Kekiongan 1955

Page 59


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The student affiliate, Fort Wayne Sec+ion , AI EE, for Tech students who are members of the Electrical or Radio Departments are eligible for membership. A. I. E. E. sponsored Blood Donor program at Tech.

First Row , seated left to right : Water loo Sakakura , J . S. Ma iz, A. Hradsky, J . L. Perez, H . Guzek. Second Row : C . H . DeFord , Ted Hark ins , John W . Bo lam, Nick A . Birb ilis , Dwight W . Hunter, Ed ward .1. Slaga , T. E. Schrock. Third Row : Geor<Je E. My a rs , Keith Wm . Thompson , Robert B. Stockton , Frank R. "frahan , Joe Marks, Bruce Barcl ay, Fernand Gagnon , Lloyd H . Pope . Fourth Row: Gera ld E. Bla c kwel , James W inters , Lyle J . Edlin , William G . Densford , Ha rold E. Lee , Golin M. Holme-Shaw , David A . Ste venson


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