Kekiongan 1970

Page 36

• J.



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The curriculum of this department has undergone a major change with respec t to previous requirements. Freshman are no longer required to take the fir st three bas ic courses in English . They may be required to take some of these courses, if their professors in other co urses feel they need to improve in th eir bas ic English . Several new courses are being added, such as literature and life, and modern drama. The English D epartment saw another improvement when th e offices were moved to C rull H all. This enabled the s tudents to receive more effe ctive help in a mo re private atmosphere.

Department head Professor M ary W eimer.

Mrs. Jeanette M eyer, lecturer.



A new addition to the college this year has been Biology and its ins tru ctor Mrs. M eyer. This course is in the process of becoming a required course for Civil and Electrical Engineering degrees.

The course emphasis for Civil's is on micro-biology and ecology; for the Electrical Engineer it is on bio-electronics. If these courses prove successful, Biology may become a new department with a full curriculum orientated toward Bio-engineering.


Professor Lo ren Yaggy .

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