Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich

Page 339



medium becomes at once an object of direct influence,” stated the letter. Despite this objection, no discernible action has been taken by the United States, and the HAARP system continues to operate. Dr. Begich warned that allowing the military-industrial complex to solely guide such mind-control research not only runs the risk of creating an Orwellian thought-controlled society but would prevent the β€œenabling enhancement of human potentials in ways only reserved in the past to mystics, religious figures, and those who sought to change people.”

I NCR E DI BLY, COM PU T E R S YS T E MS are under development today to anticipate criminal or antisocial behavior. They are designed to read human body language that might indicate potential β€œcriminal” activity and summon authorities, reminiscent of prewar Nazi plans to preempt crime and dissent. In Vienna, during September 1940, at the First Conference of the German Society for Child Psychiatry and Therapeutic Educationβ€”later changed to the German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatryβ€”Dr. Anna Leiter, a genetic researcher from Dresden, who studied three thousand youngsters for possible antisocial traits, stated, β€œWe demand that as soon as a careful and responsible analysis shows an extremely unusual lack of emotions in connection with other criminogenic reactive tendencies, we detain these children as early as possible, since they represent an unbearable burden and danger for the entire country.” Nazi educators pointed to these symptoms of β€œbad student material” that would qualify for such detention: actual and potential repeaters of lower public school grades, students recommended for special school, β€œborderline and questionable cases,” uneducable children, those with special educational difficulties, and schoolchildren whose siblings and families are or have been in special schools. It was stated that β€œgenetic and national health considerations recommend their preventative registration.” Of course, such registration led to the euthanasia centers. The trend to identify and detain potential troublemakers before they have actually committed a crime is being perpetuated today. The British

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