Kekiongan 1953

Page 50





Esse nt ia l fo r a backgro un d of e ngi nee r-

indu stria l management , applied mechan-

in q are the Gene ral Subjects . Incl ude d in

ics , a nd strength of materia s. Mr. Clyde

this g ro up are mathematics, Engli sh, ph ys-

Me lton head s the G eneral Subjects De-

ics , law , economics, industrial re lat io ns,

pa rtm ent an d al so acts a s Associate Dean.

To p le ft to right : Assoc ia t e Dean C lyde Mel ton , Hea d of Gen eral Subj e cts, Cha rl es Carr , Dr. Young , W ayne Shepherd son , Edwin Graha m, Fred Cron inge r, Ga rven Wri ght , James Dumas , Miss Mar y Wei mer , Miss He len Riordan , Miss Sa ra Sterling , Robt . Ma rshall , J o hn Jundt , J o hn Wh itn e y, Leo nar d Ette r, Howa rd Macklin . •


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