Kekiongan 1956

Page 104

First Row: EDWI CLA RK , B . . El. E. ; truther , Ohi : E.E.S., Trea urer ; Stud ent ounc il ; Pre ident' Li t, H onor Roll (3). MAR VI E. CLARK , B.S.M.E.; P enn ylva nia; A .S.M .E.: S igm :t Phi fi e Club , Pre ident ; Bowl:ng Club.

learfi eld , De~ta; R i-

RI HARD CLEVELA D, B . .M.E.; Wayne, Indi a na; Pre ~ id e nt ' Lit ( 1).


econ d RoLe: LLOYD CLIMEWHAGA, B . .~I.E .: ~f ed ina . ew York; Ka~ppa igma Phi, Pl ed ge l\lla ter ; • • W a te r Polo, Intramural wtmmmg. JAME JvlARIO CLO TZ, B . . h.E.; Ta ylor vi1le, orth Carolin a: A.C . . , Trea ~ urer : hi Ep ilon Tau , Pre id ent ; tude nt Counc il ; Male Ch oru ; Intramural Softball ; tud ent lntru ctor Che rn. 21 -A, 11-A (4); Op en House Exhibit. CA RLTO CRO S.BY OE . B . . I. E.: Tol edo, Ohio : igma Phi D el ~a: .A.E.: T echnicirm. dve rtisi ng }lanager : Bow: in g T eam : f ale horus.

Third Row: E DWARD CLIFTO O~lBIE, B. . E. E.: Fox bnr , Ma ... achusetts; Elec tri cal b b. NORMAN H . CONNELL, B.S.M.E . ; C•Hiahy, Wi con in; A.S.M.E ., ecreta ry, Vice-President, Pr sid ent; President 1unior Cia s ; igma Phi Delta: Student Council (5): T echnician, A ~~ t. Ed itor , Editor ; K ekion ga F eather: Presid ent ' List (4): S tudent In tructor Ph 21 ( 1 ): Mach . Dept. Open H ouse Chai rman . J A K G. C0 1 WAY. B . .C.E.: India na poli ... , Indi ana: igma Phi Delta Trea ... urer; A.C.E . •

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Fourth Row: LEO LESTER COU I Bay, Jatrna ica, B.W.I.

, B.S ..M.E .;

And otto

W ARRE A. CO T RE. B. .Ae.E.; Be rl in , L ew Hampshire: Pre id ent' ~ Li ~ t 1) : A.R. . ecretar y. ew DAVID E. CRAVE , B .C.E.; Rave na, ecretar y ophomore Cla ... s, Pre . . ident York ; Junior Cia .. : Sigma Phi Delta, Pledge Master ; tudent Council (3); Male Choru ( 1) · Ba eball; President's List (3).


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