Selected Works 2013

Page 44

Library Design Studio Located in the heart of the Clifton neighborhood in Cincinnati, OH, The Clifton Library is in need of a new enlarged building to accommodate the library’s growing number of users. This proposal is derived from in-depth interviews and interaction with the community and is designed with the intent of creating an iconic piece of architecture that enriches the neighborhood and serves the community’s need. The library’s cantilever forms an exterior courtyard to compliment the street by allowing for a space for public interaction, conversation and rest. The angled steel frame forms a naturally lit atrium in the core of the library. Circulation is based on this central atrium, as from it one can see where he or she wants to go and know how to get there. The lower levels are intended to be active and noisy (children’s area, periodicals, and digital media) while the upper levels are for quieter browsing and reading. The top floor extends into a roof garden for reading, reflection and expansive views of the Clifton Neighborhood.

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