Kekiongan 1960

Page 37

BERNARD J. MANNING, BSME ; Fort Wayn e, India na ; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 1); Asst. Inst. ED-23. XENOPHON MAROUDIS, BMetE ; Ashland, Ky. ; A.I.Ch.E ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; Iota Tau K a ppa; President's List ( 4); H onor Roll ( 4 ); Assistant Instructor Ch 22, ChE 2 12.

ERNEST J . MASCARELLO, BSME ; Omaha, N ebraska; S.A.E., Treasurer ; President's List ( 3).

JORGE Y. MEDOVOI, BSEE, M a th Option ; T el Aviv, Israel.

ROBERT J . MASTERSON, BSEIE; N ewburgh, New York ; President's List (3 ) .

V. F . MASULLO, BSEE ; Ossining New York ; I.T.E .A., Vice President ; Iota Tau K appa, Secretary, Treasurer ; Intra mural Softball Bowling; Presiden t's L ist (9 ); H onor R oll ( 5 ) ; Assistant Instru ctor EE 140A.



JOHN W. MUNSON, BSME ; Connersville, Indiana; S.A.E.

HAGOP NA ZARIAN, BSCE; i\leppo, Syria ; A.C.E .; Canterbury Club ; President's List (4) .

GEORGE V. MUSISCA, BSEIE ; Canton, Ohio ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon ; N ewman Club, Secretary ; Glee Club ; President's List ( 9 ) .

DARREL C. NEAL, BSAeE ; Staples, Minnesota; I.A.S. ; President's List ( 2) .

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