BAC Segment I Portfolio

Page 23

proposal New Learning Exploring ideas in model form can be as valuable if not more valuable than making sketches. Themes (like the metaphoric path) are important and easily foregotten --- In this case, a theme was invented that adhered to the system. The process should actually work in the other direction.

Final Presentation Model - Dark Side


Garden Image

Right Side

Master's A Spring 2007 Four Weeks Jeff LeClair

Human scale is very important when communcating design ideas. Include images of people in all presentation materials. The final model images would have been more compelling with a person in them.

Inhabitable Space

Stick to a system. Do not make additions at the last minute. The use of the Ibeams to give the design realness proved to be unecessary and the U-shaped bench at then of the "path" turned out to be a distraction.

AC-16 Jason G. Boone

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