Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 7

Page 15

IBM’s strategy manager selects the best ideas, and then identified within the company executives with long experience and they are at the forefront of important divisions, with responsibility for a large team of people, to invest in new higher-risk projects within their own unit. They are then designated to build the future of the company, and the height of his careers, put his experience to work on an internal startup.

Since lauching this system in 2000, IBM has generated 25 EBOs, of which only three have not resulted, four of them (Digital Media, Life Sciences, Linux and Persuasive Computing) reached every one incomes more than one billion dollars in 2003 and 2004.

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Geovanny Romero, NPDP, is a professional with great experience in manufacturing and innovation process with a variety of companies in Latam and Europe. His main interests are focused in Productivity, New Product Development and Lean Innovation Management. You can connect with him on Twitter @geovanny_romero

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