RCFIA Annual Report 1999-2000

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“Peoples Republic of China After 50 Years” with Middlebury College roundtable panelists John D. Berninghausen, Charles A. Dana Professor of Chinese; Junh Li, Class of 2000; Ellen D. Oxfeld, Professor of Sociology/Anthropology; David A. Rosenberg, Professor of Political Science; and roundtable moderator Thomas E. Moran, Assistant Professor of Chinese (October 1, 1999)

“Massacre and Memory: Ethnic Cleansing on the Dominican-Haitian Border in 1937” by Michele Wucker, author of Why the Cocks Fight (March 9, 2000) International Students’ Organization Symposium “The ‘New World Disorder?’” - a student-organized event (March 10-11, 2000)

Sub-Saharan Africa Symposium “What Direction Will African Women Take in the New Millennium?” - a student-organized event (October 28-29, 1999)

“Go Girls, Go: Female Student Performance in the French Education System” - a lecture in English on girls’ success or lack thereof in the French education system by Christian Beaudelot, the foremost French sociologist of education (March 31, 2000)

“Overseas Internships: Presentations by Dillon Dunwalke Fellows from France, Italy, Spain, and Russia” (‘98-’99)

“The Dilemma of Power: Poland’s Solidarity Movement

International Lectures and Events David Babington, Marisa Budwick, Jennifer Carlile, Benjamin Golnick, Emily Hillenbrand, Roza Ibragimova, Noelle Kvasnosky, Ian McGuire, Lucy Roberts, Ivana Siric, Jennifer Stroud, John Tobin, Julia Topalian, Kara Tsuboi, Justin Twitchell (November 3, 1999) “The Politics of Identity in Western Europe” by Erik Bleich, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Middlebury College (November 9, 1999) “Nation or Plantation: Paradoxes of Modernization in Cuba, 1763-1844” by Eugenio Ballou, Professor of General Studies, University of Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico (November 22, 1999) “Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust” by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Assistant Professor of Government and Social Studies, Harvard University and author of Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (February 14, 2000) “Translating Christianity: Counter-Reformation Europe and the Catholic Mission in China, 1580-1770” by R. PoChia Hsia, Professor of History, New York University (February 21, 2000) “Boxers, Christians, and the Gods: the Boxer Conflict of 1900 as a Religious War” by Paul A. Cohen, Edith Stix Wasserman Professor of Asian Studies and History, Wellesley College (February 29, 2000)


in the Postcommunist Era” by Steven Stoltenberg, analyst for the Foreign Service Institute, Poland Research Analyst for the State Department (March 31, 1999) “The Facts of Life on the Hyphen” by author Gustavo Perez Firmat - organized by Alianza Latinoamericana y Caribena (ALC), a student organization (April 7, 2000) “The Transforming Power of Immigration” by Roberto Suro, Washington Post Staff Writer - organized by OLE (Organizacion Latinamericana y Espanola), a student organization (April 8, 2000) “Civil Society in Japan” by Robert Pekkanen, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Government, Harvard University (April 12, 2000) Peace Symposium “Respect and Social Action” featuring Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Professor of Education, Harvard University; and Dr. Bernard LaFayette, an authority on the strategy of nonviolent social change - a student-organized event (April 13-15, 2000) “Sects, Sex and Texts, or Who Was Afraid of Nastassia Filippovna” by Professor Aleksandr Etkind of New York University and Petersburg, Russia (April 17, 2000) “So Far From God: The United States and the Fin-deSiècle Cultural Imaginary of Spanish America” by Carlos Alonso, Professor and Chair, Department of Spanish, Emory University (April 18, 2000) “Why Good Things Go Together: Democratization, Economic Reform, and Stable Growth” by David Deese, International Studies Department Chairman, Boston College (April 19, 2000)

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