ALA Spring/Summer 2015 Newsletter

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Empower * Enrich * Educate

Volume 2 Issue 1

Change your child’s future!

Armenta Equals Success! At Armenta Learning Academy we believe all students have different learning needs and styles, therefore, we work with each student to determine educa onal programs that will make a difference in their academic career. We see students benefi"ng from our small class sizes and personal a$en on, as reflected in our students’ achievements of one to three levels in one school year.

Grounded in the belief that children are a precious gi(, Armenta Learning Academy individualizes programs of instruc on to promote good grades, peer and instructor support, concept reinforcement, goal achievement, excellent academic values, and accelera on. By reviewing and checking homework, promo ng good study skills, and combining independent and

mutual work me, our goal is to prepare your children for their en re academic careers. Our academy can provide educa onal programs for gi(ed and special needs including Dyslexic, A$en on Deficit, Asperger’s, and other special learning needs and their family’s needs.

With our student centered programs, educa onal support and a developmental, hands-on approach, our students enjoy a variety of instruc onal support and mul sensory, “across the curriculum” approach to instruc on which is designed to assist students in acquiring skills they need to cope with their language learning differences.

This suppor ve, orderly, success oriented program encourages the development of academic competence, effec ve work habits, self-discipline, and self-esteem. Armenta Learning Academy has a tradi on of encouraging crea ve and independent thinking, teaching a strong self-concept, and encouraging personal mo va on, while moving at the child’s learning pace and achieving excellence through educa on.


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