Kekiongan 1963

Page 119


Phi Kappa Lambda offers a brotherhood fraternity


for the Catholic students at Indiana Tech. Phi Kappa

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was the name selected by the membership to serve as the outward sign of an organization that endeavors to promote conduct consistent with good morals, and an active Catholic faith, creating an atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellectual progress and scholastic achievement; and also to promote principles of fraternal loyalty through brotherhood.

Front Row: Eugen e Pi tstick, C ha rles U trias, Edwa rd Loescher , J oh n Currier, Mike Shirey, Andrew Funich, J oseph Z alesk i. Second Row: R ona ld Viele Vin cent D organ, Gene R ebert, J ohn D a ly, G erald Esse nmacher, R obert Sieben.

Back Row: Charles H iltunen, R onald P ip czynski, Andy Tomko, Torn Smola rek, R a lph Griffi n, J r. , M ich ael D obbins.


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