ISPAHAN Magazine 4

Page 81

Please note that all material of/from this workshop is © 2012 Ispahan.

- Flexibility © 2012 Kashka

Body: When you use your muscles, they bruise slightly. To heal them better, faster en to create muscle growth, you should do some stretching after your rehearsal (or cooling down)… Yoga for dancers is perfect for this, because Yoga stretches not only the muscles, but also the joints. It helps to prevent muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery between whatever training sessions you give it. It loosens tight muscles, which tend to trap lactic acid, the waste product that accumulates in the muscle cells during other hard training sessions apart from yoga, that you may like to partake in. Iserona has shown you some beautiful Yoga moves that will relax your muscles as well as yourself! She started this section –Oriental style- with the Egyptian Sun Greeting (see opposite page).

Mind: “After all,” say Kashdan and Rottenberg*, “a healthy person is someone who can manage themselves in the uncertain, unpredictable world around them, where novelty and change are the norm rather than the exception.” So what would “mental yoga” look like? It teaches us how to stretch our emotional muscles through Acceptance, Curiosity & Commitment. If you are experiencing negative thoughts and emotions, they signal an opportunity for you to stretch emotionally, learn (wisdom), and grow (maturity). Observe them, but don’t judge yourself for having them. Ask yourself how they are serving you or if other thoughts or emotions could serve you better. You have a number of mental or emotional states at your disposal, and your new psychologically flexible self benefits from all of them. * From:

© 2012 Kashka


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