Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan (April 2012)

Page 226

Working Group Priority Actions are highlighted

Housing and Neighborhoods / Building Block 2 Label


Action Type

HN A17

Develop regulations and standards that promote


Priority Program(s)

innovative and diverse residential architecture that is sensitive to the surrounding neighborhood. HN A18

Work with employers to locate their place of business Coordination along activity centers and corridors in proximity to

• Develop and maintain household affordability throughout Austin.

residential areas that could provide housing for their employees. HN A19

Ensure harmonious and compatible transitions be-


• Revise Austin’s development regulations

tween neighborhoods and adjacent commercial,

and processes to promote a compact and

mixed-use, and denser housing by regulating set-

connected city.

backs, building mass and height, and other design elements and uses. HN A20

Develop and implement strategies that address spill-


• Revise Austin’s development regulations

over parking from commercial districts into adjacent

and processes to promote a compact and

residential areas that include increased public trans-

connected city

portation, better pedestrian and bicycling amenities, improved signs and parking management. HN A21

Align future development with the growth concept


map through adoption of small-area plans (e.g., neighborhood, corridor, and station area plans) that contain provisions set forth in Imagine Austin, including: - Areas experiencing change - Infill Development - Activity centers and corridors - Increased density - Open space and open space connectivity - Historic preservation - Neighborhood preservation - Transitioning between land uses - A variety of housing types - Affordable housing - Brownfield and greyfield redevelopment - Public Transportation HN A22

Ensure outreach efforts for the ongoing comprehen-


sive planning program as well as small-area plans are directed toward attracting a diversity of stakeholders including under-represented demographic and socio-economic groups. 216 | Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan


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