Kekiongan 1953

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CLARENCE G. GERBITZ, B.5.R.E.; Juneau, Wi s. ; S.A.R.E.; Pre sident 's Li st (3) . SUKUMAR GH ORAY, B.S.M .E. ; Tam lu k, Midnapo re, Bengal, India . HILBURN J. HAMLIN , B.S R.E.· Ame lia, Ohio; Secretary-Treasu rer, Freshma n Class; Busine ss Manag er, Sigma Phi Delta; Honor Roll, I erm; Pres ident' s Li st (3); In structo r, Ph ysics B, I term, Physi cs 31A and II A, 2 terms. SIDNEY B. HARGREAVES , JR ., B.S .R .E.; Wa ycross , Ga. ; Presi dent' s Li st (2). MELVIN A. HENSLEIGH , B.S.E.E. ; Shosh o ni, W yo .; A.I.E.E .; ," Ipha Gamma Upsilon.

ORVAL ANTHONY HERMAN , B.S. R.E .· Ha mp ton, Iowa: Pre_ ident, Vi ce-Presi dent, C o rre spo nding Sec r,,>l ary, S.A.R. E.: Kap . pa Sigma Phi· Treasurer, Flying Club: Secretary, St udent C ouncil; Presid e nt' s Lis t ( I ); Open House Proje ct. HARRY L. IDE , JR. , B.S.E.E.: Springfield, Ma ss .; G ol f. WA LTER J . JEZOWSKI , B.s.Ch.E.· Rome, N. Y. ; Sgt. at Arm s, X.E.T. ; Secretary, P'e si dent , A.C.S. ; Sec retary, Kappa Sigma y"PP'" Student Council Sporh Editor, Te ch nici an ; Glee Club; Intramura l Basket bal l and Soft ball; Pullia m Awa rd ; Ho nor Ro, ; 4 )' Chem'strl Lab. Assis tant, 2 terms; Class Pre si dent, Freshman and So ph o mo rE> Classes: Secretary-Trea su rer, J un io r CI"ss. ALVARO JIRAU , B.S.C.E. ; Los Angelo s, Puerto Ri co; Pre sid ent and Vice-P re si dent, Phi Iota Alpha . ROBERT H. JOOST, B.S.M.E.· Long Island, N. Y.; Secretary, Bowl in g Cl ub; Bow ling Repo rter; Ho no r Ro ll ( I ) ; Pre sident 's L' t (2) .



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