Kekiongan 1962

Page 118

The purpose of Kappa Sigma Kappa is to develop and enhance the personality of its members, +o encourage schola stic ach ievement and good cond uct, broaden outsid e interests, promote mutual unde rstandi ng and increase loyalty on the part of the fraternity brothers to Ind iana Tech. Membership in Alpha Chapter is open to all male students of In diana Tech.


First Row: Louis Third

Row : Dennis Bleser, Je rry Pursell, Reny Ca ron. Second Larry Berringe r, Lawre nce Dre iband , Phi li p Rappleyea, Trea dway, Don Sherwood , Larry Case , W illi am Shrade r. Row: Dean Roose, George Gando lfo, W il son Reilly,

Dave Ki ng , W illiam Halpen , Th omas Jones, W illiam Gregg. Fourth Row: Bo b Kos iarek, Dic k J osli n, N orbert Jakuszeski, Denn is Ge iger, Robe rt H ubentha I, Ken neth Halsapl e, Kent Rohlof.


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