Kekiongan 1959

Page 90

Fi rst ro w, eft to r1ght: Dan Bednarski, Paul M el~on, Treasurer: Jim Robertson, President; Steve Neme t h, Bo b M aine . Seco nd row : Gary W illiams, M orris Dit inger, Bruce House, Bob W ageman, W arren Frank, Bil M ann, Dic k Tavano, Ji m De b ley ker, G ene H ill egas . Th ird ro w : Fred Sribni k, Tim A 路jala, Tom Ca lison, Jim Bo d ette, Guy Thompson .

The Indiana Techni cal C olle ge Weightlifti路ng and Bodybuilding C ub , which meets in the Tech gymna sium, ha s one of th e better equipped g ym s in the area. Since the clu b took new quarters in th e Spring of 1957 it ha s become one of th e leading o rganizati o ns at Tech . The directi o n of th e Ph ysic al Ed ucation st ud en t s in weight lifti ng ha s been one of the cl ubs man y activitie s. A n active prog ram has been o rganized whi ch wi ll send members int o weightlifting competition and he lp to further the name of Tech . 86

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