The Ecological Touchstones of Our Identity

Page 155


The main vertical spine of the pod is precast concrete as well, and acts as the central support footing. This footing is sunk into the swampy grounds, while rising up the entire 8 metre height of the pod to act as an identifiable vertical axis of orientation within a surrounding of bush. Access to the pod balances the whimsy of climbing ladders with the practicality of stairs, with ‘floating’ concrete steel stairs raising visitors up off the traditional boardwalk up the 1-2 metres necessary to enter the interior of the pod.

A further ‘layer’ to the architecture is shown as the splay of timber posts driven into the swampy grounds. These provide the support for the ‘floating’ stairway into the pod. However on this model these posts have been extruded up to provide a screen between the interior and the boardwalk space Figure 109. Architectural pod within the context of the existing Waiwiri Bush.

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