Conace și pensiuni din România

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CONACE & PENSIUNI din Rom책nia GUESTHOUSES from Romania

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|ntre gazd` [i hotel l Between Host and Hotel 01 l Conacul Apafi l Apafi Manor

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02 l Case \n Cop[a Mare l Guesthouses in Cop[a Mare


03 l Castelul Haller l Haller Castle


04 l Valea Verde l The Green Valley


05 l Viscri 125 l Viscri 125


06 l Case \n Miclo[oara l Guesthouses in Miclo[oara


07 l Case \n Valea Z`lanului l Guesthouses in Valea Z`lanului


08 l Cas` de vacan]` \n Z`bala l Guesthouse in Z`bala


09 l Case tradi]ionale \n Breb l Traditional Houses in Breb


10 l Conacul Polizu l Polizu Manor


11 l Deltarium Aegis l Deltarium Aegis


12 l 5 Chirpici l “5 Chirpici”


13 l Enisala Safari Village l Enisala Safari Village


14 l Conacul dintre vii l The Vineyard Manor


15 l Hanul Balaban l Inn on Balaban


16 l Villa Poem Boem l Poem Boem Villa


17 l Atra Doftana l Atra Doftana


18 l Conacul lui Mald`r l Mald`r’s Manor


19 l Pensiunea Larix l Larix Guesthouse


Sumar l Conace [i pensiuni din România l igloo best l 04_05

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|ntre gazd` [i hotel Between Host and Hotel Primul lucru pe care ar trebui s`-l spun aici ar fi dificultatea alegerii titlului acestei ultime apari]ii a colec]iei igloobest. În carte trebuia s` fie vorba despre acele destina]ii turistice de dimensiuni [i capacit`]i mici, preferate de o mare parte dintre c`l`torii pe drumurile na]ionale. Cum îns` small accomodations nu e în român`, chalets nu are corespondent acoperitor, iar de relais & chateaux nu putea fi vorba, ne-am refugiat pân` la urm` în termenul uzual de pensiuni [i ne-am obi[nuit treptat cu lipsa lui de sex appeal. I-am ad`ugat apoi [i conace, la inspirata sugestie a unor proprietari [i pentru a înnobila pu]in sensul c`zut al pensiunii în accep]iunea actual`. Sunt probabil cuvintele care acoper` cel mai bine programul [i obiectivele pe care vi le propunem aici, anume acele mici dezvolt`ri turistice, situate, ca dimensiuni, între gazd` [i hotelul de multe camere. Adic` nici prea mare, nici prea mic, nici cu totul lipsit de intimitate, nici lipsit de confortul turismului de calitate. Poate c` tocmai aceast` pozi]ionare face programul atât de interesant, nu doar pentru cei care îl frecventeaz`, ci [i pentru cei care îl de]in, dar [i, bineîn]eles, pentru arhitec]ii pu[i la munc` s`-l deseneze. Prezent`m aici o selec]ie de 19 pensiuni deosebite realizate în ultimii ani în România, acoperind o varietate stilistic` [i de abord`ri demn` de o na]iune civilizat`. Ve]i, prin urmare, g`si atât construc]ii noi, cu expresie explicit contemporan`, dar [i restaur`ri sau transform`ri de construc]ii vechi, precum [i hibrizi moderno-tradi]ionali care încearc` s` împace lumi aflate înc` în conflict. Oricât de diferite îns`, le une[te calitatea arhitectural` [i, ca un corolar, confortul [ederii, care de cele mai multe ori nu este cu nimic mai prejos de cel oferit de lan]urile hoteliere de multe stele. Prin urmare, cartea nu trebuie luat` doar ca un mic tratat de arhitectur` turistic` în imagini, ci [i ca un ghid c`tre cele mai interesante locuri de popas din ]ar`. Tocmai de aceea am [i încercat s` acoperim pe cât posibil tot teritoriul.

The first thing I should mention here is the difficulty of choosing the title of this latest issue in the igloobest series. The book was supposed to cover the type of small – in both size and capacity – type of tourist destinations preferred by a large part of those who travel the roads of Romania. However, since in the Romanian language there is no equivalent for the designation small accommodations, no proper correspondent for chalets, and relais & chateaux was out of the question, we took refuge in the common designation guesthouses, and we eventually came to terms with its lack of “sex appeal”. Later, we added manors as well, at the inspired suggestion of several owners, in order to slightly elevate the somewhat downfallen current image of guesthouses. This is, perhaps, the designation that best covers the type of programme and projects that we propose here, namely small tourist accommodations, located, size-wise, between a host and a multi-room hotel. That is to say, not too large, nor too small, not completely devoid of privacy, nor of the comfort of quality tourism. Perhaps it is precisely this positioning that makes this type of projects so interesting to those who frequent them and to those who own them, as well as – naturally – to the architects whose job it is to design them. We have featured here a selection of 19 outstanding guesthouses built in Romania during the last few years, covering a variety of styles and approaches worthy of a civilised nation. You will therefore find new, explicitly contemporary buildings, restorations and transformations of old buildings, as well as modern-traditional hybrids that attempt to bring together two worlds, which are still in conflict. However, in spite of their differences, they are united by the quality of their architecture, and, as a sort of corollary, the comfort they provide, which often places them on the same level as high-star hotel chains. Therefore, this book is not just an illustrated small treaty on tourist accommodation architecture, but also


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F`r` s` fac specula]ii legate de dezvoltarea turistic` na]ional` prin intermediul unor astfel de obiective, trebuie spus totu[i c` unele s-au bucurat de programe de finan]are europene, ceea ce le-a permis s` ias` din cronica lips` de bani a arhitecturii na]ionale. Nu pu]ine dintre subiectele aici prezentate au fost f`cute – m`car în parte – cu fonduri europene, ceea ce a impus [i un plus de profesionalizare a actului de a proiecta [i construi. C`ci, dup` cum ve]i vedea, de nu a]i tras deja cu ochiul, nu avem defel a face cu încropeli f`cute de nea Gigi dup` propria lui pricepere româneasc`, ci cu proiecte coerente, serioase, frumoase. Care, implicit, sunt [i economic vorbind, de succes. A[a c` nu pot decât s` sper c` aceast` carte ar putea deveni un soi de îndreptar pentru cei care inten]ioneaz` s` se apuce de a[a ceva pe viitor, în care s` poat` g`si idei, modele sau arhitec]i cu experien]`. În final, dar nu în ultimul rând (ce-mi place expresia asta gata f`cut`, pentru lene[i!), a[ vrea s` punctez [i mica schimbare de format a colec]iei igloobest. Dup` câ]iva ani de la prima apari]ie [i câteva (vreo 12) c`r]i în colec]ie, am realizat [i noi c` best înseamn` le meilleur. A[a c` ne-am hot`rât întru ilustrarea superlativului nu numai în selec]ia subiectelor c`r]ii, ci [i în forma fizic` a acestora. F`r` a modifica dimensiunile, pentru p`strarea coeren]ei de raft – asta e o no]iune pe care bibilofilii o în]eleg f`r` doar [i poate – [i nici pre]ul, pentru p`strarea [anselor de vânzare, am c`utat s` ad`ug`m un plus de clas` volumelor prin cartonarea copertelor [i câteva mici artificii de grafic`. Sper`m ca schimbarea s` ajute lectura [i, odat` cu ea, desigur, pe mama noastr`, arhitectura. Autohton`. BRUNO ANDRE{OIU

a guide to the most interesting stops along the country’s roads. This is precisely why we have attempted to cover, as much as possible, the entire Romanian territory. Without speculating on the development of national tourism through such landmarks, we have to mention that some of the projects in this book have benefited from European funding programmes, which has allowed them to elude the chronic lack of money that Romanian architecture is suffering from. In fact, quite a few of these projects have been at least partly built using European funding, which has required a higher level of professionalism in the act of designing and building. For, as you will soon see, if you haven’t yet stolen a glance, these are far from the sloppy things put together by the typical Romanian builder. They are coherent, serious, beautiful projects. Implicitly, they are also economically successful. Therefore, I can only hope that this book will become a reference of sorts to those who intend to take on similar projects in the future and that within its pages they will come across ideas, models and experienced architects. Last, but not least (how I love this ready-made expression, used by lazy people!), I would like to point out the small change in the format of the igloobest series. A few years from the first issue, when the series counted around 12 books, we finally realised that best means le meilleur. And so, we set out to promote excellence not just in the selection of the projects, but also in the physical appearance of the books. Without altering the dimension, in order to maintain the coherence of the shelf – this being a notion that bibliophiles will undoubtedly sympathise with –, nor the price, in order not to diminish the number of sales, we have sought to add a little extra something by using a hardcover and a few graphic tricks. We hope that this change will make reading the book easier, thus benefiting Our Lady Architecture. That is, local architecture.

Prefa]` l Conace [i pensiuni din România l igloo best l 06_07

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Conacul Apafi l Conace [i pensiuni din România l igloo best l 08_17

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Conacul Apafi Apafi Manor Deasupra micului sat M`lâncrav, chiar lâng` biserica evanghelic` fortificat` ce p`streaz` o frumoas` pictur` mural` gotic`, conacul Apafi \[i prime[te din 2007 oaspe]ii \n camerele exemplar restaurate, devenind un model de valorificare [i protejare a patrimoniului local. Meritul acestei ini]iative \i revine Funda]iei Mihai Eminescu Trust care, \n 2000, cu sprijinul comunit`]ii locale, a preluat cl`direa aflat` \ntr-o stare avansat` de degradare (dup` ce fusese na]ionalizat` \n timpul comunismului) [i a demarat un amplu proces de recuperare, implicând speciali[ti din mai multe domenii. Dup` descoperirea \n arhivele statului ungar a unor inventare am`nun]ite \n care erau marcate modific`rile aduse domeniului din M`lâncrav \ntre anii 1679 [i 1778, arhitectul german Jan Hulsemann [i antreprenorii Fritz Klutsch [i Ernst Linzing (care a coordonat echipa de me[teri locali) au readus conacul la forma ini]ial` din secolul al XVIII-lea, apelând la tehnici [i materiale tradi]ionale. Odat` \ncheiat` partea de arhitectur` [i finisaje, designerul britanic David Mlinaric s-a ocupat de amenajarea interioarelor, \n acela[i spirit: majoritatea obiectelor din camerele conacului – ]es`turi, dantele, mobilier [i feronerie – sunt de provenien]` local`, unele chiar piese originale ale conacului, g`site prin satele din \mprejurimi. Cele cinci camere de mari dimensiuni, cu baie proprie, dar [i buc`t`ria \mbin` cu o elegan]` des`vâr[it` mobilierul tradi]ional cu cel stil, \ntr-o cromatic` blând`, natural`. Spa]iul central al conacului r`mâne \ns` biblioteca, unde dou` artiste din Anglia au repictat friza decorativ` [i care a fost amenajat` cu piese de mobilier, c`r]i [i tablouri ce provin \n marea lor majoritate din dona]iile doamnei Ilinca Bossy. PROIECT / PROJECT

Funda]ia Mihai Eminescu Trust

Above the small village of M`lâncrav, right next to the stronghold Evangelical church with beautiful Gothic murals, the Apafi Manor has, since 2007, been receiving guests in its exemplarily restored rooms, becoming a standard for the recovery and protection of local heritage architecture. This is due to the wonderful initiative of the Mihai Eminescu Trust which, in 2000, with the help of the local community, took over the decayed building, previously owned by the state during the Communist period, and started an ample process of recovery, involving experts from many fields. After discovering, in the archives of the Hungarian state, several detailed inventories that marked the changes brought to the M`lâncrav estate between 1679 and 1778, German architect Jan Hulsemann and contractors Fritz Klutsch [i Ernst Linzing (who coordinated the local craftsmen team) brought the manor back to its original 18th century aspect, using traditional techniques and materials. Once the architecture and finishes were restored, British designer David Mlinaric was in charge of the interior design, respecting the same spirit: most of the objects inside the rooms of the manor – weave work, lace work, furniture pieces and ironware – are of local provenience, either originally found inside the manor, or brought from the nearby villages. The five generous rooms, each with its own bathroom, as well as the kitchen, elegantly combine traditional furniture pieces with more modern ones, using a soft, natural colour scheme. Nevertheless, the library remains the central space of the manor. Here, the decorative frieze was re-painted by two British artists and the interior design includes furniture pieces, books and paintings, most of them donated by Mrs. Ilinca Bossy.

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Case \n Cop[a Mare l Conace [i pensiuni din România l igloo best l 18_29

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Case \n Cop[a Mare Guesthouses in Cop[a Mare |nc` din 2005, so]ii Bassetti au demarat un amplu proiect de recuperare [i valorizare a arhitecturii tradi]ionale din Cop[a Mare, p`strând un spirit de autenticitate \n dezvoltarea turismului: toate interven]iile au pornit de la sfaturile unor arhitec]i specializa]i pe zona saxon` [i de la cele ale b`trânilor locului, care \nc` st`pâneau detaliile decorului tradi]ional. Câteva construc]ii grav afectate de trecerea timpului au fost deja transformate \n fermec`toare case de vacan]`, iar altele se afl` în plin proces de restaurare [i urmeaz` s` primeasc` aceea[i destina]ie. Pentru o cât mai eficient` utilizare a spa]iului, anexele fiec`rei gospod`rii au primit noi func]iuni: grajdurile, [oproanele, buc`t`riile de var` [i podurile sunt utilizate acum ca dormitoare, saloane confortabile sau spa]ii comune. Toate elementele originale precum tâmpl`ria ferestrelor [i a u[ilor sau pardoseala [i tavanele din lemn au fost p`strate \n deplin respect fa]` de istoria cl`dirilor. |n completare, o serie de finisaje [i obiecte \ndelung c`utate contribuie cu succes la atmosfera tipic transilv`nean`: c`r`mizi paviment din Sighi[oara, sobe de teracot` din Media[ [i mobilier tradi]ional adunat din Rupea, Râ[nov, Predeal [i Cop[a Mare. Detaliile din lemn au fost l`sate la vedere, iar elementele decorative sunt \n majoritate artizanale, din materiale brute, nefinisate. Cele patru gospod`rii tradi]ionale s`se[ti transformate pân` acum – Casa Alb`, Casa Ro[ie, Casa Galben` [i Casa Verde – r`spund nevoilor contemporane de confort, p`strând totodat` o imagine de ansamblu tipic rural`, ce invit` la odihn` [i relaxare, departe de agita]ia urban`. PROIECT / PROJECT

Giovanna [i Paolo Bassetti, arh. Laura Iordache

In 2005, the Bassetti spouses began a complex project for the recovery and valorisation of Cop[a Mare’s traditional architecture, maintaining a feeling of authenticity all throughout this tourist development endeavour. The interventions were based on the advice offered by architects specialising in Saxon architecture and by the elders of the place, still wellversed in the details of traditional decor. A few of the buildings severely affected by the passage of time were already transformed in charming guesthouses, while others are currently being renovated in order to fulfil the same function. In order for the layout to be as efficient as possible, the annexes of each household were assigned new functions: the stables, barns, summer kitchens and attics are now used as bedrooms, comfortable parlours or communal spaces. All of the original elements, including the windows’ and doors’ carpentry, floorboards and wooden ceiling were kept as a sign of respect to the buildings’ history. They were complemented through the introduction of several finishes and carefully selected objects, all of which successfully contribute to the typical Transylvanian atmosphere: paving bricks from Sighi[oara, terracotta stoves from Media[ and traditional furniture from Rupea, Râ[nov, Predeal and Cop[a Mare. The wooden details were left exposed, and the decorative elements were mostly handcrafted from raw, unfinished materials. The four traditional German households reconverted until now – the White House, the Red House, the Yellow House and the Green House – correspond to contemporary comfort standards, at the same time maintaining a typically rural overall image and inviting visitors to rest and relax, away from the bustle of the city.

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Castelul Haller l Conace [i pensiuni din România l igloo best l 30_37

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Castelul Haller Haller Castle În apropiere de Târgu Mure[, pe drumul ce duce c`tre Ludu[, în comuna Ogra, un castel construit la începutul secolului al XVII-lea a ren`scut din propria ruin`, pornind de la exemple occidentale de recuperare [i refunc]ionalizare a patrimoniului. Interven]ii minimale, men]inerea conceptului structural, conservarea elementelor originare, folosirea unor metode de interven]ie [i de execu]ie tradi]ionale, specifice perioadei în care a fost construit` cl`direa, sunt doar câteva dintre principiile care au stat la baza lucr`rilor de restaurare. În ceea ce prive[te materialele utilizate, se remarc` op]iunea pentru cele tradi]ionale: mortar pe baz` de var, învelitoare cu ]igl` solzi [i pardoseli din c`r`mid`. Compartimentarea ini]ial` s-a p`strat aproape în întregime, excep]ie f`când doar buc`t`ria care trebuia s` r`spund` standardelor europene actuale. Cele 15 camere pentru cazare, dotate cu b`i, crama [i restaurantul generos re-creeaz` cu succes atmosfera de odinioar`, o atmosfer` pentru care proprietarii au întreprins o riguroas` activitate de cercetare: au vizitat castele, s-au consultat cu speciali[ti [i s-au inspirat dintr-o bogat` documenta]ie fotografic`. |n procesul de amenajare, elementele decorative au fost restaurate cu mare grij`, mobilierul din lemn masiv a fost realizat la comand`, iar \n completarea acestuia vine o colec]ie de obiecte vechi, oferit` noilor proprietari de c`tre mo[tenitorii de drept. Pensiunea din Ogra este un loc în care noul [i vechiul se îmbin` armonios, pentru a oferi turi[tilor experien]a unui castel autentic, dar cu confortul lumii contemporane. PROIECT / PROJECT

arh. Geza Keresztes

Near Târgu Mure[, on the road that leads to Ludu[, in the village of Ogra, a castle built in the early 17th century was reborn of its own ruins. The owners and architects took their inspiration from several Western examples of recovery and re-functionalisation of heritage buildings. The recovery works relied on several minimal interventions, as well as the maintenance of the structural concept, the conservation of the original elements and the use of traditional methods of intervention and execution, typical of the age when the castle was built. The materials used were mostly traditional ones: lime-based mortar, scale shingles for the roof and brick paving. The original layout was kept almost entirely, with the exception of the kitchen, which had to correspond to the current European standards. The 15 accommodation units with their adjoining bathrooms, the wine cellar and the generous restaurant successfully recreate the feel of a bygone age. This is the result of a rigorous research conducted by the owners, who visited many castles, sought advice from experts and took inspiration from many historical photographs. During the redesign process, the decorative elements were carefully reconditioned and the custom-made sturdy wood furniture was complimented by a collection of antique objects given to the new owners by the rightful heirs. Thus, the guesthouse in Ogra is a place where the old and the new come together harmoniously, in order to offer tourists the full experience of an authentic castle, with all the comfort of the contemporary world.

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Case \n Valea Z`lanului l Conace [i pensiuni din România l igloo best l 64_73

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Case \n Valea Z`lanului Valea Z`lanului Guesthouses Alte]a Sa Regal` Prin]ul Charles al Marii Britanii a achizi]ionat în 2008 o proprietate în Valea Z`lanului, o a[ezare izolat` în p`durile Covasnei, care ad`postea dou` gospod`rii aflate într-o stare avansat` de degradare. Tema de proiectare prevedea reabilitarea gospod`riei [i conversia acesteia într-o cas` de oaspe]i, f`r` a altera specificul ansamblului [i al cl`dirilor. Singurul obiect asupra c`ruia s-a intervenit în mod considerabil a fost grajdul care, prin noua func]iune – zon` de living, dining [i buc`t`rie – a cerut modific`ri ale planimetriei [i crearea de noi goluri. Majoritatea materialelor utilizate sunt de provenien]` local`: ]igla [i c`r`mida f`cute manual provin din B`]ani, pl`cile ceramice din Sighi[oara (Siceram), varul bulg`ri din Vârghi[ (produs de c`tre localnici în mod tradi]ional în „c`meni]e” boltite), lutul, nisipul, b`legarul, paiele [i pleava au fost achizi]ionate din sat sau din cele vecine, iar o parte din lemnul necesar repara]iilor, precum [i unele elemente arhitecturale (u[i, ferestre, trepte, podele) au fost „reciclate” din construc]ii aflate într-o stare avansat` de degradare, care nu mai puteau fi salvate. Rezultatul final se datoreaz` în mare parte priceperii echipei me[terilor de la Count Kálnoky Estate [i, nu în ultimul rând, familiei Kálnoky, care a coordonat proiectul [i s-a ocupat de tot ceea ce ]ine de decora]iuni interioare, asigurând satisfacerea cerin]elor beneficiarului [i creând spa]ii cu o atmosfer` minunat`, caracterizat` de armonie, farmec rural, dar [i confort. PROIECT / PROJECT

Context Architecture, arhitect/architect: Silvia Demeter-Lowe

In 2008, His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Wales bought an estate in Valea Z`lanului, a secluded village in the forests of Covasna, which contained two households in an advanced state of decay. The design theme involved the rehabilitation of the household and its conversion into a guesthouse, without altering the distinctive aspect of the ensemble and the buildings. The only element that was considerably intervened upon was the stable, which, through its new function – living, dining and kitchen area –, required alterations in the layout and the insertion of windows. Most of the materials used for the project were locally sourced: the handmade shingles and bricks came from B`]ani, the ceramic panels, from Sighi[oara (Siceram) and the lime, from Vârghi[ (produced by the locals using a traditional technique). The clay, sand, cow chips, straws and chaff were bought from Valea Z`lanului and neighbouring villages, while part of the wood needed for the repairs, as well as several architectural elements (doors, windows, stairs, floors) were „recycled” from decayed nearby buildings that could no longer be recovered. The final result is mainly owed to the skill of the team of craftsmen from Count Kálnoky Estate, and also to the Kálnoky family, who supervised the project and took care of all aspects regarding the interior decoration, thus ensuring that the client’s needs were being met and creating spaces with a wonderful feel, full of harmony, rural charm and comfort.

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Conacul Apafi Adres`: M`l책ncrav, Jud. Sibiu Tel: +40 265 506 024 E-mail:

Case \n Cop[a Mare Adres`: Strada Principal` 154, Cop[a Mare, Biertan, Jud. Sibiu Tel: +40 746 046 200, +40 731 434 686, +40 728 371 762 E-mail:

Case \n Miclo[oara Adres`: Miclo[oara 186, Jud. Covasna Tel: +40 742 202 586 E-mail:

Case \n Valea Z`lanului Adres`: Valea Z`lanului 1-2, Jud. Covasna Tel: +40 742 202 586 E-mail:

Castelul Haller Adres`: Ogra 466, Jud. Mure[ Tel: +40 265 458 137, +40 747 049 817, +40 747 049 819 E-mail:

Cas` de vacan]` \n Z`bala Adres`: Z`bala, jud. Covasna Tel: +40 724 003 658, +40 720 069 816 E-mail:

Valea Verde Adres`: Strada Principal` 119, Cund, Bahnea, Jud. Mure[ Tel: +40 265 714 399 E-mail:

Case tradi]ionale \n Breb Adres`: Breb 349, Jud. Maramure[ Tel: +40 262 374 632 E-mail:,

Viscri 125 Adres`: Viscri 125, Jud. Bra[ov Tel: +40 723 579 489 E-mail:

Conacul Polizu Adres`: Sat Maxut, Comuna Deleni, Jud. Ia[i Tel: +40 741 047 017 E-mail:

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Deltarium Aegis Adres`: Str. I-a 96, Sf책ntu Gheorghe, Jud. Tulcea Tel: +40 723 601 297 E-mail:

Villa Poem Boem Adres`: Str. Cump`tu 22, Sinaia, Jud. Prahova Tel: +40 723 347 103, +40 722 687 936 E-mail:

5 Chirpici Adres`: Str. Apicultorului 7, Comuna Murighiol, Jud. Tulcea Tel: +40 731 222 256, +40 731 555 595 E-mail: rezerv`

Atra Doftana Adres`: Fund`tura Cerbului (Str. Lacului) 780B, sat Te[ila, Comuna Valea Doftanei, Jud. Prahova Tel: +40 735 020 110 E-mail:

Enisala Safari Village Adres`: Enisala 98, Jud. Tulcea Tel: +40 722 300 200 E-mail:

Conacul lui Mald`r Adres`: M`ld`re[ti, Jud. V창lcea Tel: +40 744 394 362, +40 744 643 303 E-mail:

Conacul dintre vii Adres`: Str. Valea Bobului (Filitis) 18, Urla]i, Jud. Prahova Tel: +40 212 125 262 E-mail:

Pensiunea Larix Adres`: Sat Subpiatr`, Comuna S`lciua, Jud. Alba Tel: +40 763 819 090 E-mail:

Hanul Balaban Adres`: Bran, Jud. Bra[ov Tel: +40 722 606 138, +40 735 879 247 E-mail:

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