Kekiongan 1957

Page 38







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Type.. o [ R ~ea rch and De el pn1en t \Vo rk 1 erut 1natic elec tronic contr L.

forn1 d-

le t equip n1ent t o rn eet

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EM . STM. A A peci-

fications anal tical chen1i try. ele tri al con1ponent ... . fu el anal y es rnechanical on1po n nt . con1-

1 r ..... ion.


n .. ion. strain . . tre

te3tin g hi gh-h·e-

g uenc ' hea tin g . . . Lructura 1 de. . ign. n vironJnental Rl H:\ RD D. D E R i\I E R J> rof t·~ ... o r. Dire<· t o r of R esearc h and D e·\' el opme nt

t ... tin g. applied n1athem a tic . .

T e ting a n e w Voltage R egulator for motor g e net·ator.

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