Kekiongan 1962

Page 137


E. Murphy

C. McKim

K. Gaerte

This was the first year that track was a Mid-

new school records, and were just begin ning to look

Central Conference sport. The Tech team ha s been

real good when the season came to a close.

very weak in this sport the past few seasons. pri-

This team proved they had something more than

marily due to the lack of depth. This same problem

what their reco rd showed. When they participated

hampered the team again this year.

in the Mid -Central Conference {the final meet of

Coach Macy did receive fine performances from

the sea son). they fin is hed a very close second.

each man on the team. This year's team set seven

NAME J. Cormican H. Fager C. McKim K. Gaerte E. Murphy R. Zigler J. Winebrenner C. Johnson

EVENT High jump Relays 440 Relays 440 {Time-52.4}* 'l2 Mile (Time-2:05.3)* H i g h ju m p (6' I - 3;4 ") * High hurdles (Time-17 .I)* Low hurdles 'l 2 Mile Pole vault (I I' 3"}* Relays

Mile Relay Team: Fager, McKim, Zigler, Cormican (Time 3:44)* Half-Mile Relay Team: Cormican, McKim, Johnson, Winebrenner (Time I :37.2)* * School Record I


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