Kekiongan 1964

Page 119

The Inter-F-raternity Council is the judicial body which governs the standardization of the pledg ing program , and promotes cooperatio n among the fra ternities in both scholastic and social affairs. It is


composed of representatives of e ac h fra t ern ity on campu s.




Fi rst Row : Vict o r Sm ith , Frank Buzzan ca , Kenneth Plummer, Richard Hendel. Second Row : Larry Levine , Henry Bittmann , Sec retary : Ed ward Lo escher, Thoma s Fol ga , Trea surer; Ken neth Dander. Th i rd Ro w : Charlie Sheppard , Ri c hard Utz, Me l M ixner, Presi dent : W illi am Porter , Lew Bo rnma n, J o hn Burek.

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