JUSTIN Times_FW_2010

Page 22

By Joseph Spellman, M.S., Mid-west Regional Sales Manager

Ours is a great, sprawling, diverse country. JUSTIN offers wine in all 50 states, and well beyond in over 20 other countries and territories. I have often noted that where populations are large and diverse, the plethora of wine choice, and particularly imported wine choice, is overwhelming. As a Chicago sommelier I took advantage of the wealth of great product from the historic wine regions of Europe as well as the emerging ones of the southern hemisphere. And now in my role as a roving Master Sommelier for JUSTIN, I find myself positioned against the attitude of “obscurities and novelties” (trousseau gris? ruché? really?) being considered more valuable than trustworthy wines like ours. This mindset dominates the coasts, and especially the urban settings of New York, Washington, San Francisco, et al. So how do I make more happen? I inhabit, and play toward, the center. As has been noted by the astute wine writers Eric Asimov (New York Times) and Jon Bonné (San Francisco Chronicle) hip urban wine lists, even if the restaurant is proclaiming “local sourcing” and “minimal energy impact,” tend to reach far and wide. They also reflect, although rarely start, trends in wine consumption. Now that major varieties are

22 Justin Times

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