Jessica Kleinman's Portfolio

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Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o EMAIL:

PHONE: 510-469-7172

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Corralitos Cooperative Farm

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Fa r m s t an d b i o d i e s e l S t at i o n

Lea r n i n g k i t c hen D i n i n g c o mm o n s

In t e r n h o u s i n g c l u s t e r 1 In t e r n a b l u t i o n 1

l at h o u s e Classroom Working barn G r eenh o u s e

In t e r n h o u s i n g c l u s t e r 2 In t e r n a b l u t i o n 2

Fam i ly h o u s i n g

In t e r n h o u s i n g c l u s t e r 3 In t e r n a b l u t i o n 3

I ll u s t r a t i v e S i t e P l a n

S u mma r y :

This design for an organic farm in Watsonville, California was inspired by the notion that getting one’s hands dirty is integral to the farming experience. The architectural response was both symbolic and practical by creating opportunities in the landscape for hand washing. These opportunities were created by a basic infrastructural system of thickened walls that contain plumbing, rainwater cisterns, electrical wiring, and sewage lines. These thickened walls were then punctured for moments of washing, passage, and rest. The larger architectural elements (a dining commons, working barn and intern housing) were then plugged into this infrastructural system.

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Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Corralitos Cooperative Farm

A. Dining Commons



B . Wo r k i n g B a r n


Site Model

Dining Commons, Model

C. Intern Housing

Wo r k i n g B a r n , M o d e l

Wo r k i n g B a r n , M o d e l

Intern Housing Cluster Model

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Corralitos Cooperative Farm

Intern Housing (not to scale)

Jessica KlEInman p o r t f o l i o

Final Presentation

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Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Shih Yu-Lang YMCA

Rendered Exterior

Sectional Axon

User Diagram

S u mma r y :

Honesty and compassion towards all members of the Tenderloin community are necessary in understanding the spatial needs for the new Shih Yu-Lang YMCA. Through light-filled spaces and vertical vegetation, the design for a new YMCA opens its arms and extends itself to you. It provides a nurturing spatial condition where one feels safe and one can learn, grow and achieve personal heath on a variety of levels.

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Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Shih Yu-Lang YMCA

1 . W i d e f l an g e s t ee l b eam t y p . Second Floor, Plan (not to scale)

2. 5/8” gypsum board typ. 3 . 3 / 4 ” p ly w o o d t o p 4 . W e l d e d & b o lt e d s t ee l an g l e c o nne c t e d at b o t t o m o f d e c k i n g t o b eam 5 . Ca b l e han g i n g r o D 6. Metal decking with concrete Fill typ. 7 . C o n c r e t e wa l l 8 . pane l i z e d me s h g r o w i n g s u r fa c e 9 . Awn i n g w i n d o w

Main Floor, Plan (not to scale)




6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Latitudinal Section (not to scale)

Wa l l S e c t i o n ( n o t t o s c a l e )

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bayview vertical farm

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Exterior Rendering

Interior Rendering

C o ll a g e d S i t e S e c t i o n

S u mma r y :

A vertical farm and housing development provide an opportunity to remediate brownfield conditions in the Bayview district of San Francisco. The structure allows for hydroponics and conventional growing strategies all while sitting above the site so as to promote the remediation of the toxic soil below. But more importantly, the design responds to the complex issues surrounding topics of population density in urban areas, increased obesity and diabetes among low-income groups, and diminishing multi-crop farmland.

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Activated transparency

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Building Model

Layered Section

Interior View of Model

S u mma r y :

After mapping layers and patterns of glazing in a block on the lower Westside of Manhattan, a series of representations at different scales were generated. A language was developed based on these representations to produce an activated building faรงade. This faรงade allowed for an understanding of the building program through the play of translucence and opacity.

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Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Illuminated dialogue

Bridge Redesign Rendering, (poster detail)

Pa r k K i o s k R e n d e r i n g , (poster detail)

C o m p e t i t i o n Po s t e r

S u mma r y :

The Illuminated dialogue was an entry for the Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition in 2005. Instead of developing an entirely new landmark, our team decided to re-consider the San Francisco Bay-Bridge and allow for greening and a pedestrian/bicycle right-of way. Additionally, a network of small landmarks were created in the public parks of San Francisco to house kiosks where messages could be typed and then displayed on LED tickers mounted to the steel structure of the bridge.


“The Green house”

Pa g e 9

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

S u mma r y :

“The Green House” is a collection of residential projects that feature innovations in sustainable design. As an editorial assistant, I was able to research and compose the chapter introductions. These introductions divided the book into climatic zones that provide insight into the diverse challenges of architecture that is ecologically sensitive.

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Southern exposure gallery

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Cabinetry Drawings

Completed Gallery View

Completed Office View

S u mma r y :

Southern Exposure’s new space, located in the Inner Mission, offers a simple and flexible program that includes two large gallery spaces, a dedicated youth education space, an open office plan and a shared community area. In collaboration with Rick Johnson, I produced construction documentation for the cabinetry and electrical systems. (Note: project was completed September, 2009.)

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Garden for the environment

Latitudinal Section

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Longitudinal Section

Site Plan

S u mma r y :

The re-design of the greenhouse and tool shed at the Garden for the Environment has been fiscally supported by the receipt of a San Francisco Community Challenge Grant. While still in the early schematic design process, the new greenhouse will not only support the propagation of seeds and young plants, but will also allow for the demonstration of ecologically sound building technologies. (Note: scheduled for completion in 2010.)

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Garden for the environment

Jessica Kleinman p o r t f o l i o

Building Component Diagram

Site Massing Study Rendering

Seed to Compost Diagram

Exterior Massing Study Rendering

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