Kekiongan 1964

Page 37

Vo nne M uessli ng , Loren Yagg y, Margaret Huff, Mary We imer (C ha irman ), He len Dinius , Da rrow Fox, Sha hnaz Q ureshi .

english department

mathematics department

The pri mary purpose of the English Department In o ur com p lex society, scientific progress de-

in an engineering school is to teach the eng ineering

pend s on the mathematician , the engineer and

student to express himself effectively in both speech

many other sci entists whose pri mary t ool is mathand writing. The Eng lish Department offers courses

ematics. The Department of

in composit io n, literature, and speech so that the

Mathematics offers

a we ll-ro unded co urse for the yo ung mathema-

student may become a well-ro unded perso n able to

t icia ns, as we ll as the essential mathematics f o r the

meet the chal lenges in Iif e.

eng ineering, physics and chem istry students. Do na ld Hend e rso n, 'Ha rry 1Me llin , H ugh Ha rp , 'Ro b e rt Lee per, G o rd o n C o le, Ric ha rd Sa rbe r, Ju ona Santana , Jame s Do hn e r, W aIter Bartle tt , Ch a rles Ca rr (Cha irma n) .




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