i_vZw ]∏m Xe ssIØ-e-Øn¬ Xmßn-bn-cn°p-I-bm-Wv. Aev]w ]cn-{`-a-tØmsS Um\n tNmZn-®p. “F¥m aΩn.” aΩn- b psS i_v Z w Hc- i \n]mXw t]mse hoWp. Um\n kvX_vZ-\mbn. Um\n-bpsS ]nXm-hn\v CXp ap≥Iq-´n Adn-bm-am-bn-cp-s∂-¶nepw At±-lhpw ZpxJn-X-\mbn ImW-s∏-´p. Hcp \ni-_vZX-bv°p-tijw Um\n tNmZn-®p. “ Ct∏m- g mtWm aΩn CsXms° Btem- N n- ° p- ∂ - X v . ” Xncn™p ]∏tbmSpw tNmZn-®p. “F¥m ]∏m CsXm-

hnhmlw s°. ]∏bv°v H∂pw ]d-bm-\n-t√?” ]∏m s]mXpsh im¥- \ mWv At±lw ]d-™p, “tams\, Rm≥ Zic-Ys‚ Ah-ÿ-bn-em-Wv. cmas‚ A`ntjIw \n›-bn®p Ign-™-Xn-\p-tijw, ssItIbn Db¿Ønb Bh-iyw tI´v XI¿∂pt]mb Zi-c-Y-s‚.” AsXm∂pw Hcp {]iv\w B°m-ØXp-t]mse aΩn ]d-™p. “\o kp\nXsb hnfn®p hnhcw ]d-bp-I.” “aΩn F¥mWo ]d-bp-∂Xv IeymW-Øn-X\v C\n Znh-k-߃ am{Xw. AXn-\n-S-bn¬ Fßns\ Cu Imcyw ]dbpw.” “Cu Imcy-amWv henb Imcyw. ]cº-cm-K-X-ambn A®-∑mcpw I\ym-kv{XoIfpw Hs°-bp≈ Hcp IpSpw-_-amWv \Ωp-tS-Xv. \m´n¬\n∂pw GsX-¶nepw Hcp Xncp-ta\n h∂m¬ Chn-sS-bt√ Xma-kn-°p-∂-Xv. Rß-fpsS GI aI≥ A\y-Pm-Xn-bn¬ \n∂pw Hcp s]¨Ip´nsb hnhmlw Ign®p F∂-dn-™m¬ \ΩpsS taS- b n¬ IpSpw- _ - Ø ns‚ k¬t∏-cn-\mWv If-¶-ap-≠m-Ip-∂-Xv.” “aΩo, I¿Ømhp ]d-™Xv “\ns∂t∏mse \ns‚ Ab¬°m- c - t \bpw kvt\ln-°pI” F∂-t√. \Ωƒ F¥n\mWv C{X k¶p-Nn-X-ambn Nn¥n-°p-∂Xv.” aΩn ZrV-\n-›-b-ap-≈-hfpw, IWn°m-cn-bp-am-Wv. Ah¿ ]d-™p. “\o kp\n-Xb - p-ambn kwkm-cn®v hnhcw Adnbn-°v. good night.” Um\n- b psS kI- e - i - ‡ nbpw tNm¿∂pt]mbn. F¥p-sN-ø-W-sa∂pw Fßns\ sNø-Ws - a∂pw Fßns\ Cu {]Xn-k‘n XcWw sNø-Ws - a∂pw Hcp cq]-hp-an-√mØ Hcp k∂n-Kv[m-h-ÿ. Um\n apdn-bn¬ t]mbn kp\n-Xb - psS \º¿ Id-°n. dnwKv sNbvX-t∏mƒ I´psN-bvXp. ho≠pw hnf-®-t∏mƒ Ahƒ t^m¨ FSp-°p-∂-Xp-hsc XpSn-°p∂ lrZ-b-hp-ambn ImØn-cp-∂p. “ F¥m I√m- W - s N°m, kabw t]mIp-∂n-√, At√?” Um\n \ni-_vZ-\m-bn. kp\nX ho≠pw “ F¥m an≠mØXv.” “lmbv kp\nXm, F\n°v kp\n-XtbmSv Hcp Imcyw ]d-bm-\p-≠v. AXv Fßns\ ]d-b-W-sa∂v Adn-bn-√.”

kz¿§-Øntem `qan-bntem ? Cw•o- j ntem, ae- b m- f - Ø ntem Bhmw. t{]a-Øns‚ `mj-bn¬ ]d™mepw F\n°p a\- n-em-Ipw.” “Xam-i-b-√, Fs‚ aΩn \nt∂mSp ]d-bm≥ ]d™ Imcy-am-Wv.” “ AΩm- b n- b Ω t]mcmtWm s]mt∂.” “t]mcn-√msX Ign-°m≥ Hcp k‘nam¿§- a m- W v. ]s£ \n\- ° Xp kzoImcyw BIn-√.” “ F¥m-bmepw ]d-bq, tIƒ°-s´.” IqSp-X¬ apJ-hp-c-bn-√msX Um\n ]d-™p. “ \o amtam- Z ok apß- W w, {InkvXym\n BIWw F∂mte \ΩpsS hnhmlw \S-Øn-X-cq. F∂v aΩn ]d-bp-∂p. \ns‚ kΩ-X-a-dn-™n´v \ns‚ amXm-]n-Xm-°-tfmSv kwkm-cn°pw.” kp\nX AXp-tI´v s]m´n-Nn-cn-®psIm≠v tNmZn-®p. “\n\°v Fs∂ sI´tWm, F∂nse {InkvXym- \ nsb sI´tWm? \nt∂mSv lnµp- B-Im≥ Fs‚ aΩn ]d-™mtem?” “kp\n-tX, \mw ]c-kv]cw kvt\ln®Xv PmXnbpw aXhpw t\m°n-bmtWm ? Cu Ah-km\ \nan-j-Øn¬ aΩn Cßns\ ]d-™m¬ F¥p-sNøpw?” “kv t \lw PmXn°pw aX- Ø n\pw AXo-X-am-sW∂p Um\n-°p Adn-™pIqsS?” “aΩnbpsS Xe-bn¬ H∂pw Ib-dpI-bn-√. ]∏m \n -lm-bX {]I-Sn-∏n-®ncn-°p-I-bm-Wv.” “ Um\o, \o F¥p Xocp- a m- \ n°p∂p?” “]∏bpw aΩnbpw Cßns\ ISpw-]nSpØw ]nSn- ® m¬ IeymWw Ign™mepw \ap°v Fßns\ kt¥m-jap-≠mIpw? “ At∏mƒ \n\°pw Rms\m∂v apßn-In-´n-bm¬ \√Xv F∂p-≠v, At√ ? hm°p-I-fpsS Hcp Ifn t\m°-sW, apßp F∂p ]d- ™ m¬ thsdbpw A¿∞-ap-≠v. Rm\ßv \ns∂ hn´p-t]mIpI F∂pw. F¥m, AXp thtWm?” “kp\ntX CXn\p Fs¥-¶nepw ]cnlmcw It≠ Xocp. \ap°v F¥p-sN-

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øm≥ km[n°pw?” “Um\o, aX ]cn-h¿Ø-\hpw aXØns‚ hf¿®bpw A√ \ΩpsS e£yw. amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ A\p-hZ- n-®n-s√¶n¬ \ap°v cPn-ÿ amtcyPv sNømw.” “]∏-bp-tSbpw aΩn-bp-tSbpw a\ v thZ-\n-∏n®v \ap°v Aßns\ sNøm≥ Ign-bptam?” “ Ah¿ \ΩpsS a\- p-Isf thZ-\n∏n-°p-∂nt√?” Ipd®p t\csØ \ni-_vZ-X-bv°ptijw Um\n tNmZn-®p. “ \o Fs‚ `mcy-bm-Im≥ t]mIp-∂h-ft√? B \nebv°p \o amtΩm-Zok apßp-∂-Xn¬ F¥p-{]-iv\w. \ΩpsS Ip´n-I-tfbpw \ap°v {InkvXy≥ hnizmk- Ø n¬ hf¿Ømw. hnhm- l - Ø n- \ ptijw, kv{Xo ]q¿Æ-ambn `¿Øm-hnt\mSp ebn-°p-∂-Xt√ ImWp-∂Xv ? kp\nX AXp-tI´v tIm]wsIm≠v Pzen-®p. Ahƒ ]d-™p. “ \ns‚ a\- n- e n- c p∏v Ct∏mƒ F\n°p a\- n-em-bn. Rm≥ Hcp aXhpw amdm≥ t]mIp-∂n-√. \n\°p AXp kΩX-a-s√-¶n¬ \ap°v ]ncnbmw.” Ahƒ t^m¨ I´p sNbvXp. Um\n ]∏- t bmSpw aΩn- t bmSpw sI©n- t \m- ° n. Ah¿ ISp- I p- a - W nt]mepw A\pc-RvP-\-Øn\p Xøm-d-√. \njvI-f¶ t{]a-Øn-\p-ap-ºn¬ ]cmP-b-s∏-tS≠n hcp∂ Um\n-bpsS lrZb- Ø n¬, i‡- a mb IS¬Øn- c - I ƒ H∂n- \ p- ] p- d sI H∂mbn Db¿∂p sImt≠-bn-cp-∂p. hfsc sNdp∏w apXte apXn¿∂-h¿ ]d™p tI´n-´p-≈Xpw Xm≥ hniz-kn®-Xp-amb XØz-߃ Hm¿Ω-bn-s√-Øn. ‘hnhm-l-߃ kz¿§-Øn¬ \S-°p∂p. ssZhw tbmPn-∏n-®-Xns\ a\p-jy¿ th¿s∏-Sp-Ø-cp-Xv.’ Ch Hs° A¿∞-cln-X-amtWm? aX-Øns‚ t]cn¬, \njvI-f¶ t{]aØn≥ tbmPn-°m-\m-{K-ln-®-h¿ th¿]ncn-tb-≠n-hc - p-s∂-¶n¬ aXw F¥n-\m-Wv. kvt\ln-°p∂ a\- p-Isf thZ-\n-∏n°p-∂-Xv, icn-bmtWm? Cu hn[-ap≈ At\I ka-ky-Iƒ Um\n-bpsS Xnc-If - p-b¿Øp-tºmƒ tai∏p-d-Øn-cn-°p∂ hnhml £W-°-ØpIƒ Um\nsb t\m°n ]cn-l-kn-°p-∂Xmbn tXm∂n.

hnNn-{X-amb Hcp sIme-]m-XI hm¿Ø hmbn-°p-I-bm-bncp∂p Ieym-Wn. F´v sIme-]m-XIw AXpw Xnan¿Øv s]øp∂ ag-bØv!! ]{X hm¿Ø Ddss° hmbn® tijw Ahƒ Fs∂ t\m°n Nncn-®p. Iym≥hm-kn¬ Hcp ag-Nn{Xw cq]-sa-Sp-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. \oebpw shfp∏pw Ie¿∂v... cm{Xn-bnse agbv°msWm `mhw IqSp-X¬ AtXm cmhn-te-tbm-sb∂v Btem-Nn®v ]IpXn NncntbmsS Rm≥ tNmZn-®p.. “\n\-s°s∂ t]Sn-bmtWm I√ym-Wn.. Rm\o s]cp-a-g-bnßs\ \\-bp-tºmƒ!! ag.. AXv F¥v kpJ-am-sW-∂-dn-bmtam \n\-°v.. Hcp ]s£ \o hmbn® ]{X hm¿Ø icn-bm-bn-cn°pw Nne- t ∏mƒ.. F√m sXfn- h p- I fpw ambv ° p∂ ag. ]s£ ]s≠tßm hmbn®tXm¿°p-∂p. \o¿°p-an-f-Iƒ F√m-‰n\pw km£n-bm-Ip-∂p-sh∂v.. F∂n´pw.. Bcp-a-dn-bmsX F{X F{X sIme-]m-X-I-߃..” A¿t≤m-‡n-bn¬ Rm≥ \n¿Øn. Fs‚ kwkmcw Ah-fn¬ `oXn ]c-Øn-tbm∂v kwi-bn®v sIm≠n-cns° Ifn-bmbv Ahƒ ]d-™p. “..s∂ sIm∂m¬ Rm\pw sIm√pw.. AXv Xo¿®. \ns∂ Aßns\ BcpsS IqsSbpw Pohn-°m≥ Rm≥ kΩ-Xn-°n-√.” Nn{X {]Z¿i-\-ß-fn¬ ag Nn{Xw hmßm≥ h∂ Hcp aZmΩsb Rms\m∂v sXm´q∂v ]d™v ASp-°-fn-bnse I∏pw ]m{X-ßfpw Fdn™p s]m´n-®Xpw t]mcm™v s]¨Ip-´n-IfpsS \nd™ `mK-ß-fnev Bh-iy-an-√msX IÆp-Iƒ Cg-bp∂p-sh∂pw ]d™v hg-°n´v an≠m-Xn-cp-∂Xpw IeymWn Xs∂bm-Wv. hc®v ]Ip-Xn-bn¬ \n¿Øn-bt- ∏mƒ IeymWn Npa-en¬ X´n. ]ns∂ kzImcyw t]mse ]d-™p. “Xna¿°p∂ ag-bn¬ Hcmsf sIm∂m¬ Hcp ]q®Ip™pt]m-ep-a-dn-bn√ At√ iymw..”

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Ah-fpsS At∏m-gsØ `mhw I≠v Rm\p-sam∂v sR´n. ]ns∂ ]d-™p. “Rm\m-tem-Nn-°p-∂Xv kpK-X-Ipamcn So®-dpsS cm{Xn agbpw.. ]ns∂ Cu sIme-]m-X-Ihpw h®v \s√mcp kn\n-a°-Ybv°v kvtIm∏p-≠-t√m-∂m-Wv..” Ah- f psS apJw A{X {]k∂sam∂p-am-bn-cp-∂n√ F¥p- sIm≠m.. AXp sIm≠v Xs∂ ssI IgpIn Ah-tfbpw tN¿Øv ]nSn®mWv ASp-°fn-bn-tebv°v \S-∂-Xv. “iymw ag-bpsS i_vZw ]e-t∏mgpw \tΩmSv ]eXpw ]d-bp-∂p-≠-t√m∂v \o Btem-Nn-®n-´p-t≠m.. Hcp ]s£ GtXm sIme-]m-X-I-Øns‚ Bcp-a-dn-bmØ IY-bm-sW-¶ntem..” Ah-fpsS N¥n-s°mcp ASn h®v sImSpØv “\√ hni∏v \o tNmsd-Sps°s‚ Ipt™” ∂v tZjyw ImWn-®p. `£Ww Ign®p sIm≠n-cn-°p-tºmƒ s]sS∂v Ahƒ ho≠pw ]d™p XpSßn. “\o C\nbpw ag-Nn-{X-ß-fp-≠m-°nbm¬ Rm\-sX-√m-sa-SpØv IØn®p Ifbpw. “NXn-°t√ Ic-tf... CXv hn‰v In´p∂ Imiv sIm≠v thWw \ap-s°m∂v Np‰nb-Sn-°m≥ CØ-h-W. FhnsS t]mI-Wsa∂v \o Xs∂ ]d-™m¬ aXn. ]ns∂ Cu ag Nn{X-߃.. \ns‚ Cu ag-t∏Sn am‰m≥ IqSn-bt√ Rm\nt{Xw s]cpw agIƒ hc®p Iq´p-∂Xv.” I√ymWn ]m{X-Øn¬ ssI IpS™p. Adn-bmsX \m°n¬ ISn-®-Xp-ImcWw \m°n≥ XpºØv tNmc-s]m-Sn™p. hmb IgpIn Ahƒ Xncn®v h∂p. “agbv°v \o hc-bv°p∂ At{Xw kuµ-cy-sam-∂p-an√” “Hm ]nt∂... ag hcp-tºmƒ I´n-en¬ ]pX®v aqSn-In-S-°p∂ \n\°v Fßns\ ag-bpsS kuµcyw ImWm≥ Ignbpw?” Rm≥ shdpsX Ahsf hmin-]n-Sn-∏n°m≥ ]d-™p. Ip´n-°m-e-tØ-bp≈ ag-t∏Sn a\- nen´v hf¿Øp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p I√ym-Wn. Ah-fpsS A—\pw AΩbpw Hcp t_m´]-I-S-Øn¬ acn-®-Xn\p tij-am-IWw Hcp ]t£ Ahƒ°n{Xbpw ag-t∏-Snsb∂v iymw a\- n¬ Hm¿°m-Xn-cp-∂n√. I√y-Wnsb ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn\p apsºm∂pw Fs‚ Nn{X-ß-fntem IYI-fntem C{Xbpw ag km∂n≤yw D≠mbn-cp-∂-tX-bn-√.

BZy cm{Xn-bn¬ tImcn-sNm-cn-bp∂ ag-bpsS i_vZw tI´v t]Sn®v hnd-bv°p∂Xv I≠n Nncn h∂n-´p-≠v. BZy-ambn agsb t]Sn- ® Xv hb- - d nbn®t∏mgmsW∂v A∂-hƒ ]d-™p. kvIqfn¬ t]mbn hcp-tºmƒ ag tImcn-sNm-cn™Xpw ]mS-h-c-ºØp \n∂v Nfn-bn¬ hoWXpw ]ns∂ ho´n-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ AΩ-bpsS hg-°v, iIm-cw. hey s]Æmbn∂ t_m[-an-s√∂v Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂sXm-s°bpw B ag-bØv IÆo-tcmsS tI´n-cp-∂p. apdn-bpsS aqe-bn¬ Ccn-°ptºmƒ Cd-bn¬ \n∂v sh≈w i‡ambn IpØn-sbm-en-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ico-c-tZ-h\tbmsSbp≈ B Znh-k-ßfn¬ Ft¥ C{Xbpw ag-sb∂v B[n ]nSn®v F√m-‰n-t\bpw i]n®v XpS-ßnb B Znhkw... Hcp ]s£ t]Sn-bpsS XpS°w AhnsS \n∂m-bn-cn-°-Ww. ]n∂o-sSm-cn-°¬ tXmSv apdn®v IS°m- s \m- c p- ß p- t ºm- g mWv I¿°n- S - I Ønse sXm´m¬ s]m´p∂ ag CSnbpw an∂-ep-ambn h∂-Xv. t]Sn®v HmSm≥ XpSßn-b-t∏m-tg°pw icocw \ndsb sh≈Øp-≈n-Iƒ s]mXn™p Ign-™n-cp-∂p. kvIqƒ hn´v hcp∂ Iq´p-Im-cn¬ Ahkm\w X´m≥ `mkv I - c s‚ tam\pw Ieym-Wnbpw a{X-am-Ipw hosS-Øp-∂h¿. A∂pw IqsS Ah≥ D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. X´m≥ `mkv I - c s‚ tam≥ ]pd- I n¬ \n∂v Igp-Øn-eqsS ssIøn´v Ah-fpsS ape-I-fn¬ ]nSn-°p-Ibpw apJw Ihn-fne-a¿Øp-Ibpw sNøm≥ XpS-ßn-bt- ∏mƒ IÆv s]m´p∂ Hcp sh≈n shfn-®hpw H∏w Hcp CSn i_vZ-hpw. ]ns∂ hosSØn-bXpt]mepw I√ym-Wn°v Hm¿Ω-bp≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. Cu IY-Iƒ tI´-tijw I√ym-WnbpsS ASp-Øn-cn-°p-tºmƒ ag hnj-bam-hm-Xn-cn-°m≥ {i≤n-®n-cp-∂p. F∂n´pw AXv a\- n-em-°n-bn-s´-t∂mWw Hcn-°e-hƒ ]d-™p, “Cu agbv°v Fs¥mcp kpK‘m s√ iymw.. ]pXp-a-Æn¬ sh≈w hogptºm-gp-≠m-Ip∂ aWw, Nd ]d s]øp∂ ag-I-√p-Iƒ.. HmSp-I-sfms° XI¿∂p t]mIp- s a∂v tXm∂n- ∏ n- ° pw.. slm.. F∂mepw F\n°v t]Sn-sbm-∂p-an-√mt´m.. cm{Xn InS-°m≥ t\cw K¿`n-Wn-bmb ]q® ]Xnb Ic™p sIm≠v Ah-fpsS Imep-I-fn¬ apJw sIm≠v Dc-bv°m≥ XpS-ßn. “I≠ sN°-∑m-tcm-sSm∂pw Iq´p-Iq-

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S-cp-sX∂v F{X XhW ]d-™-Xm..” Ahƒ shdpsX ]q®sb imkn-®p. s]s´∂v P\¬ ]mfnsb sXm´p- sIms≠mcp XWpØ Im‰pw HmSn\p apI-fn¬ Nc¬ I√p-t]mse ag XI¿°m\pw XpSßn. CS i_vZw tI´Xp sIm≠m-hWw ]q® I´n-en-\S- b - n-tebv°v Hcp sNdnb i_vZt- ØmsS hen™p Ib-dn. ASpØ £Ww I√ymWn Im¬ ap´n¬ apJ-aa¿Øn F¥n-s\-∂-dn-bmsX Ic-bm≥ XpS- ß n. ]pdw Xncn™p InS- ° p∂ Fs‚ Npa-en¬ apJ-aa - ¿Øn-bt- ∏m-gmWv Ahƒ Ic-bp-Ib - m-sW∂v F\nbv°v a\ n-em-b-Xv. iymw. \ap°o ag-bØv Cdßn \\™m-tem.. I´n-en-\-Sn-bn¬ \n∂v ]q® Ic™p sIm≠n-cp-∂-t∏mƒ Ieym-WnbpsS apJw Nph-°m≥ XpS-ßn. “Cu cm{Xn-bn-emtWm ag \\-bp-∂Xv. \msf Hm^o-kn¬ t]mtI-≠-X-t√..” Rm≥ Ahn- i z- k - \ o- b - X - t bmsS ]d™p. iymw.. “Ahƒ Ft¥m ]d- b m≥ Xp\n™p. ]ns∂ H∂pw ]d-bmsX Fs‚ s\©n¬ ssIhn- c - e p- I ƒ tN¿Øv h®v apJw Ip\n-®v.. “ \ap°v Cu ag- a p- g p- h ≥ \\™mtem iymw..” Ahƒ Xo¿Øpw IcbpI Xs∂-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F\n°v A¤p- X hpw k¶- S hpw h∂p. agbpw CSnbpw an∂epw t]Sn°p∂ I√ym-Wn. ag \\-bm≥ hmin-]n-Sn-°p-tºmƒ Ah-fpsS apJw Nph∂v XpSp-°p-∂p-≠mbn-cp-∂p. c≠mgvN apºp≈ ag-b-ØmWv Cu ]q® AhnsS A∏p-dsØ ho´nse Nfnbn¬ InS-∂p-cp≠v ]nc-≠v.. I≠≥ ]q®bp-ambn Hcp bp≤w ]¶p-h-bv°p∂Xv I√ymWn I≠-Xv. Znh-k-߃ Ign-bptºmƒ Ah-cp-XΩ - n-ep≈ _‘-ßf - nse Dujva-fX CS-bv°nsS `£W thfbnepw InS-∏-d-bnepw IeymWn ]d-bpI ioe-am-°p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-∂p. Ic-®n¬ ap´n Ahƒ°v izmkw In´msX-bmbn ]ns∂ Abmsf Aa¿Øn Npw_n-°m≥ XpS-ßn. “ iymw \ap°pw Cu ag- b - Ø v . . ” ]q¿Øn-bm-°m≥ ImØp-\n¬°msX Acn®p Ib-dnb ag-bpsS Cg-b-Sp-∏nte°v.. XWp-∏n-te°v, Nfn-sh-≈-Øn¬ c≠p ]q®-Isf t]mse Hcp InX-∏n\mbv Ah¿ ImØp \n∂p.

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Xavier Palathingal

s children of Indian origin born and brought up in this country, I am sure we all have many friends who are often curious about our Christian names, our religion and our Christian history. While most people just assume that our parents changed their names after coming to the US for their convenience, like some Chinese and Koreans immigrants do, some folks often still have lingering questions. If we changed our names out of convenience, then why didn't we do the same to our complicated last names, such as say "Palathingal"?! In fact, even many of our North Indian friends believe that we got the western and/or Christian names from British colonial influence. In this context, it’s really worth our while to learn about our religious history so that we’re fully prepared to explain to our friends about ourselves as a community. We are a community of Keralite Christians from Southern India who can trace back our connections to the Judeo-Palestinian lands, to King Solomon's time and a history of Christianity as old as Jesus Christ himself. Although there are many versions of the Jewish history in Kerala, one thing that most

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theories espouse about the Cochini Jews is that they didn’t arrive in one large mass emigration. The Jews arrived at various points throughout time in Kerala, and settled in South India at Kodungallur, an ancient seaport near current day Cochin. The first forefathers of the Cochini Jews arrived in India during the King Solomon’s period, that is, 500 years before Jesus Christ. King Solomon had business relations with an apparently autonomous Jewish settlement and other Kerala kingdoms near Muziris, the present day Kodungallur and Cochin. Later, Jews from Spain and other parts of Europe arrived at Cochin. The white European Jews lived separately from the veteran darker Jews of Cochin and considered them as Indian proselytes to Judaism. Thomas the Apostle, also called Doubting Thomas or Didymus - meaning "Twin", was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. According to the Bible, when Lazarus had just died, the apostles didn’t want to go back to Judea, where Jesus' fellow Jews had attempted to stone him to death. But Thomas said bravely: "Let us also go, that we may die with him". As many of us know, he is best known for not believing in Jesus' resurrection when he was first told

about it, then afterwards proclaiming "My Lord and my God" upon seeing Jesus in the flesh. Apparently, he was the only Apostle who ventured out of hiding after Jesus’ crucifixion, probably to get food for all the disciples, when all the other disciples were scared to go out. He was also perhaps the only Apostle who went outside of the Roman Empire to preach the Gospel. These facts reveal his courageous and adventurous personality. According to Indian Christian tradition, St. Thomas landed in Kodungallur in AD 52, in the company of the Jewish merchant Abbanes. There have been Jewish colonies in Kodungallur since ancient times and many Jews continue to reside in Kerala in the modern day. St. Thomas had sailed to India to spread the Christian faith among the Cochin Jews. He is supposed to have landed at the ancient port of Muziris, which was destroyed in 1341 AD due to a massive flood. Like many other Christian evangelists, St. Thomas then expanded his mission beyond the Cochin Jews, to include other local religions. He established the Ezharappallikal, or "Seven and Half Churches,” situated at Kodungallur, Kollam, Niranam, Nilackal, Kokkamangalam, Kottakkayal, Palayoor and Thiruvithancode Arappally – the half church. We all are the descendents of those who joined him 2000 years ago in proclaiming Jesus as "My Lord and Savior”. According to The Passing of Mary, a text attributed to Joseph of Arimathaea, Thomas was the only witness of the Assumption of Mary into heaven. The other

apostles were miraculously transported to Jerusalem to witness her death. Thomas was left in India, but after her burial he was transported to her tomb, where he witnessed her bodily assumption into heaven. In an inversion of the story of Thomas' doubts, the other apostles are skeptical of Thomas' story until they see the empty tomb and the girdle she dropped during her ascension. Thomas is believed to have died in AD 72 at Mylapore, in the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu, as a martyr. From Kerala, he proceeded overland to the Coromandel coast and ministered in what is now the Chennai area, where a local king and many people were converted. Apparently his renewed ministry outraged the Brahmins, who were fearful that Christianity undermined their caste-based social structure. According to the Syriac version of the Acts of Thomas, Masdai, the local king at Mylapore, after questioning the apostle, condemned him to death in the year 72 AD. Anxious to avoid widespread outrage, since many common folk and nobles had followed Thomas and Jesus Christ, the king ordered Thomas’ transportation to a nearby mountain, where, after being allowed to pray, he was then stoned, and afterwards skewered by a lance wielded by an angry Brahmin. A number of Christians were also persecuted at the same time, and when they refused to apostatize, their property was confiscated. As a result, around sixty-four families eventually fled from Mylapore to Malabar and joined the Kerala Christian community. His feast is celebrated on July

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3rd in India and by the Roman Catholic Church's Latin, Syriac and Syro-Malabar divisions. July 3rd was the day on which his relics were moved from Mylapore in India to the city of Edessa in Mesopotamia, that is, today's Iraq. In 441, the Magister militum per Orientem Anatolius donated to the church a silver coffin to host the relics, where they were stored for over 700 years before the city was conquered by the Zengids from Mongolia in the 12th century. The shrine was destroyed by the Zengids. His relics were then moved to the Greek island of Chios and eventually to Ortona, Italy, where it is currently located. On September 27th 2006, Pope Benedict XVI recalled that "an ancient tradition claims that Thomas first evangelized Syria and Persia then went on to Western India, from where also he finally reached Southern India”. In 1972, to commemorate the nineteenth centenary of the martyrdom, the Government of India Department of Post and Telegraphs released a postage stamp depicting the picture of the bleeding cross of St. Thomas Mount, in Chennai. He was honored in Assyrian Church of the East, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church among others. Professionally, he is believed to be a builder and he is considered the Patron Saint of Architects and Builders. I know I’ve probably covered an entire course worth of material in the past 5-7 minutes. However, if I was able to generate just a bit of curiosity among our youth to learn more about our religious origins, my mission is fulfilled.

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c≠p Icn-ta-L-߃ IcpØcmb IdpØ bphm-°sft∏mse kv]m\njv Imf-t∏mcpImsc-t∏mse Ccp-h-i-Øp-\n∂pw G‰p-ap-´m-s\m-cp-ßp∂p IdpØ taL-߃ sImºp-tIm¿Øv tNmchm¿s∂m-gpIn th¿s∏´t∏mgpw temI-`q-]Sw ]®-Ip-Ønb \m`n sImtfm-Wn-b¬ XpS-I-fpsS kpc-£n-X-XzØn\p≈n-sem-fn-∏n®v Nncn®psImt≠-bncn°p∂ apgp-Xn-¶ƒ ss{^tU ss\‰ns‚ el-cn-bn¬ _m°v bm¿Sns‚ GIm-¥-X-bn¬ am\w t\m°n Rm≥ acpXzm ae-I-øn-te¥n shfpØ l\p-am≥ taL-߃ {ZpZ-K-Xn-bn¬ ]mbp-∂p. AXn¬ \n∂-S¿∂p hoWp IpcpØ ae-bm¨a Fs‚ sNSn-®-´n-I-fn¬ a™-∏p°nƒ°pgn-Im´n shfpØ Zf-ß-fp-ambn amZ-I-Xz-Øns‚ sNº-I-∏q-°ƒ ss]¶nfn°Y-bnse ]\n-\o¿∏q-°ƒ s\mÃmƒPnbbpsS Idn th∏n-e-Iƒ {Kmao-W-X-bpsS apcn-ß-∏q-°ƒ Imev]-\n-I-X-bpsS ap√-∏q-°ƒ DØ-cm-[p-\n-I-X-bpsS Hm¿°n-Up-Iƒ am\Øv amPn-°¬ dnb-en-k-Øns‚ Ac-t߉w \m`n-bn¬ temI-`q-]Sw ]®-°p-Ønb sh≈-°m-cn-bp bph-Xn-sb-t∏mse Im¿ta-L-߃°p \Sp-hn¬ Nncn-®p-sIm≠v apgp-Xn-¶ƒ


iX-h-’cw’ [ym\n®v at°m-t≠m-bnse hmg-tØm´ßƒ°p apI-fn-eqsS Hcp H‰-bm≥ taL-am-bn... ]ns∂ AXns\ `qan-bn¬\n∂p XpS®p am‰p∂ Npg-en-°m-‰mbn... sImam-e-bpsS hnP-\-ambsXcp-hp-I-fn¬ Hcp t{]X-au-\-ambn... Aƒs°an-Ãns‚ em_n¬ Aa¿∞y-X-bpsS ckm-b\w tXSn... Ncn{XmXoX InS-ßp-I-fn¬ Hcp ssUs\-tkm¿ ap´-bmbn hma-\-\mbn a’y-ambn dnthgvkv Knb-dn¬ HmSp∂ ]d°pw Xfn-I-bm-bn... `qan-bpsS lcn-X-\m-`n-bn¬, ho≠pw ]p\¿÷-\n-bpsS t{ZmWw tXSn Bgv∂n-d-ßp∂ \mcmb thcm-bn...

1. 2. 3.

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One hundred years of Solitude - Gabriel Gracia Marquez sImame ˛ Juan RlfobpsS Pedro Paramo F∂ t\mh-ense t{]X \Kcw “The Alchemist” - Paulo Coelbo

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tUm. tPm¿÷v ac-tßmen

{X- ] - c kyw I≠- t ∏mƒ IÆp X≈n-t∏mbn! “ ap∏Ønb©p e£w cq]bv ° v hn√!” AXn-a-t\m-l-c-amb Hcp c≠p-\ne _w•m-hns‚ If¿ Nn{Xw! ]c-ky-Øns‚ ]q¿Æ-`mKw hmbn-®p. “ ]Øp sk‚ n¬ c≠m- b n- c Øn A™qdv NXp- c {i ASn, Aƒ{Sm tamtU¨ hn√, tK‰Uv tImf-\n-bn¬. Fd- W m- I p- f - Ø ns‚ lrZ- b - ` m- K - Ø v . sIm®n≥ Fb¿ t]m¿´n¬ \n∂pw shdpw Ac-aW - n-°q¿ Zqc-Øn¬.” ]c-kyØns‚ Ah-km\ `mKw Nph∂ A£c-ß-fn¬ ˛ “]Øp-e£w cq] Iymjv \¬In _p°p sNøp∂ BZysØ Ccp]Xv t]¿°v ‘amcpXn Bƒt´m’ Im¿ kuP\yw! _p°nwKv “A£b {XnXob Znhkw cmhnse ]Øv aWnbv ° v ssakq¿ doP≥kn tlm´-en¬.” ]ns∂ \me©p samss_¬ \º-cpIfpw. A£- b - { Xn- X ob \mƒ kz¿Ætam, hkvXp hl-Itfm hmßnbm¬ k¿ss∆-iz-cy-aw-K-f-ßfpw `hn-°psa-∂mWv hbv]v! ‘hn√ Uoens‚ hniZmw-i-߃ Adn-bm≥ t^m¨ hnfn-®p. “\n߃ ‘Iyq’ hn-emWv, Zb-hmbn tlmƒUp sNøp-I, As√-¶n¬ Aev]k-abw Ign™p hnfn-°pI!” Ipsd Gsd t\cw Hmtcm \ºdpw amdn- a mdn hnfn®v ‘ Iyq ’ hn¬\n∂p t\m°n ^ew XssYh! hn√ t{]mP- I vSns‚ apJy B¿°nsSIv‰v {ioam≥ ]md-°pgnsb t^mWn¬ In´n-b-t∏mƒ c≠p-Zn-hkw Ign-™p. Abmsf t\cn¬I≠v kwkm-

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cn®v hni-Zmw-i-߃ Adn-™-t∏mƒ sIm®n \KcØn¬ Hcp hn√ kz¥-am°pI F∂ kz]v\ km£m-Xv°m-cØns‚ {]Ya \S-]Sn R߃ Nhp´n Ign-s™∂v F\n°pw B\n°pw Hcp t]mse-tXm-∂n. {ioam≥ ]md-°p-gnbpsS kuay-amb kw`m-jW coXnbpw, A\u]-Nm-cn-I-amb BXn-Yy-a-cym-Zbpw F√m‰n\pap]cn IrXy- X - b p≈ hni- Z o- I cWßfpw tI´- t ∏mƒ hn√ hmßp∂Xnt\mSv R߃°v h√mØ CjvSw tXm∂n. Hcp Imcyw {ioam≥ ]md- ° pgn {]tXyIw ]d-™n-cp-∂p. “BZysØ 20 t]¿°v amcpXn Bƒt´m Im¿ sImSp°p-∂-Xp-aqew _p°nwKv Znhkw Xnc°p-≠m-Ipw. Ign-bp-∂Xpw t\csØ Xs∂ tlm´-en¬ FØm≥ {ian-°pI.” Iptd-tbsd eLp-te-JI - fpw, k¿t∆ \S-Ønb tπm´ns‚ ªq{]n‚ v tIm∏nbpw, πm\pw, hn√ ]q¿Ønbmbn- ° gn™n´p≈ AXn-a-t\m-l-c-amb If¿ t{_mjdpw F√mw {ioam≥ ]md-°pgn kk-t¥mjw Rßsf G¬∏n-®p. “kmdn\p thW-sa-¶n¬ CjvS-ap≈ tπm´v Ct∏mƒ skeIv S v sNømw. “ F≥.B¿.sF. F∂ \ne- b n¬ {ioam≥ ]md- ° pgn R߃°v Hcp kvs]jy¬ I¨sk-j\pw X∂p! Xncn®p t]m∂-t∏mƒ sIm®n \K-cØn¬ kz¥-ambn Hcp hn√, AXpw e£zdn hn√, kz¥-am-°m≥ t]mIp-∂Xns‚ c≠m-asØ ]Sn-IqSn Nhp-´n-Ign™ Ka-bn-em-bn-cp∂p R߃! hn√ ]Wn-Xo-cm≥ H∂c h¿j-amWv IW°m-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. AXn-\n-S°v Ah[n°p hcp-tºmsgms° amcp-Xn-Im¿ D]-

tbm-Kn-°p-Ibpw sNømat√m? Hm¿°pt¥mdpw Fs‚bpw B\n- b p- t Sbpw kt¥m-j-Øn\v AXn-cn-√m-bn-cp∂p! {ioam≥ ]md-°p-gn-bpsS \n¿t±-ia - \ - pk-cn®v Xte∂v Xs∂ R߃ ssakq¿ doP≥knbn¬ apdn- s b- S p- Ø p. hn√ t{]mP- I v S ns‚ tem©nßv cmhnse ]Ø-a-Wn-s°∂v ]d™p tIs´-¶nepw shfp-∏n-s\-Xs∂ Hcp I´≥ Im∏nbpw ASn®v, tIm¨ {^≥kv dqans‚ hmXn¬°eqsS Rms\m∂p Id-ßn. F\n°v Fs‚ IÆp- I sf hniz- k n°m≥ Ign-™n-√. I≠m¬ am\y-∑m¿ F∂p-tXm-∂p∂ ]Øp-]-Xn-\-©p-t]¿ B dqans‚ hmXn¬°¬ ‘Iyq’ hn¬ Ccp-∂pw, \n∂pw, InS∂pw Dd-ßp∂p! [rXn-bn¬ Rm≥ apdn-bn-te-t°mSn, B\n-tbmSv Rm≥ hnhcw ]d-™n´v, ]√p- t ]mepw tXbv ° msX Rm\pw Iyqhn¬\n-∂p. t\cw shfp-°p-t¥mdpw s]mXp- P - \ - ß - f psS BK- a - \ - Ø n\v sImgp-∏p-Iq-Sn. ]ecpw h∂v Iyqhn¬ \n¬°p-∂-h-cpsS Xe FÆn t\m°nbn´v \ncm-i-cmbn aS-ßn-t∏mbn! Nne alm- ∑ m- c psSsb√mw Uyq∏p- I - f mWv cm{Xn-ap-gp-h≥ sse\n¬ \n∂Xv! Hdn-Pn\¬ Bfv cmhnse h∂-t∏mƒ Nn√-dbpw ssI∏‰n Uyq∏p-Iƒ ÿew hn´p. P\-߃ XpS¿®-bmbn h∂p-sImt≠- b n- c p- ∂ p. BZysØ 20 t]cn¬ Dƒs∏´v Hcp Imdv kz¥-am-°m≥ ]‰mØ- X n- e p≈ Pmfy- X bpw AXn- t e- s d \ncm- i bpw aqew ]e- c p- t Sbpw apJØns‚ tj∏v h´-b∏w t]mse amdnt∏mbn! GXm≠v 9 aWnbmb-t∏mƒ InS-∂pd-ßn-b-sc√mw kS IpS-s™-gp-t∂-‰p! ÿm\w In´msX Aÿm- \ Øv ≠nt]mb AÆm≥ IWs° \n¬°p∂ Nne s]mXp-P-\-ßsf Ahcn¬ Nne¿ IY-Ifn ap{Z-Im-Wn®v amSnhn-fn-®p! Iptd-t\cw Ah¿ cl-ky-ambn kwh-Zn®p! HSp-hn¬ Iptd t\m´p-sI-´pIƒ FSpØv Nne-sc-¶nepw Nne¿°v sImSp-Øn´v Ah-cpsS ÿm\-ß-fn¬ Ibdn \ne-bp-d-∏n-®-t∏mƒ F\n-°msX A¤pXw tXm∂n! Xntb- ‰ - d p- I - f n¬ ]pXnb ]Sw dneokpsNøp∂ BgvN- b n¬ 50 cq]mbpsS Sn°‰v ªm°n¬ \qdpw Ccp∂qdw cq]bv°v hn¬°p∂ t{_m°-d∑m-sc-°p-dn®v tI´n-´p-≠v, I≠n-´p-ap≠v. ]t£, CXp t]msemcp henb dnb¬

FtÉv tem©n-ßn\v CXp-t]m-semcp amam-∏Wn Hcn-°epw Rm≥ {]Xo-£n®n√. ÿm\w In´m≥ Ah¿°v F{X \¬Insb∂-dn-bm-\p≈ Fs‚ BImw£-aqØv F\n°ncn-°s - ∏m-dp-Xn-bn-√m-Xmbn. c≠pw Iev]n®v Rm≥ Hcm-tfmSv tNmZn-®p. BZy-sams° Ft¥m C®o®n-t]mse Abmƒ ]d-bm≥ ]cp-ßn-sb¶nepw ]n∂oSv sh´n-Øp-d∂v Imcyw ]d™p. 25000 cq]! t]mbm- s e¥m X¬°mew Hcp Imdv kz¥at√? ]ns∂ \s√mcp hn√bpw. hgn-b-cn-Inse IS-Øn-Æ-bn¬ ÿcw InS-∂p-d-ßm-dp-≈-h¿ Aev]w {]tamj≥ In´n tlm´¬ tIm¨{^≥kv dqans‚ hmXn¬°¬ sImXpIp ISn sIm≈msX, t]∏¿ hncn®v InS-∂-Xn\v In´nb {]Xn-^ew Ccp-]-Ø-bm-bncw cq]m! \ΩpsS \mSpw, \m´p-Imcpw ]ptcm-Kan-°p-∂p≠v. Rm≥ a\- n¬ Ahsc A`n-\-µn-®p. IrXyw ]Øp aWn°pXs∂ tIm¨{^≥kv dqw Xpd-∂p. {ioam≥ ]md-°p-gn-bpsS IqsS IWvT-Iu-_o\w [cn® c≠p sNdp∏°m¿, B[p-\nI hkv{X-[m-cn-I-fmb c≠p bph-Xn-Iƒ, IqsS hn.-sF.-]n. F∂p tXm∂n-°p∂ Hcp JZ¿ [mcn- b pw. Hcp t^mt´m {Km^dpw. F√m-h-cp-tSbpw A\p-hm-Z-tØmsS apJym- X nYn \ne- h n- f °v sImfpØn hn√m t{]mP-IvSns‚ tem©nßv Hu]Nm- c n- I - a mbn DZv L m- S \w sNbv X p. t^mt´m ^v f mjp- I ƒ an∂n- X n- f ßn. A[nIw Xma-kn-bmsX apJym-Xn-Ynbpw t^mt´m- { Km- ^ dpw t]mIp- I bpw sNbvXp! tIm¨{^≥kv dqans‚ aqebn¬ k÷-am-°n-bncp∂ Hm^o-kn¬ Ãm^pw, {ioam≥ ]md-°p-gnbpw D]-hnjvS-cmbn. _p°nßv XpS-ßn-°-gn-™p. Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw ]Øp-e£w cq]mhoXw Iymjv Bbn ssS sI´nb sNdp∏- ° m- c n¬ Hcmsf G¬∏n- ° p- ∂ p. At∏mƒ AXv FÆn- X n- ´ - s ∏- S pØn ASpØ sNdp-∏° - m-cs\ G¬∏n-°p-∂p. c≠m- a - s Ø- b mƒ B XpI ho≠pw FÆn t\m°n t_m[y- s ∏- ´ - t ijw {ioam≥ ]md- ° pgnbpsS kao- ] Øv Xpd∂v h®n-cn-°p∂ Hcp kyqSv tI n¬ \nt£-]n-°p-∂p. s]¨Ip-´n-I-fn-sem-

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cmƒ Iºyq- ´ - d n¬ t]cp hnh- c - ß ƒ tN¿Øv XpI ssI]-‰nbXmbn ckoXv {]n‚ v sNøp-∂p. ASpØ s]¨Ip´n B cko- X n¬ dh\yq Ãmsºm- ´ n®v {ioam≥ ]md-°p-gn-bpsS H∏v hmßn XncnsI IÃ- a - d ns\ G¬∏n- ° p- ∂ p. IqsS-Xs∂ at\m-l-c-amb Hcp t]m¿´v t^mfntbm t^mƒU- d n¬ hn√ t{]mPIvSns\-°p-dn-®p≈ F√m hnh-cßfpw, Hcp amcp- X n- ° m- d ns‚ Xmt°mepw. Hcp henb kwcw-`-Øns‚ XnI®pw B[n-Im-cn-amb \s√mcp XpS-°w. BZysØ Ccp-]Xv ss¢‚n-t‚bpw _p°nwKpw Xmt°m¬ Zm\hpw Ign-™t∏mƒ {ioam≥ ]md-°pgn F√m-h-tcmSp-ambn Adn-bn-®p. C∂v D®-I-gn™v c≠p-a-Wn°v F≥.-F-®v. 47s‚ sskUnep≈ \nß-fpsS tπm´p-Iƒ ImWm≥ Gh¿°pw kzmK-Xw. Imdv \n߃ X∂ t]cnepw hnem- k - Ø nepw cPn- à ¿ sNbvX tijw Uoe¿ \nß-fpsS ImdpIƒ \n߃°v ]n°v - ˛ - A ∏v F®mw. Xmt°m- e ns‚ Hcp tIm∏n CXns‚ IqsS Ct∏mƒ X∂n-´p≠v. D®-bqWv Ign™v an°-hmdpw F√mhcpw Xs∂ {ioam≥ ]md-°pgn ]d™ ÿeØv FØn. ImSp- ] n- S n®p InS°p∂ hen-sbmcp ]d-ºns‚ sslthtbmSp tN¿∂p≈ `mKØv h¿Æ-]-In´m¿∂ jman-bm\ sI´n Ae-¶-cn-®n-cn°p-∂p. hnev°m-\p≈ tπm´p-If - psS Hcp henb ^vsfIvkv t_m¿Uv D≈n¬ ]pdIp-h-iØp s\SpsI sI´n h®n-cn-°p∂p. Iºn-ØqWpI-fn¬ _eq¨ hnXm\w, tai- ∏ p- d Øv eLp- t e- J - I fpw tªmj-dp-If - pw. cmhnse tIm¨{^≥kv dqan¬ I≠ IYm-]m{Xßsf√mw Xs∂ Chn-sSbpw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ]s£ CØhW ]Ww ]ncn-bv°p-hm-\√, {]kvXpX sse‰v dn{^- j vsa‚ v \¬In AXnYnIsf k¬°- c n- ° p∂ _≤∏mSnemWv F√m-h-cpw. ImSp-]n-Sn®p InS∂ ÿe-am-b-XpsIm≠v B¿°pw ]d-ºn¬ {]th-in-°phm≥ Ign-™n-√. F¶nepw tπm´ns‚ ]Shpw, hn√-I-fpsS ]Shpw AS-ßp∂ If¿^pƒ ^vfIvkv t_m¿Up-Iƒ I≠v hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃ At∏m-g-t∏mƒ C˛-sabn-enepw samss_epw hgn Adn-bn-®psIm- ≠ n- c n- ° p- s a∂ {ioam≥ ]md°pgnbpsS Dd- ∏ n- t ∑¬, F√m- h cpw kt¥m-j-tØmsS aSßn.

]nt‰ i\n-bm-gvNsØ at\m-c-a ]{XØnepw AXn-at- \m-lc - a - mb hn√ t{]mPIvSns‚ aƒ´n-Iƒ ]c-ky-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ]s£ CØ-hW amcp-Xn-Im¿ sImSp°p-∂Xv I≠n-√. F¥n\v sImSp-°Ww, BZysØ 20 t]¿ A£b {XnXob Znh-kw-Xs∂ F√mw hmßn-°-gn-™-t√m. `mKy-im-enIƒ. Rm≥ a\- n¬ kzbw A`n-\-µn®p. ]nt‰-∂v, Rmb-dmgvN ]{X-Ønse hm¿Ø I≠-t∏mƒ, IÆv X≈pI am{Xa√, ]e-cp-tSbpw Xe Id-ßn-t∏m-bn. “kdnb¬ FtÉv hncp-X≥ tImSnI-fp-ambn apßn!” hm¿Ø apgp-h≥ hmbn-°m≥ i‡nbn-√msX Rm≥ hcm-¥-bnse Ac-a-Xnen¬ IpØn-bn-cp-∂p. _m°n hmbn-®Xv B\n-bm-Wv. ]e-tcm-Smbn e£-߃ Unt∏m-kn‰p-hmßn hn√ ]WnXp \¬Im-sa∂ hymtP\ tImSn-Iƒ ssI°-em-°nb h≥ dm°‰v kwLw apßn. ]mc-°pgn lcn- — {µ≥ F∂- b m- f psS \S- Ø n- ∏ nep≈ lmcn I¨kv { S- £ ≥ Iº- \ n-

bmWv sh´n∏p \S-Øn-bv. \mj-Wƒ sslthbpsS sskUn-ep≈ kzImcy hy‡nbpsS ÿeØv kz¥w ÿe-amsW∂v sX‰n-≤-cn-∏n®v \S-Ønb h≥ X´n-∏n\v Cc-bmb \nc-h-[n-t]¿ t]meokn¬ ]cmXn \¬In. BZysØ Ccp]Xv t]¿°v \¬Inb amcpXn Imdns‚ Xmt°m¬t]mepw hymP- a m- b n- c p- ∂ psh∂v t]meokv hrØ-߃ ]d-™p. {ioam≥ ]mc- ° p- g nbpw kwLhpw t\csØ πm≥ sNbv X - X - \ p- k - c n®v Kƒ^v cmPy-tØbv°v IS-∂-Xm-bmWv kqN-\. B\nbpw Rm\pw apJ-tØmSpapJw t\m°n-bn-cp∂v Iptd Gsd-t\cw Ic™p. cq]m ]Øp-e£w t]mb-Xn¬ am{X-a√ ssZh-Øns‚ kz¥w \m´n¬ h∂n- ´ p- ≠ mb Zpc- \ p- ` hßsf- ° p- d n-

ssIcfn 82 ktµiw2012

t®m¿Øn´v. tem©n-ßn-\n-Sb - n¬ h∂p`-hn® h≥ aq©nw-Kv. ChnsS CXv henb ]pØcnsbm∂pa-√. hmS-Ibv°v Xma-kn-®h - ≥ hmS-Ih - oSv FgpXn hn‰Xpw, h√-h-t‚bpw ]dºv ImWn®v e£-߃ AUzm≥kv hmßnbXpw AUzm≥kvam{Xw \¬In _m°n XpI \¬ImsX tImSn-Iƒ hne-a-Xn°p∂ ÿew I≠v {]am-Wa - p-≠m°n scPn-ÿ sNbvXXpw Ata-cn-°≥ aebm-fn-bpsS hkvXp Bf-dn-bmsX hn‰v Imim°nb-Xp-sa√mw ChnsS \S-°p∂ \nXy- k w- ` - h - ß - f m- W v . AsX√mw t]mIs´ F∂p-hb - v°mw. sIm®n \K-ck-`-bpsS `qan sk{I-´-dn-bpsS hymP H∏n´v adn®v hn‰ DtZym- K ÿs‚ Imcytam? Ch-cpsSsb√mw Iq´-Øn¬ Hcp ]mc-°pgn IqSn h∂p F∂p-am-{Xw. sh´n-∏p-IY tI´ Nne \m´p-Im-cpsS {]kvXm-h\ - I - ƒ tI´-t∏mƒ Fs‚ `mcy B\n°p Hcp kwi-bw. kXy- Ø n¬ CXv ssZh- Ø ns‚ kz¥w \mSp-Xs - ∂-bm-tWm. GXmbmepw A£-b{- Xn-Xob ^en®p.

A∂v ]Xn-hn-e-[nIw Xma-kn-®mWv Hm^o-kn¬\n∂pw hmkp Cd-ßn-b-Xv. At∏mgpw AcnPnXv dnk-]vj-\n¬ Ccn∏p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp amknI Xncn®pw adn®pw t\m°n-s°m-≠n-cp∂ Abmsf Ae-´p-≠p-∂p-≠v. Ft∏mgpw kt¥m-j`-cn-X-\mbn ImW-s∏-Sm-dp≈ Cbmƒ°v Cs∂-¥p-]‰n? hmkp-hns‚ tNmZy-`m-hØn-ep≈ \jvSw I≠n-´m-hWw Abmƒ hf®p sIs´m∂pw IqSmsX ]d-bp-hm≥ XpS-ßnbXv.

Mathew K. Mathew

“I’ve to discuss something very important with you. Let’s go to a restaurant.”

]pdØp hcp-tºmƒ SmIvkn InS-∏p≠m- b n- c p- ∂ p. “ {_o®v Im≠n ” SmIvkn°mc-t\mSv AcnPvØv ]d-™p. h≠n hn´-t∏mƒ AcnPvXv AS-°Øn¬ ]d-™p. ho´n¬ F\n°v Hcp KÃv D≠v. AXp- s Im≠v \ap°v Touche bn¬ Ccp∂v kwkm- c n- ° mw. {_o®v Im≠n- b n¬ FØp- t hmfw Abmƒ H∂pw an≠n-bn-√. hmkp ]pd-tØbv°p t\m°n-bn-cp∂p. lmPn Ben-bnev Bƒ Xnc°v \∂m-bn-´p-≠v. then-bn-d-ßnb ISev Aßv ]Sn- ™ mdv amdn InS- ° p- ∂ p. kqcym- k v X - a bw Ign™ N{I- h mfw C\nbpw sN©mbw ambvNn´n-√. Spj- b nev Ibdn BZyw Xs∂ Nmbbpw H\n-b≥ ]t°m-Sbpw Hm¿U¿ sNbvXp. ]ns∂ AXpw CXpw ]d-™ncp-∂p. hmkp-hn\v [rXn C√m-bn-cp-∂p. ^vfm‰nev t\csØ sN∂n´v Fs¥-Sp°m-\m-Wv. Nmb- I - ∏ n¬ hnc- t em- S n®psIm≠v AcnPØv Imcy-Øn-tebv°v IS-∂p. “Fs‚ ho´n¬ Hcp KÃv Ds≠∂v ]d- ™ - t √m. AXv Hcp P¿a≥Imcn BWv. sl¬K. h∂n´v Ct∏mƒ HcmgvN Ign-™p. Chfpw `¿Ømhpw tIcf bqWn-th-gvkn-‰n-bn¬ P¿a≥ ]Tn-∏n-°p∂p. `¿Ømhp t\csØ tIc- f - Ø ntebv°v t]mbn. Chƒ Chn-sS-bp≈ Imcyw Abmƒ°v Adn-bn-√.” “ AsX¥m? ” hmkp tNmZn- ® n- √ . _m°n tIƒ°m≥ Xmev]cyw Im´n Ccp-∂p. “ C\n- b mWv {][m\ kwKXn. slevK h∂ tU‰v ]m vt]m¿´n¬ sabv 20 F∂v XncpØn sabv 29 F∂m-°-Ww. As√-¶n¬ kwKXn BsI \mdpw. AXv H∂v icn- b m°nXc- W w. ” Acn- P nXv

ss[\y- X - t bmsS hmkp- h ns‚ apJtØbv°v t\m°n. “Atøm, t^m¿Pdn! CsXm∂pw B¿Sv Ub-dI - Sv d- ns‚ ]Wn-b√ - . Rm≥ sNø-Øn√. ]nSn-®m¬ Pbn¬hmkw Dd-∏.v “hmkp ]eXpw ]d™p Hgn-™p-am-dn. “CXv hmkp ]‰n√ F∂v ]d-b-cp-Xv. Rm≥ F¥v thW-sa-¶nepw sNømw.” “ Acn- P nØv H∂pw ]d- b - ≠ . slevK..?” Imcyw Acn-Pn-Xn\p s]s´∂v ]nSn-In-´n. “lvaw... Rm≥ tNmZn-°mw. slevK kΩ-Xn-°p-am-bn-cn-°pw.” c≠p Znh-kØ - n-\Iw ]m -t]m¿´n¬ sabv 29 ÿm\w ]nSn-®p. slevKbpw Acn-PnXpw AXns‚ kt¥mjw ]¶n´p. Trivandrum

At∏mƒ tImhfw IS-∏pdw iq\yam-bn-cp-∂p. Ccp-fns‚ ad-\o°n {]`mX Inc- W - ß ƒ Hme- Ø p- º p- I - f n¬ Nm©mSn XpS-ßn-bn-cp-∂p. Acp-‘Xn Dd-ßmsX shdpsX InS-∂p. Ahƒ bqWn-th-gvkn‰nbn¬ doS¿ Bbn tPmen sNøp-∂p. `¿Øm-hp-ambn hg-°n´p ]ncn™XmWv . slev K - b psS `¿Ømhv amIvkn-bp-ambn X¬Imew InS-∏p-apdn ]¶n- S p- ∂ p. slev K hcp- ∂ Xv hsc. CsXms° Ahƒ°v shdpw t\cw-t]m°v. “slevK F∂v hcpw, amIvkv?” Acp‘Xn H∂p- I qSn ASpØv InS- ∂ n´v

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tNmZn-®p. “Pq¨ c≠n\v cmhnse FØpw F∂m-W-hƒ ]d-™Xv.” “ssa tKmUv! Znh-k-߃ t]mb-Xdn-™n-√.” Iv¿¿¿... Iv¿¿¿... tUm¿ s_√v ASn°p-∂p. CXm-cmWv shfp-∏m≥ ImeØv? amIvkv A¤p- X - s ∏- ´ p. Abmƒ ]Xps° P\¬ ]mfn Db¿Øn t\m°n. slevK! amIvkv kvXw`n®p \n∂v t]mbn. C\n- s b¥v sNøpw? Acp- ‘ - X nsb FhnsS Hfn-∏n-°pw. ]pd-tØbv°v hgn Ht∂- b p- ≈ p. AhnsS slevK. _mevIWn-bn¬ \n∂v Xmtgbv°v NmSnbm¬ IS-ev. CXn-\Iw slevK IXIp Xpd∂v apdn-°p-≈n¬ Ib-dn. amIvkv Dd°w \Sn®p InS-∂p. “Ich mochte das Bad schlecht zu verwenden” (F-\n°v AXym-h-iy-ambn

_mXvdqw D]-tbm-Kn-°-W-am-bn-cp-∂p). slevK [rXn-bn¬ _mXvdq-an-tebv°v \S-∂p. “Wer ist in Bad?” (Bcm _mXvdq-anev?) amIvkv NmSn Fgp-t∂-‰p. hcm≥ t]mIp∂ sImSp- ¶ m- ‰ ns\ Fßs\ AXn- P o- h n- ° - W - s a∂v Nn¥n- ° m≥ t]mepw Ign-bmsX Abmƒ hnj-Æ\mbn InS-°-bn¬ Ccp-∂p.

aßn ab-ßp∂ ]u¿Æan cm{Xn-X¬ A¥yamw bma-Øn¬ Xmt\-bp-W¿∂p Rm≥ Fßp\n-∂-dn-bmsX a¿ac cq]-Øn¬ hnßp∂ \n≥ kzcw tI´-ßp-W¿∂p Rm≥ XocmØsXmcp ]nSn taml-]p-jv]-ßfpw tXmcmØ IÆocpw X∂p \o t]mb-t∏mƒ Dbncw Ppk-ambn \o ap∂n¬ InS-∂-t∏mƒ Dbncns‚ \mY-t\m-S-e-dn-°-c™p Rm≥ DS≥ hcp-sa∂ \n≥ hm°p ]men-bv°p-hm≥ DStbm≥ \n\-t°-In-bn-√t√m kΩXw \nan-j-߃ Znh-k-߃ X≈p-sa≥ Iq´n-\mbv hnj-a-߃ am{Xw \¬Intbm kΩ-Xw. Bbncw ImX-߃°-∏p-d-Øp-s≈mcp Xmcm-K-W-ß-fn¬ \ns∂ Rm≥ ImWp∂p cmcocw ]mSp-hm≥ Ihn-fn¬ Xtem-Sp-hm≥ tXmcmØ taml-hp-ambn Rm≥ \n¬Ip-∂p. \ofp∂ \n∂psS Bflmhn≥ s\mºcw amdp-hm≥ {]m¿∞m-am-bncw t\cp-∂p. \nXyamw Bizmkw t\Sn \n∂m-flmhpw Aa¿XyX t\Sp-hm-\m-iwk t\cp-∂p.

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ImgvN-bpsS adp-]p-dØv ]S¿∂p ]¥-en®p InS-∏p-s≠mcp I\¬°mSv GIm-¥-X-bpsS Ccp-´n-\p sskzcy-hn-lm-c-Øn-\mbn!!! ]√p-Iƒ Iq¿∏n®p, \J-߃\o´n DW¿∂p hcp-∂p-≠mhpw Hcp ImSns\ apgp-h≥ Xn∂p Xo¿°m-\p≈ Ccp´v Nne-t∏m-sgms° AXp BIm-isØ ]´-am°n ]d-Øn-°-fbpw ]pX-∏m°n aqSn-tb°pw Npgn-bn-tebv°v X´n sXdn-∏n®p ]I-ens\ Hgn-∏n®p h°p∂ IpkrXn!!! Fs∂-Xs∂ Hcp \ng-em°n Nph-cnev ]Xn-∏n°pw XqWm°n Igp-t°mev Ib‰pw Hcp ªm°v tlmfnte°v hen-s®-SpØp ho¿∏p-ap-´n°pw IpkrXn!!! tImSXn apdn-bn¬ F∂ t]mse... B Ccp-´ns‚ Ipcp-°n¬ F∂pw kw`-hn-°p-∂p≠v Hmtcm Bfl-l-Xy-Iƒ...!!

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ew individuals find success in this world. Take a look at those rare, cho sen specimens that are remembered for centuries, millennia even. What makes them different than the countless masses of human beings just like them, the countless masses that lived and loved and fought and died on the same planet? Anyone?” asked the professor. This certainly was not how I imagined my first Introduction to Philosophy class, my very first college class, would begin. Frankly, I accepted a sequence of boring lectures on boring people that had died thousands of boring years ago. After all, what else could be expected from a topic as antediluvian as philosophy, which had seen its glory during the ascendency of the Roman Empire? Also, the professor was rather… odd. First of all, he was extremely young. As in maybe five years older than his freshman students. He was also completely hairless. Not a single hair on his head, not a single eyelash, not a single eyebrow. And to wrap up this beautiful picture, he did not do the customary walk around the class ubiquitous in my previous learning experiences. He sat instead in a wheelchair. Oh, and one more thing. He seemed to be blind. “Oh, come on!” he said, exasperated. “I’ve survived a car crash that took my legs, cancer treatment that took my hair, and cataracts that took away my eyes, all within twenty six years on this planet! Are you telling me that you can’t answer this one

question I have posed for you, a question that a blind cripple knows the answer to?” Without any conscious decision on my part, my hand shoots into the air. The professor, understandably, does not respond. I cough, embarrassed, and his head turns in my direction. His cloudy white eyes look deep into my soul. Or something clichéd like that. “Well, it seems one person wishes to guess. Or is simply sick, hmm? Go on. Speak.” “You don’t know. I don’t know. Those elect few you were speaking about don’t know. Luck, determination, being in the right place doing the right thing, those all play a part, but ultimately, none of us lowly mortals know.” The blind, legless man smiled widely, a Cheshire cat smile. “Absolutely. Welcome to Philosophy, the only class that reflects the real world, the only class that creates questions without having the common decency to provide absolute answers. Welcome to life.”

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The rain patters on the ground, a chance of it stopping, I have not yet found. It dulls the senses and the mind, though not enough to make you blind. It can make many people sad, though that doesn’t make it bad. The rain patters on the ground, all you can hear is its sound. When you are sleeping in bed at night, it will prevent you from getting a fright. In the day you will not be so glad, When it prevents the fun you could have had. The rain patters on the ground, with glistening droplets that are slightly round. Standing outside the world is forlorn, the cold seeping into your heart, like a thorn. After the storm, you look around and see, The birds start to chirp, As if they are free. The rain patters on the ground, to peace and quiet you are bound. The rain patters on the ground The rain patters on the ground.

I see a red glow changing the blue sky. The sun is rising, with its fiery light shining above the horizon. In the distance I see a hawk gliding into the depths of a living forest. I feel the dew on the leaves of a tree. I feel the grass brushing my face I am alone staring up at the brightening sky.

Scattered patches of snow everywhere, A small breeze ruffling leaves on trees. Sunlight shining over the earth, Brightening the world. Water flows gently in a small creek, Gently swishing and splashing.

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My mind flew away As I entered the forest The voice said to go there and stay AS the magic helped me rest My heart is aching with pain From all the troubles he has given me I won’t let him get the gain So the voice said to go to the place of trees I walked through barefooted in the grass AS the small plants brush against my feet I sat down near the river for rest at last And let the old memories of him leak Memories flew by my head And my eyes filled with tears From happy times to the times of dread Nothing but him could fulfill me -for years and years Through the depths of the forest I heard chirps and croaks Reminding me that there was nothing less Than I can ever hope The magic of nature took over me Taking away all my tears from him And my body filled with glee From my brain to every limb The majestic trees swayed The cool river flowed The birds were all in a brigade And the strong wind bellowed


Everything made me fill with jot But the voice said turn around And I saw the figure of a boy The boy who made my heart pound He was standing in the grass With a small bright smile shining -brightly on his face I opened my mouth the gasp And he walked over to me at a slow pace The sun was shining on him like gold And the forest created a path The voice said to go and I did as told And when we get closer he laughs My eyes filled with tears of happiness And our story begins once more With no more sorrow and sadness We walk the magical forest once more.

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Kavya Santhosh Kavanakudy



tPm¿-Pv Xp-º-bn¬

F-∂p tIƒ-°ptºm-tg a-\w Ip-fn¿-°pw. Hm-Ww F-√m-bvt∏m-gp-sa-Øp-∂-Xv Cu am-k-Øn-em-Wv. A-Xn-s\ Nn-ßs - a-∂ a-eb - m-fa - m-kØ - n-te°p ]n-∂o-Sv ]-dn-®p \-´t∏m-gpw B-tLmj-Øn-\p am-{Xw sX-√pw s]m-en-a Ip-d™n-√. a-eb - m-fn-°v B-tLm-jØ - n-\p-≈ F-√m h-Ip-∏p-If - pw A-Xn-ep-s≠-∂X - m-bncp-∂p G-‰h - pw {i-t≤-bw. {Zm-hn-U k-¶¬∏-Øn-ep-≈ B-tLm-jß - ƒ F-t∏m-gpw i-–a - b - h - pw A¬-∏w _-lf - a - b - h - p-am-Wv. A-Xn-\p tIm-∏p Iq-´p-∂ B¿-∏p hn-fn-sbms° D-Zm-lc - W - w. B {I-aw h-®p t\m°n-bm¬ Hm-Ww F-∂X - v {Zm-hn-Um-\p-jT v m\-am-Wv. \-Ωƒ B-cy-∑m-cm-b tI-∑m-cmsW-s∂m-s° k-¶¬-∏n-°m-sa-¶n-epw hmkv - X - h - Ø n¬ Hm- W w F- ∂ - X v {Zm- h nUssien-bn¬ A-[n-jvTX - a - m-b B-tLmj-Øn¬ Dƒ-s°m-≠p In-S° - p-∂p-s≠-∂Xm-Wv N-cn-{X-Im-c∑ - m¿ ]-db - p-∂X - v. Zo-]mh-en, tlm-fn Xp-Sß - n-bh - B-cy-∑m¿ ]¶n-s´-Sp-Øt- ∏mƒ {Z-ho-Un-b∑ - m¿-°m-bn am‰n h-b° v- s - ∏-´ c-≠p B-tLm-jß - f - n-sem∂m-W{- tX Hm-Ww. a-s‰m-∂v s]m-¶e - m-Wv. A-Xv a-eb - m-fn-°v A-{X ]-cn-Nb - w t]m-

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cm. X-an-g∑ - m-cp-sS B-tLm-ja - m-Wv s]m¶¬, A-h¿-°v Hm-Ww A-{X ]-Yyhp-a√ - . Hm-Ww a-eb - m-fn-Iƒ-°n-Sb - n¬ C-{X P\-Io-ba - m-bX - n-\p ]n-∂n¬ H-cp {]-[m-\s∏- ´ Im- c y- a p- ≠ v . A- X v Pm- X o- b - a mbncp∂n√. ]p-cm-Wß - ƒ, sI-´p-IY - I - ƒ, sF-Xo-ly-߃ F-∂n-h-sbm-s° ]-cntim-[n-®m¬ Nn-e an-Øp-Iƒ Im-Wm-sa¶n-epw A-sXm-∂pw X-s∂ B-tLm-jØ - ns‚ Pm-Xo-bX - s - b _m-[n-°p-∂t- X-bn-√. {In-kva - k - v {In-kvX - ym-\n-bpw dw-km≥ BtLm-jn-°p-∂-Xv ap-…o-ßfpw hn-jp ssl-µh - cpw F-∂n-ßs - \-bm-sW-¶n-epw a-e-bm-fn-Iƒ F-∂ kmw-kv-Im-cn-I ]-cº-c H-‰s - °-´m-bn Hm-Ws - Ø B-tLm-jh-Xv° - c - n-°p-∂p. AXn-\p≈ {][m\ Imc-Ww, tI-cf - Øn¬ a-Xß - ƒ D-≠m-bX - n-\p ap≥-t] Xs∂ Hm-Ww \n-eh - n-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂psh∂Xm-hWw. hym-]m-cn-Is - f hc-th¬-°p-∂ H-cp B-tLm-ja - m-bn-cp-∂ s]m-∂v- Hm-Ww. ]n-∂o-Sv \m-Sp hn-´p t]m-b cm-Pm-hv hym]m-cn-Iƒ-s°m-∏w Xn-cn-®p h-cpw F-∂ {]Xo-£-bn¬ B-tLm-jn-°m≥ Xp-S-ßn. AXp sIm≠p {]P- I ƒ H∂- S ¶w BtLm-jn® Hm-WØ - n-\v Pm-Xn-bpw aX-hp-an-√ F-∂v A-£c - m¿-∞Ø - n¬ ]-dbm-hp-∂X - m-Wv. C-Xp X-s∂-bm-Wv HmWw C-{X P-\I - o-ba - m-°p-∂X - n¬ ap-Jy ]-¶v h-ln-®X - v. tI-cf - Ø - n¬ G-sX-¶n-epw hn-[Ø - n¬ th-cp-≈h - ¿ hn-]p-ea - m-bn X-s∂ Hm-Ww B-tLm-jn-°p-∂p. A-Xv {]mtZ-in-Ia - mb ssh-Im-cn-IX - bm-Wv. Hm-Wa - n-√m-sX a-ebm-fn-bn-s√-∂p X-s∂ ]-db - mw. a-eb - m-fØn-se A-ºX - n-bm-dv A-£c - ß - f - d - n-bp-∂h¿ H-sØm-cp-at- bm-sS Hm-Ww B-tLmjn-°p-tºmƒ A-Xn-s\ H-cp A¿-∞Ø - nepw, tI-c-fo-b≥ tem-I-Øn-s‚ G-Xp tIm-Wn¬ A-Is - ∏-´m-epw, X-≈n-°f - b - m\m-hn-s√-∂X - v ]-ca - m¿-∞w. ]-{¥-≠mw \q‰m-≠n-s‚ B-Zy-Zi - I - ß - f - n¬ am-th-en-°c, I-cp-\m-K∏ - ≈ - n, Im¿-Øn-I∏ - ≈ - n F-∂o tZ-iß - ƒ Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂ Hm-W\ - m-Sv/ Hm-S\m-Sv cm-Py-Øv \n-∂v Xr-°m-°c - b - n-se _p≤-hn-lm-c-Øn-te-°v in-„-Im-ew Po-hn°m≥ t]m-b _p-≤a - X - m-\p-bm-bn-bm-b amth-en cm-Pm-hn-s‚ N-cn-{X-hp-am-bn Hm-WØn-\v _-‘a - p-≠v. C-Xv Ir-jvW sshjvW - h - hn-izm-kß - ƒ F-Øp-∂X - n-\pw apºm-bn-cp-∂p. _p-≤a - X - Ø - n-s‚ kp-h¿-ÆIm-eØ - p \n-∂v a-tX-Xc - h - X - vI - c - n-°s - ∏-´ tI-cf - o-b ]-›m-Øe - Ø - n-se-Øn-b Hm-WsØ tI-cf - Ø - n-s‚ tZ-io-tbm-’h - a - m-bn X-s∂-bm-Wv ]-cn-KW - n-°p-∂X - v.

C-\n Hm-WØ - n-s‚ Nn-e N-cn-{X ]-cam¿-∞ß - f - n-te-°v h-cmw. Cu kXy-߃ Nne ISpØ hmKzm-Z-߃°p tijw Ncn-{X-Im-c∑ - m¿ Xs∂ GXm≠v AwKoI-cn-®n-´p-≠v. AXv GXm≠v Cß-s\-bmWv˛ tI-cf - Ø - n-se hn-fs - b-Sp-∏p-’h - t- ØmsSm-∏w B-tLm-jn-°p-∂X - m-Wv Hm-Ww. "Hm-Ww, Xn-cp-thm-Ww" F-∂o ]-Z-߃ {im-h-W-Øn-s‚ X-Zv-`-h-ß-fm-Wv. {im-hWw F-∂ kw-⁄ _u-≤a - m-Wv. _p-≤in-jy≥-am¿ {i-aW - ∑ - m¿ F-∂ t]-cn-emWv A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. _p-≤-s\-Ø-s∂bpw {i-aW - ≥ F-∂p ]-d™ p-h∂ - n-cp-∂p. hn-t\m-ZØ - n-\pw, hn-{i-aØ - n-\pw D-≈ amk-am-Wv {im-hW - w. Hm-WØ - n-\v a-™ \ndw {]-[m-\a - m-Wv. `-Kh - m≥ _p-≤≥ {i-aW-]Z- Ø - n-te-°v {]-th-in-®h - ¿-°v a-™h-k{-v Xw \¬-In-bX - n-s\-bm-Wv Hm-Wt- °mSn-bm-bn \¬-Ip-∂ a-™a - p-≠pw, a-™∏ - qI-fpw a-‰pw kq-Nn-∏n-°p-∂X - v. Hm-W∏ - q-∆v F-∂p ]-db - p-∂ a-™∏ - q-hn-\v A-©v Z-fß-fm-Wp-≈X - v A-Xv _p-≤[ - ¿ - Ω - Ø - n-se ]-©i - o-eß - f - p-sS {]-Xo-Ia - m-bn I-cp-Xn hcp-∂p. _p-≤a - X - w tI-cf - Ø - n¬ C-√m-Xm°m≥ A-{I-aß - f - pw , lnw-kI - f - pw \-SØn-bn-´p-≠v. A-hb - p-sS kva - c - W D-W¿Øp-∂X - m-Wv Hm-WØ - √ - pw , tN-cn-t∏m-cpw , th-eI - f - n-bpw, ]-tS-\n-bpw a-‰pw. _p-≤a - X-sØ B-´n-∏p-dØ - m-°m≥ \-ºq-Xn-cn-am¿ B-bp-[s - a-Sp-Øn-cp-∂p F-∂v kw-LI - f - nbp-sS N-Sß - p-If - n¬ sX-fn-bp-∂p-≠v. _u≤-kw-kv° - m-cw h-f¿-®{- ]m-]n-®n-cp-∂ X-ang-IØ - v ap-gp-h\ - pw, ]m-fiy-cm-P[ - m-\n-bmbn-cp-∂ a-[p-cb - n¬ {]-tXy-In-®pw Hm-Ww a- t lm- ’ - h - a m- b n sIm- ≠ m- S n- b n- c p∂psh∂pw Ct∏mgpw Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑m¿ kΩ-Xn®p Xp-Sß - n-bn-´p≠v. CXns‚ ASnÿm-\s - a∂ a´n¬ 'a-[p-ssc Im-©n' F∂ Ir-Xn-bn¬ Hm-Ws - Ø-∏‰ - n ]-cm-a¿-iß-fp-≠v. A-ßs - \-bp-≈ Hm-Ws - Ø tIc-fo-b¿ ssl-Pm-°v sN-bvX - X - m-tWm F∂p tNm-Zn-®m¬ A-Xn-\v D-Øc - a - n-√. F¶n-epw H-∂p ]-dt- b-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. HmWw tI-c-fo-b-cp-tS-Xm-Wv. A-Xn-\v BtLm-jØ - n-s‚ K-cn-a D-≈n-St- Øm-fw Ah-cX - v B-tLm-jn-®p Xo¿-°p-I X-s∂ sNøpw. Nn-e N-cn-{X-Im-c∑ - m¿ ]-db - p-∂X - v HmWw X-an-gv\ - m-´n¬ \n-∂p {]m-tZ-in-Ia - m-bn tI-cf - Ø - n-te-°p Ip-Sn-tb-dn h-∂X - m-sW∂m-Wv. tI-cf - Ø - nte°v Hm-Ww X-an-gv\m´n¬ \n-∂pw kw-{I-an-®X - m-sW-∂m-Wv ChcpsS A`n-{]m-bw. F-√m-bn-SØ - pw A-Xv t£-t{Xm-’h - a - m-bn-´m-bn-cp-∂p Xp-Sß - n-bsX-¶n-epw ]n-∂o-Sv A-Xv Km¿-ln-tIm-’-

h-am-bn am-dn. Aß-s\-bmWv CXv tIcfo-bm-tLm-ja - mbn ]p\¿{I-ao-Ic - n-°s - ∏Sp-∂-Xv. Nn-ßa - m-kØ - n-se A-Øw \-£{- Xw ap-X¬ Xp-Sß - p-∂ Hm-Wm-tLm-jw Xn-cpthm-Ww \m-fn¬ {]m-[m-\y-tØm-sS BtLm-jn-°p-Ib - pw N-Xb - w \mƒ h-sc \o≠p \n¬-°p-Ib - pw sN-øp-∂p. Xr-°m-°c-bm-Wv Hm-WØ - ∏ - s - ‚ B-ÿm-\w. Ahn-sS-bm-Wv B-Zy-am-bn Hm-Wm-tLm-jw \S-Øn-bX - v F-∂m-Wv sF-Xn-ly-sa-¶n-epw A-Xn-t\-°mƒ h-fs - c ap≥-t] X-s∂ Xan-gv \m-´n-epw a-‰pw Hm-Wm-tLm-jw \-S∂n-´p-≈X - m-bn kw-L Ir-Xn-Iƒ sh-fn-s∏Sp-Øp-∂p. Im-eh - ¿-jw I-gn-™v am-\w sXfn-bp-∂ Cu Im-eØ - m-Wv hn-tZ-iI - ∏ - e - pIƒ ]-≠v kp-K‘ - {- Z-hy hym-]m-cØ - n-\mbn tI-cf - Ø - n¬ Iq-Sp-Xe - m-bn A-Sp-Øncp-∂X - v. A-ßs - \ kz¿-Æw sIm-≠p-hc - p∂ Cu am-ks - Ø s]m-∂n≥ Nn-ßa - m-ksa-∂pw Hm-Ws - Ø s]m-t∂m-Ws - a-∂pw hnfn-°m-\p-≈ Im-cW - a - X - m-Wv. Im-cy-an-ß-s\-sbm-s°-bm-sW-¶n-epw H-∂v ]-db - m-sX h-ø. A-Xv Hm-Wk - Z- y-bmWv. A-dn-™p-Æp-∂X - v Hm-WØ - n-\m-Wv. \m-hn-s‚ cp-Nn-bp-sS ]m-ea - r-Xv e-`n-°p-∂Xpw Xn-cp-thm-WØ - n-\p X-s∂. A-Xv Xan-gn¬ \n-∂p h-∂X - m-bm-epw i-cn, {]m-tZin-Ia - m-bn hn-Ik - n-®X - m-sW-¶n-epw i-cn HmW-sa-∂X - v C-∂p a-eb - m-fn-°[ - n-Ih - pw HmW-kZ- y X-s∂-bm-Wv. H-cp D-t∏-cn-bpw ]mb-kh - p-an-√m-sX F-¥p Hm-Ww. C-°m-eØv A-Xv C≥-kv‰ - ‚ v ^p-Um-bn am-dn-bn´p-s≠-¶n-epw Nn-ßa - m-kØ - n-se Xn-cp-thmWw F-∂X - v a-eb - m-fn-bp-sS \m-hn-se a[p-cn-°p-∂ Hm¿-Ωb - m-Wv. Hm-WØ - n-s‚ {]-[m-\m-I¿-jW - w HmW-kZ- y-bm-Wv. 'D-≠d - n-bW - w Hm-Ww' F∂m-Wv h-bv] - v. B-≠n-sem-cn-°¬ ]-∏S- hpw D-t∏-cn-bpw Iq-´m-\p-≈ A-hk - c - a - m-bncp-∂p ]-s≠m-s° km-[m-cW - ° - m-c\ - v HmWw. Im-f≥, Hm-e≥, F-cn-t»-cn F-∂n-hbm-Wv Hm-W-k-Zy-bn¬ {]-[m-\ hn-`-h߃. A-hn-bn-epw km-ºm-dpw ]n-∂o-Sv h∂-Xm-Wv. \m-ep-Iq-´w D-∏n-en-´X - m-Wv I-W°v.- I-Sp-am-ß, \m-cß - , C-©n-∏p-fn, C-©nssX-cv. ]-∏S- w C-SØ - c - w B-bn-cn-°pw. 10

ssIcfn 97 ktµiw2012

]-e° - m-c≥, 12 ]-e° - m-c≥ F-∂n-ßs - \ ]-∏S- ° - W - ° - v. D-t∏-cn \m-ep-hn-[w tN-\, ]-b¿, h-gp-X\ - ß - , ]m-h° - , i¿-°c - ] - p-c´n-°v ]p-dt- a ]-g\ - p-dp-°pw ]-gh - pw ]m-eS- bpw {]-Ya - \ - pw.hn-fº - p-∂X - n-\pw {]-tXy-IX-bp-≠v. \m-°n-e X-s∂ th-Ww Hm-Wk-Zy-°v. \m-°n-SØ - p-hi - w h-cp-∂ co-Xnbn¬ C-e h-bv° - W - w. C-SX - p-ap-If - n¬ Dt∏-cn, h-eX - p-Xm-sg i¿-°c - D-t∏-cn, C-SØv ]-∏S- w, h-eØ - v Im-f≥, Hm-e≥, F-cnt»-cn, \-Sp-°v tNm-dv, \n-c∂ - v D-∏n-en-´X - v. a-≤y-Xn-cp-hX - mw-Iq-dn¬ B-Zyw ]-cn-∏p-Idn-bm-Wv hn-fº - m-dv. km-ºm-dpw {]-Ya - \ - pw Im-f-\pw ]p-d-ta ]-®-tam-cv \n¿-_-‘w. sIm-√s - Ø ]-ga - ° - m-cp-sS Hm-Wk - Z- y-°p e-lc - n-°v ssI-X® - ° - b - n-´p-hm-‰n-b Nm-cmbw \n¿-_‘ - w. C-hn-sS Hm-WØ - n-\v a-c®o-\n-bpw h-d° - m-dp-≠v. F-≈p-≠b - pw Acn-bp-≠b - p-am-Wv a-‰v hn-`h - ß - ƒ. Ip-´\ - m´v ]-≠v D-{Xm-Sw ap-X¬ G-gp Zn-hk - w HmW-ap-Æp-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]p-fn-t»-cn-bpw tam-cpw tXm-c\ - pw km-ºm-dp-am-bn-cp-∂p {]-tXy-I hn-`h - ß - ƒ. A-ßs - \-bn-ßs - \ Hm-Ww h-cp-tºmƒ B-tLm-jØ - n-s‚ ssh-hn-[y-ßt- fm¿-Øv a-‰p-≈h - ¿ A-kq-bs - ∏-Sp-∂X - v Cu te-JI≥ A-Sp-Øp \n-∂p I-≠n-´p-≠v. A-Ø®-ab - w, Hm-Ws - Ø-øw, th-e≥ Xp-≈¬, Hm-Ws - ∏m-´≥, Hm-Wh - n-√v, B-´° - f - w Ipج, ssI-sIm-´n-°f - n, ]p-en-°f - n, IpΩm-´n-°f - n, Hm-WØ - √ - v, Hm-Ww-If - n, Hm®n-d° - f - n, I-ºn-Øm-bw I-fn, `m-c° - f - n, B-d∑ - p-f h-≈w-If - n, X-e] - ¥ - p I-fn, Xpºn-Xp-≈¬, h-Sw-he - n, Xn-cp-hm-Xn-cI - f - n, Du-™m-em-´w Xp-Sß - n-sb-{X B-\µ - I - c - am-b I-fn-bpw Nn-cn-bpw ]m-´pw H-sØm-cpa-bpw kz-ct- N¿-®b - pw. Cu k-a\ - z-ba - m-Wv Hm-WØ - n-s‚ hn-Pb - w. F-hn-sS-bn-cp-∂mepw a-eb - m-fn F-∂ H-‰t- ∏-cn-ep-≈ Iq-SntN-ce - p-If - pw sF-Iy-hp-am-Wv Hm-WØ - ns\ \m-`o-\m-f _-‘w t]m-se kz-ct- N¿®n-bn-em-gØ v- p-∂X - v. Cu Zr-V_ - ‘ - a - m-Wv a-eb - m-◊b - p-sS Du-‰h - pw D-t∑-jh - pw. temI-sa-ºm-Sp-ap-≈ F-√m-h¿-°pw sF-iz-cyØn-s‚-bpw k-ar-≤n-bp-sS-bpw Hm-Wm-iwk-Iƒ.


]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏s‚

i]Yw {]kmZv \mb¿

“ Ft¥m ]d-bm\m Ipt™, Cu Pohn- X ta aSp- Ø p. F∂m¬ h√ shtjmw hmßn Ign®v Aßv NmImsa∂v h®v AXpw t\m°n. AXv Ign®n´v NmIp-∂Xp t]ms´ Hcp hb-dn-f°w t]mepw h∂n-√t∂m” sIm®m∏n tN´≥ Xs‚ ]cm-Xn-bpsS Npcpƒ \nh¿∂p. hnjw Ign-®n´pw acn-°m≥ km[n°mØ B ico-c-Øns‚ {]Xn-tcm-[-i‡nsb Rm≥ a\km _lp-am-\n-®p. F∂mepw........ Ctßcv h√ Fen hnjhpw hmßn°gn-®n-´p≠mhpw. Fen hnjw Ign- ® m¬ Fen t]mepw NmImØ Cu ImeØv Cu´n- Ø Sn t]mep≈ sIm®m∏n tN´≥ FhnsS NmIm≥ ? “ F¥v hnjam sIm®m∏n tN´≥ Ign-®Xv? Fen hnjtam AtXm ]m‰ Kpfn- I tbm?” Fen hntjmw ]m‰m KpfntIw H∂pa√ Ipt™. ]≠v Btcm ]d-™n-´nt√ aZyw hnj-am-sW∂v AXv Ign-®m¬ C®ncn t\c-tØ°v NØ-Xpt]mse tXm∂pw. sImsd Ignºw ]ns∂w ]tg-Xp-t]mse ..... aZyw shjam-sW∂v ]d-™-hsc I≠n´v thWw c≠v \√ h¿Ø-am\w ]d-bm≥ “ Mm! At∏mƒ AXmWv Imcyw. Cu aZyw icn°pw hnj-amtWm? Hm.. NpΩm ]td∂- X - t √. IpSn- b ≥am¿ ap- X ¬ IpSnb≥am¿ taemƒam¿ hsc h¿j-ßf - mbn IpSn-tbmSv IpSn \S-Øn-bn´pw CØncn t\c-tØ-s°-¶nepw shjaw AIep-sa∂- √ msX shjw sN∂p- ≠ m- b n- ´ p≈ shj-asØ ]‰n tI´n-´n-√. hf-cp∂ ÿe-Øn-\-\p-k-cn®v t]cpIƒ amdp∂ ico-c-Ønse tcma-߃ t]mse IpSn-°p-∂-bm-fns‚ \nebpw hne-bp-a-\p-k-cn®v aZy-Øn\pw aZy-]m-\Øn\pw t]cp-Iƒ \¬Inbncn-°p-∂p.

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Zmcn{Zytc-J°v Xmsgbp≈h¿ IpSn°p∂ km[-\-Øn\v ‘]´’, ‘sIm´p-h-Sn’, ‘XÆn’ Fs∂s° ]d-bp-tºm-f-A# kº-∂¿ IpSn-°p-∂-Xn\v B#wK-teb \ma- a mWv \¬In- b n- c n- ° p- ∂ - X v. BZysØ hn`m-K-°m¿ I≈v IpSn®v e°v sI´v DcK-Po-hn-bmbn Cg™ng™v amf-Øn-se-Øp-tºmƒ (Nn-e¿ Cc hngp- ß nb s]cp- º m- º ns\t∏mse tdmU-cn-In¬ A\ßmsX InS-°pw). as‰ Iq´¿ {Un¶v FSpØv Hmh-dmbn aWn-°q-tdmfw hml-\-hp-ambn a[p-c-ime- b psS ap∂n¬ ImØp- I nS°p∂ ss{Uh-dpsS klm-b-Øm¬ ho´n-seØp-∂p. AXpIq-SmsX ASn®p tIm¨ sX‰n, ASn®vIn‚mbn ASn®p hoembn CXmZn \nL≠p hn¬ ÿm\w ]nSn°mØ {]bm-K-ßfpw Zmcn-{Zy-tc-J°v taep-Io-sg-∂n-√msX \ne-hn-ep≠. Adntb- ≠ m- Ø - h ¿ Adnbm- X n- c n°m≥ th≠n Nne¿ Xß-fpsS {Kq∏p-Ifn¬ A¶nƒ tPmWn CXymZn Hma\ t]cp-Iƒ aZy-Øn\v \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ‘dntl-gvk-en\p hcpºw A¶nfns\ IqSn Iq´n-t°mWw’ ‘a™pw XWp∏pw D≈t∏mƒ tPmWn D≠s¶n¬ \√Xm’ Cßs\-bp≈ clky {]tbm-K-߃ clkyw cl- k y- a mbn kq£n- ° m≥ klm-bn-°p-∂p. GXv hnMm-KØ - n-em-bmepa aZy-]n®p Ign-™m¬ Nne¿ Adnbp∂Xpw Adnbm≥ ]mSn-√m-Ø-Xp-amb Imcy- ß - s f- ∏ ‰n X¿°n- ° p- ∂ p. Nne¿°v# IpSn-®m¬ BtcmsS-¶nepw Hs∂mS-°W - w. ‘Imip-sam-S°n IpSn-®n´v Xtew s]cp-∏n®v A\ßm-Xn-cn-°p-∂-Xnse- ¥ ¿∞amWv CØncn IpSn- ® m¬ \mem-f-dn-b-Ww.’ a‰p Nne¿ AhcpsS hoc- I r- X y- ß ƒ hnf- º p- ∂ p.- ’ Rm- s \‰bv°v Hcp ^pƒ t_m´n- e ßv

Xo¿Øs∂’ Cßs\ hoºp-Iƒ ]pdØn- d - ß p- ∂ p. ]pcp- j - X z- Ø ns‚ e£Ww G‰hpw IqSp- X ¬ aZyw AIØm- ° p- ∂ - X m- s W∂v Cu Iq´¿ hniz-kn-°p-∂p. ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏≥ F∂ kpt_-Zm¿ am[h ]Wn-°¿ CXn≥ \ns∂ms° hyXy- ÿ - \ m- W v . hyXy- ÿ - \ m- s amcp ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏≥ .............. Ct±lw aZy∏n®p Ign- ™ m¬ ]ns∂ Cw•otj kwkm-cn-°q. si¥-anƒ am{X-a-dn-bp∂ ]n®°m¿ apX¬ A`yÿ- h n- Z y- c mb Ab¬°m¿ hsc t\tcmw Imtemw t\m°msX ]Wn-°-cp-ambn Nn‰-∏s‚ ap∂n¬s∏-´m¬ ]ns∂ Hm¨fn Cw•ojv ]Ømw ¢m v ]mkmbn ]´m-f-Øn¬ tN¿∂ ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏s‚ ]n∏nƒk,v Nn¬{U≥k,v CXymZn- { ]- t bm- K - ß ƒ \m´n¬ hfsc {]kn-≤-am-Wv. ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏s‚ tPyjvT≥ tIih ]Wn-°¿ X\n \m´n≥]p-c-Ø-Im-c\m-Wv. temI ]cn-N-bhpw Cw•ojp Xosc hi-an-s√-¶nepw \mS≥ apX¬ hntZ-in- h-sc-bp≈ F√m aZyßfpsS t]cp- I fpw a\m- ] m- T - a m- W v . CSbv ° nSbv ° v ]Wn- ° cp Nn‰- ∏ s‚ ho´n¬ sNm√pw. amXm-th, ht√mw CXs∏-t≠mSm? Nn‰-∏≥ tNmZy-Øns‚ A¿∞w a\- n-em-Ipw. AIØv sN∂v Ip∏nbpw •m pw a‰p kma-{Kn-I-fp-ambn h∂v tN´s\ k¬°- c n- ° pw. aZyw •m n¬ ]I¿∂v DS≥ Xs∂ {KlØn h∂ Ip´n-Isft∏mse B¿ØntbmsS AIØm-°pw. Ctøm! Cßs\ IpSn-®m¬ Icfv hmSn t]mIp-at- √m, tZ! IpSn-°m-s\m∂pw \osbs∂ ]On-∏n-t°≠m FhnsS- b mepw AIØm- ° n- b sX√mw AtX∏Sn ]pd- Ø m- ° nb tijta (Zm-cn{Zy tcJbv°v Xmsg-bp-≈h-h¿ CXn\v hmXv hbv°pI F∂p ]dbpw) tIih ]Wn-°¿ hnc-an-°q. H∂p ]Xps° IpSn- ° m≥ ]d™m¬ tII- ° p- t I- e . ImWp- ∂ n- S sØms° t]mbn IpSn®v Ia´n \S-°pw. ]Wn-°cv Nn‰-∏s‚ Ia‚n-t\mSv {]XnI-cn-°m-\p≈ Ahÿbnem-bn-cn-°nb tIi- h - ] - W n- ° ¿. “ Rms\- ß m\pw Cßs\ IpSn-®n´v i¿±n-®n-´p-s≠-¶n¬ At∂cw IpSn \n¿Øpw” tIi-h-]-Wn°¿ hmfv hbv°p-tºmƒ ]Wn-°cp Nn‰∏≥ sNøp∂ Cu i]Yw Ip´p°m¿s°ms° a\x]mT-am-Wv. hnap-‡-

`-S-∑m¿ am{X-a-S-ßp∂ kplrZv he-bØns‚ {][m\ IWvWn-bmWv ]Wn°cp Nn‰- ∏ ≥. k¿°m- c n¬\n∂pw A\ph- Z n®p In´nb amk- ∏ Sn aZyw hmßm≥ Nn‰-∏\pw kwLhpw FdWmIp-fØp t]mIp-∂Xv D’h-Xn-an¿t∏msS-bm-Wv. k¿∆okv Pohn-X-Øn¬ Xs∂ I≈v ]Wn-°¿ F∂ Hma\ t]cv t\Snb Nn‰∏≥ sshIp- t ∂- c - a m- b m¬ cs≠Æw hnin- b n- s √- ¶ n¬ kwXnwKv Cukv an nwßv F∂ Ahÿ-bm-Wv. Nne Ahk-c-ß-fn¬ H∂p t^mWn¬ _‘s∏-Sm≥ IqSn km≤y-a√ - .” Nn‰-∏\tßm´v InS∂p” F∂p cm[ Nn‰Ω ]d-bp-∂Xns‚ s]mcpƒ Nn‰-∏≥ icn°pw InS∂n- ´ n- s √- ∂ cw F∂m¬ InS- ∂ - X n¬ Xpey-am-sW∂pw a\- n-em-°m≥ ]e Ahk-c-߃ th≠n h∂p. ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏s‚ jjvTn_vZ ]q¿Øn ho´n¬ ]qPbpw kplr-Øp-°sf hnfn®v hn`-hk- a r- ≤ - a mb kZybpw \SØn BtLmjn-°m-sa-∂mWv cm[ Nn‰Ω A`n{]m- b - s ∏- ´ - X v . “AsXms° \o F¥p thW-sa-¶nepw sNbvtXm ]t£, sshIp- t ∂- c tØ BtLmj- s a√mw Rßfv ]´m- f - ° m- c psS ssÃen¬” ASpØ FdWm-Ipfw {Sn∏n¬ tdj≥ aZy-Øn\v ]pdta Ipsd A[nIw Ip∏nI-fp-am-bmWv Nn‰-∏≥ aSßn h∂-Xv. \nß-fn-sX-t∂m-∂ns‚ ]pd-∏mSm IpSn°p-∂-Xn\v Hcp IW-s°m-∂p-an-√ntbm? Ip∏n-I-fpsS FÆw I≠-t∏mƒ cm[ Nn‰-Ωbv°v Ien h∂p. FSo, kpt_Zm¿ am[-h-]-Wn-°-cpsS ]nd-∂m-fn\v IpSn ®n´v XnI-™n√ F∂v HcpØ\pw ]d-b-cp-Xv. Nne \°n-I-fpsS ho´n¬ t]mbm¬ \mhv \\-bm≥ IqSn In´n-√. F√mhcpw CXp I≠v ]Tn-°s´, ]Xnhn-e[ - n-Ia - mbn aZy-Ip-∏n-Iƒ \nc-∂n-cn-°p∂Xp I≠- t ∏mƒ ]®- a - Ø n- I ≠ ]q®sb t∏mse tIi-h-]-Wn-°-cpsS hmbn¬ sh≈w \nd-™p. “ amXm-thm... CXn\v Fcow ]pfnw Hs° ]mI-Øn-s\m-t≠m∂p t\m°tWmSm?” tIi-h-]-Wn-°-cpsS sImXntb‰v AXnYn-I-fpsS hbdv tISp hcmXn-cn-°m\mhWw. ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏≥ Ip∏n-I-sf√mw FSpØv D≈n¬ sIm≠pt]mbn Hfn®p h®p. ]qPbpw {]km-Zhpw kZypw sIm≠v tIa-amb ]nd-∂m¬ Znhkw sshIpt∂cw £Wn-°-s∏´ AXnYn-I-sf√mw h∂p XpS-ßn. Ala-l-an-Im-Znbm \nc-

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∂n-cn-°p∂ aZy-Ip-∏n-Iƒ I≠v F√mhcp- t Smbpw a\- n¬ Htc tNmZyw Db¿∂p. “CsX√mw IqSn Fßs\ IpSn®p Xo¿°pw”? kv { Xn P\- ß ƒ ASp°-f-`m-KØv HØp tN¿∂v XßfpsS Aw_cm`cW h¿Æ\ Bcw`n®-t∏mƒ Cfap-d-°m¿ Xß-fptSXmb Ifn ImcymZnIfn¬ G¿s∏´p. aZy-]m\ kwLw •mUp-I-fp-b¿Øn ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏≥ bbpcm-tcmKyw t\¿∂-tXmsS aZy- ] m- \ - Ø n\v XpS°w °pdn- ® p. BtcmKyw t\cm≥ ]‰nb km[\w! ]sø Xn∂m¬ ]\bpw Xn∂mw, F∂p \n›-bn®p-d-®m¬ tIi-h-]-Wn°¿ A∂v Bcw`n- ® Xv . c≠v s]§v FSpØv t_m[w sI´p InS- ∂ m¬ Ccn°p∂ Ip∏n-Iƒ a‰p-≈h - ¿ Imen-bm°pw. Aßs\ Ch≥amcp Xs∂ IpSn®p Xo¿t°≠m F∂p a\- n-ep-d®v a\- n√m a\-t msS tIih ]Wn-°¿ aµ-K-Xn-bn¬ IpSn Bcw`n-®p. aZy-Ip-∏n-Iƒ Hgnbp-∂-X-\p-kcn®v ]e- c n- t ebpw Iem- I m- c - ∑ m¿ DW¿∂v XpS-ßn. dn´-tb¿Uv ae-bmfw A≤ym]- I ≥ Uq≈ km¿ IhnXm ]mcm-bWw Bcw`n-®p. “lm... ]pjv]ta A[nI-XpwK ]ZØn U{X....” A¿≤t_m- [ - Ø n- e p≈ ]ecpw BkzZn-°p-∂-Xmbn A`n\-bn®p. ‘h¨ an\n‰v ... amtj’ ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏≥ IhnX- b psS Hgp°n\v tkXp- _ - ‘ \w sNbvXp. ‘amjv Cu IhnX Cw•o-jn¬ sNm√n tIƒ∏n-t®’... H∂pw a\- n-em°p- ∂ n- √ - t ∂... ÿeIme t_m[- a n√mØ ]ecpw Nn‰-∏s‚ A`n{]m-bsØ ]n≥Xm-ßn. ]e-cp-sSbpw •m p-Iƒ ]eX-hW \nd-s™m-gn-s™-¶nepw tIih- ] - W n- ° cpsS BZysØ- c psS BZysØ •mkv Hgn™n-cp-∂n-√. ‘tIith-´-\n∂v ]p≈nßv t]mcmt√m.. F¥m ]Xps°bm°n- ° - f - ™ Xv ? ’ Fs∂ IpSn- ∏ n®v InS- Ø n- b n- ´ p- t hWw \n\s°ms° IqSn CXv Xo¿°m≥ A√tbm F∂p tNmZn-°-W-sa∂p tXm∂n-sb¶nepw Rms\∂p IpSn-®mep amXmsh \¬Inb i]Yw sNøp-∂Xv. ‘C∂Xp th≠m∂p h®n´m’ aZy-Øns‚ hocyw Gdp∂-Xn-\p-k-cn®v s]m´n-®n-cn-Ifpw D®`m-j-W-ßfpw XpS¿∂p-sIm-t≠-bncp-∂p. s]´∂v .... thm....-t∆m... i_vZw tI´v F√mh- c p- s Sbpw {i≤ AhnsSbv°v Xncn-™p. ]pdw Xncn-™ncn-°p∂ ]Wn-°-cp Nn‰-∏≥ hmfpw, Ddpanbpw Npcp-Ibpw F√mw ]pd-sØ-

Sp-°p-I-bm-Wv. t_m[-ap-≈-h-cn¬ apº\mb tIih ]Wn-°¿ HmSn-sN-∂p. “amXmthm .... \o ]Wn ]‰n-®-t√m-Sm”....a-tZm≥ aØ-cm-b-h-cpsS elcn Hm´-°e- Ø n¬ \ns∂- ∂ - t ]mse tNm¿∂p t]mbn. ap≥\n-c-bn-ep≈ \mbn-I-\Sn hnhm- l n- X - b mbn A`n\b Pohn- X tØmSv hnS- ] - d - b p- t ºm- g p- ≠ m- I p∂ Bcm[-I-cpsS thZ-\-tbmsS (\-S-∑m¿ B kml-k-Øn-s\m∂pw apXn-cm-dn-√) F√mhcpw ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏s\ t\m°n -Xp-S¿∂v HgnbmsX Ccn°p∂ Ip∏n-Ifn-te-°v. tIi-h] - W - n-°¿ ktlm-Zc - s\ ip≤-\m°n AItØ°v Iq´n-s°m-≠pt]m-bn. {][m-\-a{¥n cmPn hbv°p-tºmƒ \n¿Po-h-am-Ip∂ a{¥n-k` t]mse aZyk` ]ncn-™p. F√mh-cp-sSbpw kwkmc-hn-jbw ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏≥ h¿j-ßfmbn \SØn hcp∂ i]-Y-am-bn-cp-∂p. AtXmsSm∏w HgnbmsX Ccn°p∂ aZyIp-∏n-I-fpsS `mhn-bpw. aZy-£o-W-a-I‰m≥ \∂mbn Ddßs´ F∂pIcpXn cm[ Nn‰Ω ]Xnhp t\cØv Nn‰-∏s\ DW¿Øn-bn-√. kzbw DW¿∂v DΩdsØ- Ø n- b - t ∏mƒ tIi- h - ] - W n- ° ¿ ImØn-cn-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. “sImt®-

´≥ cm{Xn t]mbn-√m-cpt∂m? C∂se Ft¥m ]‰n-sb∂v AdnØn-√”. “F¥m ]‰n- s b∂v F√mh¿°pw Adnbmw. C∂se t]mbn InS-∂n´v Dd°w h∂n√. AXpsIm≠m ImetØ Cßv t]m∂Xv”]Wn°cp Nn‰-∏\pw B[nbmbn. Xm\n-∂nse Akw_‘w h√Xpw Im´p- I tbm ]d- b p- I tbm sNbv t Xm. “F∂m ]‰n sIm®m´m”? i¿±n-®m¬ ]ns∂ IpSn- ° n- s √∂v \mgn- I °v \m¬]Xp ht´mw hnfn®p sNm√n \S°p∂ \o C∂se i¿±n-®Xm Ipg-∏ambXv. aSßn t]mIp-tºmƒ Ah∑mcv ]d-bp-∂Xv tI´p \o C\n IpSn-°n-√. AXpsIm≠v cmhnse h∂v HgnbmØ Ip∏n-Isfms° sIm≠vt]m-Im-sa-∂v, ssZhta; NXnt®m! shdpsX hoSphmbv°v ]d™ i]Yw Ct∏mƒ ]mcbm-bt- √m. dn´-tb¿Uv Pohn-XØ - n¬ X\n°p≈ F‚¿sS- b nsa‚ v CsXm∂pw am{X-ta-bp-≈q. kplrØv kwLw ap‰-sØØn°gn™p. aIsf hnhmlw Ign-®-bv°p#v-\\ ]nXm-hns‚ thZ-\-tbmsS Nn‰-∏≥ {]nbs∏´ aZy-Ip-∏n-Isf t\m°n. XpS¿∂v tNmZy-`m-h-Øn¬ Iq´p-Im-sc-bpw. A√ kmdv IpSn \n¿Ønb ÿnXn°v Cu

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Ip∏nIsfms° Hcmƒ `hy-X-tbmsS BKa-t\m-t±iw Adnbn-®p. s]s´∂v ]Wn-°cp Nn‰-∏s‚ _p≤n-bn¬ i]-YØns‚ eq∏v tlmƒ sXfn-™p. “IpSn \n¿Øtbm ... Bcv ? “i¿±n- ® m¬ ]ns∂ IpSn-°n-s√∂v kmdt√ ]e-XhW ]d-™n-´p-≈Xv? ” “Rm≥ ]d-™n-´p-≈Xv IpSn-®n´v i¿±n-®m¬ At∂cw IpSn \n¿Øm-sa∂m ”. AXns‚- b ¿∞w ]ns∂ Hcn°epw IpSn-°n√ F∂√. C∂se i¿±n® At∂cw Rm≥ IpSn \n¿Ønbn-t√....-a-{¥n-ÿm\w kz]v\w I≠p sIm≠v Xnc- s ™- S p- ∏ n\v ko‰p tNmZn®p sN∂ t\Xm-°≥am¿°v ko‰p \ntj-[n®t∏mgp-≠mb \ncm-i-tbmsS kplr- Ø p- ° - f psS apJw æm\- a mbn. Ahkm\ \nanj- Ø n¬ tKmf- S n- ® Pbn® Soan-s\-t∏mse tIi-h-]-Wn-°¿ D≈psIm≠v BÀmZn-®p. A\pPs‚ _p≤n i‡n- b n¬ AXy[nIw A`nam\w tXm∂n. F∂mep AdnbmsX ]d-™p-t]m-bn. “]nt∂... \nß-sfms° I∂n-s\bt√ Ib- Ø n∂p Ib- ‰ m≥ t\m°p∂Xv”.

Nqfw hnfn-®p-sIm≠v Hcp Im‰v aebn-dßn h∂p. At∏mgpw AIe-ß-fnte°v Agn™p hogp∂ t\m´-hp-ambn Abmƒ Imhn-en-cn-°-bm-Wv. B H‰bSn-∏m-X-bpsS hnZq-c-X-bn¬ AhfpsS cq]w sXfn-bp-∂pthm? C√ Ahƒ hcn√. F¶nepw Ahkm- \ - a n- √ mØ {]Xo£-Iƒ ]ns∂bpw apt∂m´p \SØp-∂p. CesIm-gn®p \nev°p∂ d_¿ ac߃°-∏pdw ae-s©-cp-hn¬ ]md-°q-´ß-fm-Wv. Ahbv°v IpS-bmbn Xg®p hfcp∂ Im‰m-Sn-a-c-߃. Hm¿Ω- I - f psS IpSo- c w- t ]mse Ahbn∂pw Xe-bp-b¿Øn \nev°p∂p. lrZ- b - Ø nse apdn- h p- I ƒ H∂p hnßntbm? ae- b n- d ßn h∂ Im‰v B¿{Zambv Xmgvh- c - b n- s eßpw hoinØpSßn. AS°m-\m-hmØ Hcp thZ-\-bn¬ Abmƒ IÆp-Iƒ Cdp°nb-S-®p. ChnsS CesIm-gn-°p∂ ac-ßfpw, \mc-I-Øn¬\n∂v AS¿∂p hogp∂ ]q°fpw Fs∂ Ime-Øns‚ Hgp°-dnbn-°p-∂p. Abmtfm¿Øp. Hcn°¬ Cu ae-s©-cn-hp-Iƒ Ip‰n-°m-Sp-I-fm-bn-cp∂p. Ip∂n-°p-cphpw Im´p-sN-Ønbpw kar-≤-ambn hf-cp-∂-bn-Sw. HmW-°m-eß-fn¬ ]q-°ƒ tXSn-h-cp∂ Ip´n-I-sfmgn-®m¬ F√mbvt∏mgpw Cu ae-tbm-c߃ hnP- \ - a m- W v . hmb- \ - i m- e - b n¬ \ns∂- S p- ° p∂ ]pkv X - I - ß - f p- a mbn

t\sc hcp-∂Xv ChntS°m-bn-cp-∂p. Cu Ip∂n¬ sN-cp-hn-en-cp∂v kz]v\-߃ s\bv X p- I q´n \nem- h n- l mb n- t e°v ]d∂p-bc - p-∂Xv hn`m-h\w sNbvX \mfpIƒ.... C∂v ae-s©-cn-hp-It- f-sdbpw Xcn»m- b n- c n- ° p- ∂ p. _m°n- b p- ≈ n- S Øv ap≈n≥ ]q°fpw Icn-º-\-Ifpw am{Xw. hcbpw h¿Æ- ß fpw el- c nbpw \jvS-s∏-Sp-Ønb Hcp Pohn-X-Øns‚ _m°n-]{Xw hc-®p-Iq´nb Nn{X-ßfpw aSp-Øp-t]m-sbmcp a\- p-ambn {KmaØn¬h≠n-bn-d-ßp-tºmƒ aq¿®-bp≈ Hcmbp-[Øn-\mbn knc-Iƒ Zmln®ncp∂p. A∂v F√mw Ahkm-\n-∏n-t°≠-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. ]s£.... Pohn- X-Øn-te°v ho≠pw Fs∂ ssI]n- S n- ® p- b ¿Øn- b Xv Ahfm- W v . PohnXw Hcn°¬IqSn F\n°-h-kcw \evIp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Pbn-°Ww F∂v Hm¿Ωn-®p-sIm≠v H∏w Ahfpw. Fs‚ Iuam-ck - z-]v\ß - ƒ°v Ifn-∏d - º - mb B ae- t bm- c - ß - f n- t e°v Ahkm- \ - a mbn Hcn°¬IqSn \S-°-W-sa∂p tXm∂nb \nan-jw. AXv Ahfn-te-°p≈ bm{XbpsS XpS- ° - a m- b n- c p- ∂ p. h¿j߃ Ign-™n´pw B bm{X-bnse Zqc-߃ Xm≠m≥ X\n-°m-bn√ F∂m¬ thZ\-tbmsS Xncn-®-dn™p. Im‰mSn ac-ßfpsS ]®- ∏ n¬ ]pkv X - I - Ø m- f p- I - f nte°v apJw ]qgv Ø n- b n- c n- ° p- t ºmƒ Iq´n\p Ahfp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. B ]®-∏n¬

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AhfpsS kz]v\-ß-fpsS XWp-∏m-bn-cp∂p. Bflmhn-te°v hoWp In´nb B XWp-∏mWv C∂pw Fs‚ Pohn-Xw. Im‰ns‚ i_vZw \nd™ ]md-s°´p-I-ƒ-°n-S-bn¬, XW¬ hncn®p \n∂ Im‰mSn ac-߃°p Xmsg hnkvabw \nd™ IÆp-It- fmsS Ahƒ Abmsf t\m°n-\n-∂p. Im‰v CeI-fn-e-Sn®v i_vZ-ap-≠m-Iptºmƒ Hm¿Ω-Ifpw D≈n¬ Ie-ºp-∂Xv Abmf-dn-™p. acWw Ahsf-°≠v Bbmfn¬\n∂pw Zqsc amdn \n∂p. A£c-߃ Bflmhn-t\mSp tN¿Øpsh-®-hƒ \nd-߃ s\©n-te-‰n-b-hs‚ hgn-Im-´n-bm-bn. HSphn¬... hnP-b-߃ ImWm≥ Ahfp- ≠ m- b n- c p- ∂ n- √ . Bflmhnse apdn-∏m-Sp-Isf sXm-´p-hcp∂ Hcp \nizm-k-tØmsS Abmƒ a{¥n®p.... AsX sX‰v Ft‚Xm-Wv, F\n°mWv sX‰n-b-Xv. B s]¨a-\ v Fs‚ a\- n- e m- ° - e p- I - f n¬ \ns∂{Xtbm Zqsc-bmbncp∂p. ..... Xmgv hc-bn¬ Ccp´v hogm≥ XpSßnb Hcp k‘y . GXp im]w ]nSn® \nan-j-ß-fn-emWv Rm≥ Ahfn¬ Hcp {]W- b n- \ nsb tXSn- b Xv ? AhfpsS km¥z-\-Øn\v, kvt\l-Øn\v {]Wbw F∂¿∞w sImSp-ØXv ? aßnb \m´psh- f n®w ]c∂ H‰b- S n- ∏ m- X - b n¬ Ahƒ°p - ] n- ∂ n¬ Rm≥ \n»- _ v Z \mbn \S- ∂ p. ac- ß ƒ°n- S - b neqsS an∂m-an-∂p-I-fpsS ]® {]Imiw ]d∂p Ifn-°p-∂p. H‰b-Sn-∏m-X-bpsS aSpØ Xncn-hn¬ Ahƒ bm{X ]d-bpw. lrZb- Ø n¬ Hcp hyY \nd- b p- ∂ Xv Rm\dn™p. CesImgn™ ac- ß ƒ°pta¬ \nem- h p- Z n- ® p. AIse H‰b- S n- ∏ mX Ccph-gn-bm- bn ]ncn-bp-∂p. Hcp \nanjw.... Ahsf Rm\s‚ s\t©mSp tN¿Øp. ac-°q-´ß - ƒ°n-Sb - neqsS Im‰v HmSn-sbmfn-®p. \nem-hn-\p-ta¬ ho≠pw Ccp´p ]c∂p. A[cw A[c-tØm-S-a¿∂-t∏mƒ taL-]m-fn-Iƒ°n-S-bn-eqsS Hfn™pt\m°n ]q- \ n- e mhv ]p©n- c n- ® p. F∂n¬\n∂p IpXdn amdnb AhfpsS t\sc t\m°m≥ F\n°p ss[cy-ap-≠mbn-cp-∂n-√. \n»-_vX-bpsS B \nan-jß-fn¬ Rm\n-√m-sX-bm-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ ... aßnb \nem-hn-eqsS Ahƒ \S∂p ad-bp-tºmƒ Rm\-dn-™n-cp-∂n√ Cu aetbm-cß - f - n¬, Cu Im‰mSn ac-ØW - e - n¬ C\n Rms\m‰bv°m-Ip-sa-∂.v


Prateek Nair

When you dream your imagination is reality, when you dream you can’t differentiate falsehood from actuality Vivid visualizations that send you to a world of happiness, conjuring feelings that make you overwhelmed Dreams will set goals for your own future benefit, helping you drive to your best of accomplishments One can take dreams and force them into reality; the only thing necessary is perseverance and motivation From sailing the waters of the world’s oceans and seas, to floating through the mystic darkness of space The dreams are the train and the mind is the ticket to see the world, they are the blue print to life’s goals Nights where cosmic thoughts engulf the mind, giving the recipient temporary mental high Dreams give an escape from stress, and put you in a state of intellectual nirvana Thus dreams make up life as we know it, so when they show you something, make it a goal, and go for it!

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