Innovate My School: September 2012

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innovation update

Doing the flip “Flipping homework” sounds like the grumble of an errant schoolboy from the days when ankle-strap sandals were standard attire and tablets were made with slate rather than silicon.

There is also an advantage for parents: rather than trying to recall long-forgotten JEGXW XLI] GER VIJVIWL XLIMV ORS[PIHKI F] watching the teacher’s lesson videos with their children.

In fact the phrase refers to a new approach to teaching, in which the common roles of classwork and LSQI[SVO EVI ±¾MTTIH²

Of course, the approach relies on technology. Pupils without internet GSRRIGXMSRW EX LSQI GER FI KMZIR QIQSV] WXMGOW [MXL XLI PIWWSR ZMHISW FYX EPP VIUYMVI E GSQTYXIV XS [EXGL XLIQ

+IRIVEPP] E XIEGLIV ½VWX I\TPEMRW E XSTMG or concept to his pupils in a classroom lesson. For homework, the pupils do I\IVGMWIW SV [VMXI IWWE]W FEWIH SR [LEX they were taught in class. ±*PMT XIEGLMRK² XYVRW XLMW SR MXW LIEH %X home, pupils watch a video in which their teacher covers a topic. Then, in class, they apply the knowledge or skills learnt from the video. 8LI MHIE MW XLEX IEGL TYTMP GER FI XEYKLX at his own pace - pausing the video to make notes and rewinding it if necessary - and teachers can use class time to help pupils who are struggling.

*PMT XIEGLMRK LEW SXLIV PMQMXEXMSRW % teacher in front of a class can gauge the understanding and attentiveness of his TYTMPW -J LI WIRWIW XLIMV HMJ½GYPX] [MXL a concept, he can adapt his approach, WTIRHMRK PSRKIV SR E TSMRX SV I\TPEMRMRK XLMRKW HMJJIVIRXP] ,I GER TSWI UYIWXMSRW and respond to pupils’ answers in a way that helps the whole class. 8LI XIEGLIV´W EFMPMX] XS HS XLIWI XLMRKW [LMGL EVI JIEWMFPI SRP] MR E PMZI GPEWWVSSQ is essential if he is to pass on his ORS[PIHKI ERH PSZI SJ LMW WYFNIGX XS his pupils.

Yet lesson videos are surely a useful XSSP %JXIV EPP LSQI[SVO SV ±TVIT² MW 3RI FIRI½X SJ ¾MT XIEGLMRK MW XLEX [LMPI SJXIR [SVO HSRI F] TYTMPW SYXWMHI XLI encouraging pupils to use technology, it classroom to prepare for a practical reduces the chances of their copying from lesson, test or class discussion. It is as a XLI MRXIVRIX F] VIUYMVMRK XLIQ XS TVSHYGI tech-powered evolution of this mode of work in class. teaching - rather than as a revolutionary ETTVSEGL MR MXWIPJ XLEX ¾MTTMRK LSQI[SVO QE] FI QSWX IJJIGXMZI



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