Dare to Dream

Page 114


Ken Forrest

On the positive side there are forces over and above your own powers that also want you to succeed at any good or worthwhile endeavor. The difference between success or failure is, fortunately, all up to you. Focus means having your ultimate goal—your dream— right in front of you every day. (Is your Dream Card ™ in your wallet yet?) Focus requires that you’ve carefully completed steps one through four. If you’ve completed those effectively, it will be much easier for you to stay focused on your mission and finish! Just like the marathon runner, you have a dream. You’ve obtained the right tools, equipment—whatever you need. You’ve trained with the best mentors, coaches, and advocates you can find. You’ve started the race. Now you need to stay focused on the next step, then the next. At some point, after enduring trials and overwhelming temptations to give up and quit, you’ll look up and see the finish line. Your dream will have become a reality!

Eliminate the Negative What or who in your life is not helping you achieve your dreams? Whatever or whoever it is, get rid of it. That’s right, get rid of it. Thoughts, habits…anything that doesn’t help you reach your dreams needs to go. Even if that happens to be the person you sleep next to at night, guess what: you need to give up your dreams or get rid of the enemy. Yes, the enemy. If you have made the fatal mistake of being with someone who does not support your dreams, then run—don’t walk—run away. Get that person out of your life. This includes other well-meaning or antagonistic family and friends. If you have put the thought

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