Kekiongan 1964

Page 138

research and development laboratories •

E. F. Linh o rst , Chi ef Rese arc h Engin eer.

R. D. Derm e r, Director.


C . H o ld e r, Supe rvisor.

DJr ng the past t en ; ea rs o f i ~ s opera t ion, t he

R&D set:tion ha5 been re ~ pon s i b l e f o r the desig n and de ;e opment of an exte nst ve line o f indu st ria l test eouipment. It has in a la rg e: meCJsure been re spo nsiole f o r standa rd'zation o f mag ne t v1 1re te st s t hro ug h he cons ructior o f test ~q u.p ment . Eq ui p ment concei ;ed, designee and de t 81r..Jped b 1 the labs is now considered as standard by J. E tA.A. f or magnet wi re •

es 1ng. 134


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