Sistemas Decimal y Sexagesimal

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1st ESO Mathematics

IES Extremadura

DECIMAL METRIC SYSTEM AND SEXAGESIMAL SYSTEM 1) (1 pt.) Write as metres: 2hm 9 dam 21dm + 34 dam 7m 9 cm =639’19m. hm dam m dm cm 2 9 2 1 3 4 7 9 6 3 9 1 9 2) (1 pt.) The reservoir of Proserpina has a capacity of 3’4hm3. a) How many litres of water is it? It is 3’4hm3=3400 000 000 dm3=3,4001000,000l of water. b) Write using mixed units: 2315442’21m3=2hm3 315dam3 442m3 210dm3. hm3 dam3 m3 dm3 2 315 442 21 . 3) (1 pt.) Write as kilograms: 2’05 t 3’1 q 40 kg 200 g =2400’200kg. t q (mag) kg hg dag g 2 0 5 3 1 4 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 0 0 4) (1 pt.) How many dam2 are in 8 hectares? There are 8ha=80000m2 = 800dam2. 5) (2 pts.) A factory has a surface of 3’12hm2 14’6m2. How much is it missing to have 5 ha? Answer: It is 5-3’12146=1’87854 ha missing. hm2 dam2 m2 dm2 (It has 3 12 14 6 = 31214’6m2=3’12146ha of surface). 6) (1 pt.) Write using seconds: 3º 5’ 12’’=185’12’’=11112’’. 3º = 180’; 185’ = 11100’’. 7) (1 pt.) Write using mixed units: 2’31h=2h18m36s. 0’31h=18’6m, and 0’6m=36s. 8) (1 pt.) Given angles A=20º25’ 32’’ and B=30º 44’ 28’’, compute A+B=51º10’. A+B = 50º69’60’’ = 50º70’0’’ = 51º10’. 9) (1 pt.) Look at the figure:





Complete the chart Measure


180º 180º


It is adjacent to A=40º It is the same angle as B



40º 40º


It is vertically opposite to A It is the same angle as A

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