Parallax 2011, Idyllwild Arts Academy

Page 69

HOWARD Drake! Just let her have her moment. DRAKE (whispers) What is this, a mid-life crisis? She just turned forty three! HOWARD Well, this is what happens when a woman stops bleeding out of her uterus-DRAKE Dad! Ew. I get it. HOWARD Anyway, she’s taking it pretty hard. DRAKE I’ll say. (ROB, the mall Santa, returns from his potty break and sits in his chair.) LAINEY Oh, look, he’s here! Oh--oh... (LAINEY is suddenly uncomfortable when she sees ROB.) DRAKE Ugh, what is it now? LAINEY Nothing! It’s just... um... a sale! I forgot about a sale at Forever 25! (DRAKE facepalms.) DRAKE M om. Seriously!? It’s called Forever Twenty-One, and we already went there. (beat) Nothing fit you. (beat) It’s for teenagers. LUKE All right, folks, you’re up!


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