Typographic Practice

Page 486

Index 244; Shevas used in, 245; read from right to left, 245, 393; cases for composition of, 245, 246 ; words in, cannot be divided, 247 Herapel quoin, 296, 297 Hints on Imposition (Williams's). lifting device described in, 291 of, 243,


278 (note) Holy Scriptures.

See Bible

Honghton, Henry 0., Ill Hungarian, accents used in, 233 Hyphens, use of thin space on each side of, 88 in German, 252 faulty ;






History of the Origin of Printing,



339 sixty-four pages in one chase, four sections of sixteen, 341 circular of two pages only, the print on first and third pages, 345 ; inset folio of twenty pages in ten forms, 346 legal folio of four pages, 347 ; legal folio of sixteen pages, imposed for insets, 348 eight pages in one form, music or oblong way, 348; eight pages in usual way, 349; eight pages imposed from centre, 349; eight pages in two sections of known as " two



Iliad, Pickering's (note)




Illuminators, fifteenth-century, 159 Illustrations, electro typed, 32 furnishing of, 80, 81 ; text led down at side of, 90; relief of white needed by, 106 ; setting of table testing of, 140, 141 of, 129, 130 placing of, 141, 284-286, 287; of running titles, 264-267, 268, 269 ; placing of, in pages, 276, 277 ; legend lines of, 280-282 (see also note 1); of irregular shape, 283, 284; wood-blocking of electrotype, 288; scheme for moulding of, 318 printing, 361, 362. See also Cuts, Engravings, and Photo-engravings ;




Image, Selwyn, Greek type designed by, 239, 240





Imperial Printing House, Vienna, 232 (note)


Imposing-stone, 2; dimensions of, 67; made-up pages on, 274; use of, in composing-room, 289 many sizes of, 289, 290; should be cleaned before pages are laid down, 306; flat side of quoins should rest upon, 311; types too tightly locked up spring from, 312, 313 ; correcting and justifying preparatory work on, on, 324 325; fitting of chase-rack under, 330 Imposing-table. See Imposing-stone Imposition, adjusting margins in, 297-306; locking up, 306-320; elementary principles of, 331-337 ; four pages in two forms and two chases, 337; four pages in one chase, 338; four pages in one chase, long way, 339 ; four pages ;


in one chase, imposed

four, on," 349; eight-page forms in three chases, inset to make one section of twenty-four pages, 350 ; eight pages, two wide, four high, 351 ; eight pages for offcut of paper, 351 ; sixteen pages in two chases for one section, 351 sixteen pages, imposed from centre. 353 ; sixteen pages as usually laid, 353; sixteen pages as two sections of eight, 354 ; sixteen pages in two portions of eight for inset, 354 ; sixteen pages in two sections of twelve and four, 355; sixteen pages in three sections, one of eight and two of four pages, 356 sixteen oblong pages, music way, one section, 356 ; thirty-two pages in two chases, to fold as one section, 357 thirty-two pages in two forms, separately folded and inset as one section, 358; thirty-two pages as four sections of eight pages each, 359 ninety-six pages in one chase, six sections of sixteen, 360 one hundred and twenty-eight pages in one chase, eight sections of sixteen, 361; twelve pages in one chase, 363 ; twentyfour pages in two chases, as one section, 365 ; twelve pages in one chase, triplicates of four pages, 368; twelve pages of oblong shape, no inset, central imposition, 369; twenty-four pages, oblong shape, inset of eight, 370; twenty-four pages in one chase, with offcut of eight inset as one section, 371; twenty-four pages in one chase, two sections of twelve, offcuts separately folded and inset, 371 ; twenty-four pages on square sheet, with offcut of eight inset as one section, 372; twenty-four pages on square shape of sheet, two sections of twelve, 373; forty-eight pages in one chase, three sections

from centre,

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