Kekiongan 1957

Page 67


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First Row:


BOBBIE L. LEIPOLD , B.S.El.E.; Affton, Mo.; Rifle Club ; Bowli ng Club : Amateur Radio Clu b ; P resident ' List (3) .

RO ALD J. HOFFER , B.S.iVLE .; Wau au, Wi . ; H onor Roll (3). ALBERTO H URTADO, B.S.Ch.E. ; Santiago, Chile, S.A.; A.C.S ., Chairman · Newman Club ; Honor Roll ( 1) ; Student Instructor , Chern 12, 32, 164. Gilb ert, ~1 i nn .;


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RICH ARD D. LAl\IB, B.S.C.E.; Winter set, Iowa ; A.C.E., Treas· urer ~ Iota Tau Kappa ; P resident' List (9).

WAY E C. HILDRETH , B.S.C.E.; Bridgeport, W.Va. ; P yrnmid Club ; A .C.E.; K appa Si gma Ph i: President' List.

ROBERT 11. JOH SO , B. .E.E.; Honor Roll (6).


Third Row: ARCHIE B. LOWE , B.S.C.E.; Key West, Fla .; A.C.E. ; P r e.. iden t's List ( 2).

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McCOI , B.S.M.E.; Wolco tt, Ind. S.A.E., Secr etar y.

Second Row:

HOWARD V. MAY, B.S.El.E. · Mor ganton, N.C.; Student Council ; Presiden t's List (9).

J OH N W. KORPAL, B.S.E.E.; Stevens P oint, Wis.; Student Council ; Pre ident's Li t (3); Honor Roll (1); Student Instructor, Physics Lab.

1viOHAlVIED A. MOHID, B.S.C.E.; Aruba, N.A.; A.C.E.; Phi I ota Alpha ; A.C.E.; S .A.M.E.

CHARLES J . KWACZALA , JR., B.S.M.E.; Lancaster , N.Y.· A.R .S.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, H ouse 1\llanager ; President's List ( 2) .


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