Kekiongan 1956

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First Row : ORMA L. BAKER, B.S.Ae.E.; Walled Lake, Michigan ; I.A .S., Chai rman ( 2), Vice Chai rman ( 2) ; A.R.S., Pre id ent ; A. A. . ; tuden t Council , Treasurer (3); Intra mural oftb all ; Pre ident's Li t (3); Flyin g Club , Secretary. HAilVI BAR-AKIVA, B.S.M.E.; Hai fa, Israel ~ A. . M.E.; Camera Club ; ations U nited Club . CHARLES RAY BATH , B.S.Ch.E .; Tip ton, Indiana; A.C.S.; A.I.C.E.; Bowling Club.

,econd R ow : \[ ARlO B. BEA RD, B . . ~L E. ~ pr ingfield , fa a hu ett ; K. E.K ., P ublic R elation Di rec tor . MARCOS BELEN, B . . lVI.E.; Central .Aguirre, Puerto Rico; Pre id ent ' ~ Li L (3). PA L DEA BELLAMY, B.S .EI. E.~ Mt. Vernon, Illinoi : A .E . . ; Camera Club, Pre ident ; K. A.R.C. , President ; Honor R oll (3).

Third Row: DA IEL W. BE OER, B.S.E .E.; F ort W ayne, Indiana; Camera Club, igma Phi Delta; Year book, Photographer . CHARLES F . BENJAMIN, B.S.C.E.; P alisades, Idaho; CE 102-101 (6) Student In tru ctor . FRA CIS JAMES BERGER, B . .E.E.; B. .El. E.; P itt burgh, P enn ylvania ~ l!ale Choru (3); Iota Taru Ka p pa~ Pre :dent' Li t ( 12); Stude nt In tructor EE 110 ( 1).

Fourth Row : DE IS E . BILODEAU, B.S.C.E.; Bri tol , Connecticut ; A.C.E., Treasurer ; Sigma Phi Delta, Chap],a in ; Ca mera Club, Treasurer ; Intramural Bowling, Basketball ; Intra-Fraternity Softb all. CHARLES C. BIR , JR ., B.S.C.E. ~ Babylon , ew York ; A .C.E.; President's List (3). J OH BLAKLEY, B.S.Ae.E. ; Butler , P ennsylvania; I.A.S. ; Flying Club ; K appa Sigma K appa, Treasurer ; Intramural Softball, Ba ketball ; Interfraternity Softb all.


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