Women@Work Sept/Oct 2013

Page 14


Ending the

“Who Dunnit?” Game at Work

Anne Saile is an award winning CEO, entrepreneur, executive coach, author and owner of the Saile Group LLC, a leadership and business consulting company. For more information, visit sailegroup.com. Photo by Joan Heffler.

By Anne Saile


laying the “who-dunnit” or “blame game” never results in a positive outcome. Accountability is one of the strongest attributes of successful business leaders. Stepping up to the plate can advance a career faster than just about any other characteristic, but it is common for people to go to great lengths to avoid responsibility when something goes wrong or questions arise about the failure of a project. This is known as who-dunnit syndrome.

pect.” It illustrates how our human nature motivates us to do things because we know someone is watching, not necessarily because we should. The dictionary outlines accountability as “answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving.” By definition, accountability holds with it negative connotations that we may understandably try to avoid, when, really, accountability should be seen as a positive attribute that we strive to possess, the fabric of who

Accountability breeds response-ability.

We see it in individuals and within teams when people search for anyone or anything to blame for incomplete tasks, shoddy reporting, overall project failure, you name it. It is certainly not our fault so we put the responsibility onto someone else who didn’t follow through or return a call or deliver a report. I have heard from CEOs about their struggle to shift their staff from playing who-dunnit to owning the work. For some, placing blame is an automatic response to even simple questions. We have all worked with people who become immediately defensive about any topic or conversation that happens in the workplace. You can see the results of this syndrome by taking a close look at some of the people you know who never seem to get promoted. Chances are they have played who-dunnit more than a few times, and it has not gone unnoticed. You may have heard the phrase “people do what you inspect not what you ex-

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” — Stephen R. Covey

we are and how we lead when no one is looking. So the question is obvious: As business leaders, how do we create an environment where people own their work and take initiative to do the best job possible rather than spending time dodging accountability? First, ban phrases from the workplace such as, “I sent an e-mail but they never got back to me,” “I’m waiting for approval,” “I thought someone else did that,” “That’s not my job,” “I don’t know who put that number in there,” and “I didn’t know who to call.” These are red flags of an accountability breakdown. It’s a good idea to redefine accountability in your office as something that can enhance a career and improve the work environment. Accountable people are truth-tellers who look for solutions to problems rather than places to hide them. If you are the boss, create an environment of trust. Set the tone for your workplace to be more proactive, to make sure that

communication and expectations are clear, and never talk about your disappointment about another staff person’s shortcomings to one of their co-workers. Highlight and praise accountability. If a mistake happens — and it will — never yell. Yelling at staff will not change things or make them better. In fact, it will reaffirm the strategy to find any excuse to avoid responsibility. Yelling in the workplace creates an atmosphere of mistrust and hostility that can rarely, if ever, be repaired. Just as success is almost never a solo act, neither are mistakes. Creating a culture of honesty and awareness will help to assess what went wrong, what could have been done differently on every level, and how the situation can be used as a tool for learning to encourage a better, stronger business and employee. It is important to remember that we communicate our values by the questions we ask. If we use an accusatory tone, it often triggers people to be defensive and try to hide a mistake. Hiding mistakes can be dangerous for many reasons but most importantly, because you risk the same mistake happening over and over again. When feeling accused of something, people are afraid to openly and honestly talk about the mistake or how to prevent the issue from happening again. Accountability is hard for some people, but it is a quality that you want your employees to possess and implement. As a leader, make it easy to be accountable in your office, discourage the who-dunnit, blame game mentality and, most importantly, lead by example.  W

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