Kekiongan 1962

Page 130

















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First Row, left to right: Fe lix lt urbe , Abe l Shaverdian, C arl os Mayorca , W alter Germa in, Geo rge Theodore, Rafae l Ro bles, Richard Bake r, Wede li n Schmi dt. Second Row: Alex G a rcia ,





Bohdan C ha plynski, Jeff Dav is, Ralph Armstro ng, Va silios Zafirapou los, Don Forbes, Manouc her Monsef , Rodney Schrader, Ravel C oqueran , C oa c h Bo b Leffers.

Th e Tech socce r +~am for the past five yea rs has been gradual ly bu ild ing itself into pe rhaps one of the top Mid- West team s. Th ei r schedule now consists of some of th e top team s in the nation. Th is past sea son wa s a poor one from the won-andlost colum n. Th e Warriors had only one vict ory. but th is wa s not ind ica tive of th e brand of socce r t hey plgyed.


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