Jim Marrs - Rule by Secrecy - The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freema

Page 359

Human nature being what it is, mainstream scientists and theologians are circling the wagons to defend their long-cherished theories. With the same intransigence of those who once proclaimed the Earth was flat, they are determined to defend their positions to the end despite a growing body of evidence to the contrary. Such evidence is not a recent phenomenon. Many of this planet's deepest mysteries involve artifacts dating back thousands of years. They include: —A number of unusually small ancient Chinese porcelain "seals" discovered all over Ireland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a time when there was no known commerce between the Emerald Isle and China. —Mysterious life-size crystal skulls dated to at least 3,600 years ago found in South America. According to the staff of the British Museum Laboratory, the skulls give indications of being made with some sort of powered cutter. —Numerous giant stone balls found in Costa Rica in the 1930s were from, granite not found in the area, and their symmetry was so perfect as to defy explanation of who made them or how. —Throughout England, France, and Germany today stand many ancient stone forts—there are at least sixty in Scotland alone— built with large rocks which at some point were "vitrified," melted from such heat as to become fused and glassy. The beat necessary to produce such an effect—up to 1,100 degrees Celsius—ruled out the possibility that the stones were melted by conventional fires. —What for all purposes appeared to be a computer dated almost one hundred years before Jesus discovered in 1.900 off the island of Antikythera near Crete. Known as the "Antikythera Mechanism," the device contained a system of differential gears not known to have been used until the sixteenth century. —A small vessel containing a copper cylinder with an iron rod inside, discovered in an Iraqi village and dated from at least 220 years B.C., turned out to be nothing less than a battery. When alkaline grape juice was added to the strange object, it produced a half volt of electricity. —Unexplained manufactured sites such as Stonehenge and Silbury

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