Kekiongan 1956

Page 111

First Row: B . . E. E.:

Pandora .

DELBERT FREDRICK LEO AR. Gree nville, P e nnsylvatrlia; A.I.E.E., Pre~ ident' Li t (1).

B .E. E.: ecretary;

PA L Ohio.



JAM E J . LI E ER , B . . E.E.: Bu ck' and, Con· nectic ut: ice-P resid ent Fre hman la : Pre . ide n t J unior Cia ... ~ igma Phi Delta, A ... : :a nt ecre tar y; tudent Counc il; T ech nidan, Adver. ti ing 1anager .

I .,econd R ow: . TH Y L JO. B. . .E.: ~las... illon , Ohin: A. . E.: K ap pa igma Phi: Bowlin g lub ,· oftball ; Intram ura l Golf, Bask etball. EL VERT E. Iowa; A .C.E.:


B. .C.E.; ewman Clu b.


G ER fA R BIO L A, B. .~'L E.; Bogota , Colombia, outh America: Phi Iota Alpha, e retar y, H ouse ~I a n ager : \\ imm;n g T ea m Ian· ager .

Third Rozv : CHARLE A . LYLE. B. .~I.E.; Bloomsburg, P enn ylva nia: Alpha Gamma p ilon , ecretar)'. IFC R epre entative, Vice-Pre ident, Pre · iden t ; Ca well Engineerin g Dra wi ng Awatrd; tud ent In truc tor , Descriptive Geometry, En g ineer Drawing 14. , B . . El.E.: Fremont, eGEORGE A. LY bra ka; .A.R .E ., Pre ident; Pre ident's LL t ( 4) : Out tanding tudent Award, E lectronic... .


.R. .

EAL l\fcCOLLO 1, B . . I.E.; Whitehall, lll inoi..: A. .l\LE.: Bowling; Y earbook A si tan t Write-up, Assistant Editor.

Fourth Row: M cCUBBI , B .. C.E.; LaGrangeGEO R GE ville, ew York ; A. C. E.: F lyi ng Cl ub . O R NIA~

:\IcLEOF, B. . El.E.; A hevllle, ~o rth Carolin a; .Al.R .E.; Rifle Club ; Eugene Pulli a m Aw.: rd · President' Li t (5).


TH lA :\fc P EDO 1 , B. .~1.£ .: Bronx. . ew York; A . .l\1.£.: Kappa :gma Phi ; In tramural Ba ke tball; President' Li t (4).


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