Kekiongan 1964

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Firs t Row: Mrs. Carla Ve lat ini, Mrs . Robert Stanton , Mrs. Samue Ja'mes, Mrs . Ma nuel Med ina , Mrs. Ka rl Bur ns, Mrs. Thoma s Hnat, Mrs. Rona ld Chapman , Mrs. W ilfrid Ma il le t , Mrs. Do 'l Tc., ·r, Mrs. A lex Dav idso n, Vice- Pres iden t ; Mrs. Ma rt in C soban . Second Row : Mrs. A lex A lizo, Mrs. Carlo Blase tt i, V rs. Ke '-h A ust'n, Mrs . Lawrence Lam bert, Treas t.trer; Mrs. A e ... ·s Nl a cr a d o Mrs. Rando lf Ge rma nn , President; Mrs. Ge ne

Egge rs , Mrs . Joseph Boeh rer , Mrs . George W alker, Mrs. Leo na rd He bert , Mrs. Carl Eic hman, Mrs . Michael Giger, Mrs. Lawrenc e Drennan . Third Row : Mrs. Melv in Young, Mrs. Be njam in Dow, Adv iso r; Mrs. Ric hard G oodman, Mrs . Gary Smi th , Mrs. Bruce Browa nd, Secretary; Mrs. Gera ld Ba ss, Mrs. Ro bert He nri ks e n, Mrs. G reg o ry Ha rp, Mrs . Erland Mak i, Mrs . Marcus W hi t ma n, Mrs. Pau l Bal o gh, Mrs. David Lang .

indiana tech students' vvives club Organ ized in Ju ly 1957, the purpose of Indiana Tech St udents' W ives C lub ha s been to further soc ial act iv:ti es, acq ua intances, and fr iendsh ip among the wives of students of liT. W ives of all married stu dents of li T are e li g ible fo r membership . The clu b arra nges program s of varied types for r e members. These may range from an address on he social problem s of our time by a local autho rity

to bingo or a humoro us skit give n by members of the Cl ub. It is also the purpose of In diana Tech Stude nt s' W ives Cl ub t o co ntribute t o and wo rk fo r the good of the College wh enever possi ble. At banquets held twice a nnu a lly wives of g radu ating students are presented with thei r P.H.T. (Putting Hubby Through) degrees.

Bake Sa le in Hanser Hal l.

Mrs. Alizo, Mrs. Hodge, Mrs . Barnette, Mrs. Browand.



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